Alysandra Mendrev
Although she is half elven, Alysandra appears to be fully human with the exception of her ears having a very slight point to them. The only other giveaway to her elven heritage is the grace with which she moves.
Alysandra bears a striking resemblance to her late human mother, appearing as almost an exact copy, just younger. She has sandy blonde hair that forms into loose curls and bright blue eyes.
In the right light Alysandra's eyes glow a ghostly silver.
Alysandra bears a striking resemblance to her late human mother, appearing as almost an exact copy, just younger. She has sandy blonde hair that forms into loose curls and bright blue eyes.
In the right light Alysandra's eyes glow a ghostly silver.
Skills and Abilities
Master Herbalist - Able to identify almost all medicinal plants and use them to heal most problems a person might have.
Witchcraft - Primarily passed down to the eldest daughter of each generation and to any other female of that generation who wanted to learn it, by the women on her father's side of the family. This is her true passion and can often be seen practicing incantations, rituals, spells, and the like in her free time.
Feline Familiar - Has a calico cat named Ceres that is always by her side and with whom she can communicate telepathically. The cat often aids her in her activities.
Clairsentience - Has the knack of being able to pick up on the emotions of the people around her, especially her siblings often times being able to tell how they feeling before she even sees them.
Witchcraft - Primarily passed down to the eldest daughter of each generation and to any other female of that generation who wanted to learn it, by the women on her father's side of the family. This is her true passion and can often be seen practicing incantations, rituals, spells, and the like in her free time.
Feline Familiar - Has a calico cat named Ceres that is always by her side and with whom she can communicate telepathically. The cat often aids her in her activities.
Clairsentience - Has the knack of being able to pick up on the emotions of the people around her, especially her siblings often times being able to tell how they feeling before she even sees them.
Alysandra is kind and benevolent, going out of her way to help those in need. She adores her younger siblings, and will always do anything and everything she can to make sure that they are happy. Described by those around her as a social butterfly, Alysandra loves talking to people whether that be somebody from her family or a complete stranger.
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