"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit."


Alexandros doesn’t make it a habit to take off his helmet, so most people have never actually seen his face. When he does remove his armored helm, he is rather...unremarkable, at least by the judgment of many. He’d be easily lost in a mark crowed, had it not been for that scar on his forehead, earned through an engagement in earlier years fighting as part of the Athallian marine. The hair has since regrown and groomed, but the scar lingers across his forehead. The story behind the scar is rather telling of Alexandros as a person, and it’s worth asking if one was interested...
Skills and Abilities
Athallian Warrior- A warrior through and through, trained in the fighting arts of many weapons, utilizing everything from martial arts to sword fighting to using a massive sarissa. Athallians are trained warriors that can fight as individuals or as a cohesive unit, forming up to protect each other while simultaneously presenting a deadly wall to the enemy.
Athallian Marine- Living on a peninsula also meant the occasional skirmish on the seas against pirates. Given this, Alexandros has experience keeping himself upright on a vessel, while simultaneously spearing his foes with his weapons.
Capable Marksmen- Adept at using a bow or a sling, given experience fighting with the Athallian light infantry. Has grown to excel at the use of throwing weapons, particularly with javelins at short-medium ranges, though accuracy becomes an issue the farther away the target is
Winged Legs- Under the strict training regimes of the Athallian, Alaxandros is a fast runner and flexible acrobatic, especially by human standards. Can keep up with a trotting horse on foot, can even sprint with a full kit.
Long Distance Endurance- As a child/teenager, there exist whole days spent running from one end of the peninsula to another at full sprint. As a result of extensive conditioning, Alexandros can keep fighting with full vigor for hours more than most warriors.
Lokhagos- Elected leader of the newly minted mercenary band known as the “Bronze Eagle ”, Alexandros is liked and trusted by many in the cohort, and has experience leading small contingents of warriors. However, while capable of operating as an entire cohort, still needs experience when it comes to commanding larger formations in battle.
Astute Student- More of a hobby for a man of his standard, but Alexandros possess the ability to read and write. Often he will spend what little free time he has on reading various literature and works that he has acquired in his travels. If there is a library in the city, you can safely bet that he would be the first place the young warrior would be.
Athallian Marine- Living on a peninsula also meant the occasional skirmish on the seas against pirates. Given this, Alexandros has experience keeping himself upright on a vessel, while simultaneously spearing his foes with his weapons.
Capable Marksmen- Adept at using a bow or a sling, given experience fighting with the Athallian light infantry. Has grown to excel at the use of throwing weapons, particularly with javelins at short-medium ranges, though accuracy becomes an issue the farther away the target is
Winged Legs- Under the strict training regimes of the Athallian, Alaxandros is a fast runner and flexible acrobatic, especially by human standards. Can keep up with a trotting horse on foot, can even sprint with a full kit.
Long Distance Endurance- As a child/teenager, there exist whole days spent running from one end of the peninsula to another at full sprint. As a result of extensive conditioning, Alexandros can keep fighting with full vigor for hours more than most warriors.
Lokhagos- Elected leader of the newly minted mercenary band known as the “Bronze Eagle ”, Alexandros is liked and trusted by many in the cohort, and has experience leading small contingents of warriors. However, while capable of operating as an entire cohort, still needs experience when it comes to commanding larger formations in battle.
Astute Student- More of a hobby for a man of his standard, but Alexandros possess the ability to read and write. Often he will spend what little free time he has on reading various literature and works that he has acquired in his travels. If there is a library in the city, you can safely bet that he would be the first place the young warrior would be.
Helm of the Fearless- Another item that belonged to Herakleides, passed on to Alexandros. An enclosed helmet with a blue horse haired crest mounted on the top of the helmet. The Helm of the Fearless is said to have been worn those warriors deemed to have been among the most heroic of Athallian history. Perhaps it is true or not, but Alexandros wears this helm to carry on his adopted father’s legacy. It does present one advantage outside of protection; it’s very difficult to read Alexandros’s thoughts through that helm.
Anidiotéleia- A kopis that belonged to Herakleides, Alexandros adopted father who died fighting abroad. Alexandros often uses this sword as a primary weapon whenever he does not have access to his main polearms. Also uses this weapon as his primary survival tool.
Afosíosi- A xiphos that belonged to his Posides, Alexandros's other father. This weapon is used primarily as a sidearm. This weapon is also used in conjunction with Anidiotéleia, a combination that prioritizes speed and power over protection.
Athallian Armor- Standard Athallian armor that consists of several pieces. Notably an upper body armor consistent with a flexible yet durable material, along with metal greeves to protect the lower body.
Athallian Dory and Aspis- The dory is a 3m long wooden spear with a main spearhead on one end and an iron butt-spike on the other. This weapon is usually paired up with a round shield called an aspis, made up of a metal that lightens the shield’s weight without losing it’s durability. The aspis is often coated with a layer of anti-magic mixture that has the effect of directing magic away from its surface. Under dire circumstances, the dory can be thrown like a javelin, allowing the user to then make use of his sword to pair up with the aspis. THe aspis is often painted, usually with the symbol of an eagle's claw.
Macadanian Sarrissa and Pelte Shield- The Macadanian sarrissa(named after the region of Thelios that the weapon is crafted) is a 4-6m pike made of a resilient type of wood and a hardy metal that gives it some rather potent armor piercing capabilities. This weapon, being quite big, must be utilized with both hands. As a result, to add more protection to the wielder, they are often equipped with a smaller shield (pelta) suspended from the neck to cover the left shoulder. The sarrissa and pelte shield combo often is not used in smaller, every day engagements, as the weapon is too cumbersome to use in individual combat scenarios, thus will not see much action outside of larger battles. When used in a cohesive formation, this weapon can be used to devastating effect against opposing formations, especially against cavalry and hordes type opponents. When travelling, the sarrissa can be detached in half, allowing it to be transported with relative ease.
Javelins- A short and light spear used primarily as a throwing weapon. Can be used as a melee weapon in emergencies, but not to as great effect as standard spears.
Anidiotéleia- A kopis that belonged to Herakleides, Alexandros adopted father who died fighting abroad. Alexandros often uses this sword as a primary weapon whenever he does not have access to his main polearms. Also uses this weapon as his primary survival tool.
Afosíosi- A xiphos that belonged to his Posides, Alexandros's other father. This weapon is used primarily as a sidearm. This weapon is also used in conjunction with Anidiotéleia, a combination that prioritizes speed and power over protection.
Athallian Armor- Standard Athallian armor that consists of several pieces. Notably an upper body armor consistent with a flexible yet durable material, along with metal greeves to protect the lower body.
Athallian Dory and Aspis- The dory is a 3m long wooden spear with a main spearhead on one end and an iron butt-spike on the other. This weapon is usually paired up with a round shield called an aspis, made up of a metal that lightens the shield’s weight without losing it’s durability. The aspis is often coated with a layer of anti-magic mixture that has the effect of directing magic away from its surface. Under dire circumstances, the dory can be thrown like a javelin, allowing the user to then make use of his sword to pair up with the aspis. THe aspis is often painted, usually with the symbol of an eagle's claw.
Macadanian Sarrissa and Pelte Shield- The Macadanian sarrissa(named after the region of Thelios that the weapon is crafted) is a 4-6m pike made of a resilient type of wood and a hardy metal that gives it some rather potent armor piercing capabilities. This weapon, being quite big, must be utilized with both hands. As a result, to add more protection to the wielder, they are often equipped with a smaller shield (pelta) suspended from the neck to cover the left shoulder. The sarrissa and pelte shield combo often is not used in smaller, every day engagements, as the weapon is too cumbersome to use in individual combat scenarios, thus will not see much action outside of larger battles. When used in a cohesive formation, this weapon can be used to devastating effect against opposing formations, especially against cavalry and hordes type opponents. When travelling, the sarrissa can be detached in half, allowing it to be transported with relative ease.
Javelins- A short and light spear used primarily as a throwing weapon. Can be used as a melee weapon in emergencies, but not to as great effect as standard spears.
First impressions of Alexandros are often that of a warrior and a leader of men. Everything from the conviction in his voice to the confidence of his posture presents a man who is decisive in his action. Indeed, Alexandros speaks with those around him with the same level of professionalism and respect. Actions speak louder than words, at least in the mind of Alexandros, as action determines the level of respect one will receive. Alexandros is a rather benevolent fellow in of it himself, never one to push for undue suffering or unnecessary violence if it can be avoided. Thus Ideas of personal honor and stout principals isn’t a prerequisite to working with Alexandros, but it is the stepping stone to elevating one’s relationship above that of pure professionalism.
When in combat, one would note the way Alexandros carries himself. Always so calm and collected yet not to a point to compromise from his ferocity. Indeed, Alexandros yells and cheers to the extent of inspiring cohesiveness to those around him. Yet when you catch him in individual combat, he is eerily quiet in the motions, too focused is he on fight in front of him to speak. It is in the most desperate of times, however, where there is a sense of admirability to him. A prohapt may tell Alexandros would have amounted to nothing in his life, but he will take that information with a grace and respect, whilst maintaining the will to keep on fighting for the comrades in the line. The young man’s tenacity to keep moving while carrying those around him with him, is a trait that has earned him the title of Misthofóros Lochagos among his comrades.
Outside of combat, on the other hand, shifts surprisingly away from the thoughts of glory and combat. Often listens more than he speaks on matters outside of his professional realm, and when consulted with matters of importance(often that of emotion) Alexandros is rather thoughtful; taking the time to think on the matter before trying to respond in a meaningful manner. In fact Alexandros possesses an image sense of curiosity in anything that is not familiar to him, taking the idle time he has to observe and ponder up questions that come to mind. This includes people’s actions, wondering about the actions that people take and their justification. One of his favorite topics to debate(to the exhaustion of his comrades) is the question of morality and the perception of various people. His favorite question to ask is “why do you fight?”, “what do you stand for?”, before proceeding down that rabbit hole to wherever it leads, always so fascinated by the responses that various people in his trackers have. However such curiosity rarely gets a chance to be nurtured, so such potential perhaps may be wasted. One may say that Alexandros could have been a greater scholar, had he not strive to be a great warrior.
When in combat, one would note the way Alexandros carries himself. Always so calm and collected yet not to a point to compromise from his ferocity. Indeed, Alexandros yells and cheers to the extent of inspiring cohesiveness to those around him. Yet when you catch him in individual combat, he is eerily quiet in the motions, too focused is he on fight in front of him to speak. It is in the most desperate of times, however, where there is a sense of admirability to him. A prohapt may tell Alexandros would have amounted to nothing in his life, but he will take that information with a grace and respect, whilst maintaining the will to keep on fighting for the comrades in the line. The young man’s tenacity to keep moving while carrying those around him with him, is a trait that has earned him the title of Misthofóros Lochagos among his comrades.
Outside of combat, on the other hand, shifts surprisingly away from the thoughts of glory and combat. Often listens more than he speaks on matters outside of his professional realm, and when consulted with matters of importance(often that of emotion) Alexandros is rather thoughtful; taking the time to think on the matter before trying to respond in a meaningful manner. In fact Alexandros possesses an image sense of curiosity in anything that is not familiar to him, taking the idle time he has to observe and ponder up questions that come to mind. This includes people’s actions, wondering about the actions that people take and their justification. One of his favorite topics to debate(to the exhaustion of his comrades) is the question of morality and the perception of various people. His favorite question to ask is “why do you fight?”, “what do you stand for?”, before proceeding down that rabbit hole to wherever it leads, always so fascinated by the responses that various people in his trackers have. However such curiosity rarely gets a chance to be nurtured, so such potential perhaps may be wasted. One may say that Alexandros could have been a greater scholar, had he not strive to be a great warrior.
Biography & Lore
The Time Before
To tell the story of Alexandros is to first tell the story of those before himself. A mercenary band before the Sons of the Bronze Eagle, made of young men filled idealistic notions of adventure outside of their homeland. Among this band were two particular young men central to this story; Herakleides and Posides, one a hot headed fighter while the other more soft spoken, yet no less skilled in the art of the blade. At the beginning of their adventure, these two seemed never got along. One was too loud and rambunctious for the other, while the other was infuriatingly simple for the former. It was almost impossible to put either together in a squad or side-by-side in the line, despite both becoming aptitude warriors of the company. Yet, the fires hardship can forge the ugliest of relationships into unbreakable bonds. There was never one single instance that changed everything, but rather a series of small and big things that drew the two men together towards comradeship...at first. Fight after fight, conflict after conflict, it drew them closer and closer...awakened feelings for each other unthinkable when they first met. Their relationship would be no secret among the men of their company; if anything it was celebrated matter that the two strongest of the company were in union. And for a time, their lives seemed relatively stable...but like many stories told, an event would throw their lives into a whole new direction.
The Battle of the Sacred Cliffs was a battle between an raider warband and the Athallian mercenary group, with the Athallians contracted to defend a coastal town from the raider onslaught. The battle took place in a narrow passageway that favored the outnumbered Athallians and their hoplite formation fighting, despite being numerically outnumbered. During the battle, Herakleides was placed on the left side of the line while Posides was positioned on the right, closer to the ocean cliff. The battle commenced like many before it. The raider horde clashed with the Athallian line, and the melee began. The Athallian line held under the pressure, but the warleader of the raiders rushed forth at the Athallian’s right, smashing into the shield wall and causing the right to buckle further.
Posides on the right would move to engage the warleader in something of a single engagement, pushing the warleader back from the formation(with men filling in behind him) and attempting a killing blow. Yet the warleader was faster than one would give him credit, able to move out of the way of the Athallian before he had time to land his blow. Instead, Posides found himself engaged in something of a duel for his life, as the warleader roared for his underlings to not interfere. It was only by his skill as a warrior did Posides keep alive, as the warleader’s brutal savagery allowed him to shrug off what blows Posides could give in, while keeping the Athallian on the defensive. The fight grew so intense that at its climax, the warleader began repeatedly wailing on Posides shield, having become infuriated by his progress. Posides held his ground, but the onslaught was so savage that it sooned forced the Athallian to his knees, as he struggled to maintain his endurace. At its climax, Posides might have even been finished; his endurance was waning, his muscles screamed out in fatigue...yet even as the warleader raised his weapon for an all in strike, Posides heard his name cry out among the chaos...the voice he would recognize...Herakleides…his beloved...his now everything...
Posides closed his eyes... he could not react, his body wouldn’t allow it...this was his fate, he thought...the only reconcile was he died a warrior...and the chance to hear his beloved one more time...
But alas, it was not to be his last breath, as the gods called forth a champion to his rescue: breaking from the chaos and leaping onto the back of a raider, using the enemy as a springboard to launch himself onto the back of the warleader. The nameless Athallian’s dory had snapped during the combat, but that hadn’t deterred the warrior from using it. As he landed on the warleader’s back, he plunging the broken shaft into one of the warleader’s eye sockets. The warleader roared out in pain for the whole battlefield to hear, but the blow was far from enough to end the beast of a man’s life. Instead, the Athallian clung on for life, as the warleader flailed about, smacking into the Athallian lines before being pushed back into the raider horde, smashing into his own men with reckless abandon. It might have not killed him, but the Athalllian was maintaining a small semblance of control of the warleader’s movement. It may have been a small amount, but it was enough, as at a critical moment, the Athallian warrior heaved his body, pulling the warleader in his direction...straight off the cliff....the Eagle’s claw, the symbol of on his shield, was the last thing Posides saw of the two...as both the Athallian and the warleader disappeared off the cliff.
Suddenly, two hands were upon his shoulder, and before Posides could react, he was dragged quickly back into the line.
At this point in the battle, seeing their leader fall from the cliff quickly demoralized the previously frenzied raiders, as those in the rear broke off from the fight and fled. Seeing an opportunity, Herakleides on the left called for his flank to advance into the enemy. The shield wall pushed, and it was enough for the enemy’s right to collapse, allowing for the Athallian right flank to flank those raiders still engaged in combat. Soon, those who haven't ran found themselves being slowly surrounded by a wall of metal shields, as the Athallians began forcing the raiders off the cliffs...and into the sea below…
The day had been won...and both of the heroes were out of breath from what they had witnessed that day…
During the aftermath of the fight, the Athallian contingent searched up and down the cliff, trying to find the body of the unnamed hero, to no avail, as they assumed the seas had swallowed him during the battle. IIt was baffling, for no one of the contingent could remember...his name...for he had been previously such an unremarkable fellow in his appearance, and spoke very little, that most hadn’t even realized he had even existed. But he did, obviously, but it only took such a heroic action in battle for people to remember; the unnamed warrior had been there from the start, engaged with the life of the mercenary like the rest. It was a shameful moment for all...whomed all vow to tell his sacrifice to remember him, for if his name may not live on, his deeds will.
To this day, he has a place in Thelios on one of the monuments dedicated to the fallen...and while his name does not appear and the memorial, there is a blank spot among the rows of names...left open in commemoration...
When they returned to Thelios, they mourned their unnamed comrade. A man who threw himself against the tide to protect comrades who had no discussion previously, who didn’t even know his name. A tragedy, through and through...made worse when, the night after their return, Posides went for a stroll....
It was a calm evening when he went out, needing some fresh air and space to think after the proceedings that day. On his little excursion, Posides encountered a woman in the late stages of pregnancy returning from the market. The two would go on to have a pleasant exchange, talking about various things. In particular, she had been expecting her husband, also a fellow misthios, who promised to return before the birth of their son. Unfortunately, it was not to be. As they spoke, her water broke right then and there. Posides, despite being such a capable warrior, panicked when the women began to cry out in pain. It was said his screams echoed louder than the womens.
But the calls for help were quickly answered by those around, as people came out of their houses to see what all the commotion was, they’d realize quickly and would soon be carrying the women to her home nearby. A physician was immediately sent for and would arrive, shooing the unnecessary ones, including Posides, out of the room. Thus, he waited...for whatever reason, it was not his child...but Posides was invested in the stakes...and thus waited...allowing his eyes to wander the room...his eyes widened with horror…
When Herakleides would eventually arrive on the scene, as Posides had been gone for a good couple of hours at this point. Upon arrival, he was greeted by his beloved sitting...crying...in his hands was a...fairly plain looking baby. It was all so confusing at first for Herakleides; why was his beloved in tears?...And who’s baby was this? It took a few moments of comforting Posides before the man would point to the sky to wince Herakleides had entered...and Herakleides looked up, he realized what had caused his partner to have been so distraught.
There hung the banner of the Eagle’s claw, the very same that belonged to the nameless comrade.
The plain looking baby that Posides held was the son of that man...now dead…The mother did not fare any better, as the both of them would find out soon...she would die of birth complications...all without knowing what had happened to her husband. This baby had just unwittingly become an orphan. Worst of all, the mother hadn’t even had a chance to give him a name...a parallel not lost on the stricken Posides….
It took another hour to console Posides...something Herakleides had little experience with, and almost lost his own temper...instead, it turned into an attempt to cheer Posides up...which ended in Herakleides, in a fit of passion, declaring that they should adopt the boy. Perhaps he did not think it was as thrown as he would have liked, but he meant those words...and the tears stopped flowing...
In honor of his father, the two men decided to give him an unforgettable name; Alexandros, “Defender of Man”.
From Humble Beginnings
Alexandros grew up a rather content boy, with two fathers that loved him. Alexandros mainly grew up under his father, Posides, who had retired from the misthios and had rejoined the Thelios Town Watch as an officer. Posides spent much of his days training the young warriors of the day, which translated well when it came to training Alexandros, who started his training almost as soon as he could of walked. Herakledies also spent the early days of Alexandros childhood working with the Town Watch as well, but soon he would be offered to lead his own mercenary band and took the offer as a means to further sport his family, thus he became sparse as Alexandros grew older...but the time the two did spent is something that Alexandros still thinks.
Indeed, having two fathers from a strong warrior background placed some expectations upon Alexandros to pursue the profession. As a child, he spent much of his days training and conditioning with either parents, which was at times tough, but Alexandros knew of nothing better. In fact, it brought him pleasure to see either of his fathers proud, proud that he had gotten a new technique or having pushed his limits all the more further.
But training wasn't the only thing that consumed the young lad’s life. Indeed, free time was a liberty that his father had often offered. Much of that time was spent roaming with his friends of various backgrounds, wrestling or playing fighting the warriors of their land. One of the places that Alexandros enjoyed playing with his friends or even simply training was down by the beaches, where he’d occasionally simply watch as the vessels of various origins flowed in and out of the ports. Like many boys and girls on the island, he’d often wondered what was beyond the blue horizons or beyond the mountains of his homelands. His parents often talked about their adventures in their youth, regaled the various battles and adventures. In particular, they often talked about the battle in the scary past, talking about the heroism of Alexandros's biological father. It was never a secret for Alexandros to know he was an adopted son, and it never outwardly seemed to have affected him so...but could wonder what Alexandros thought about his real father....
One of the starker contrasts between Alexandros and the other children(children of warrior background) was his interest in strengthening the mind. Whilst Thelio’s warriors are well regarded, the peninsula is also home to some of the world’s most renowned scholars, who often would come to the amphitheaters across Thelios to lecture or debate on the various topics ranging from philosophy to morality all the way down to the sciences and strategy. Alexandras first stumbled upon this lot playing in the urban cities, but was soon enamored at their words and the bombastic ways they would carry their points. It had been nightfall when they had finished with their session, and by then Alexandros was very late for supper and given the punishment of harder training the next day. But even as he ran his twentieth lap around the district, his mind still pondered on what was said the night before. Thus he would make it a hobby to go down to the local amphitheater to listen to the various topics with great interest. Some of the scholars would even take notice, wondering what a warrior’s child was doing wondering the arena for the minds. When asked, Alexandros would give an answer that was akin to those words crafted by their own students. They must have taken a shine to the boy, as some of them even began teaching the boy how to read and write, allowing him to delve into their world further. It was said that had he not been of a family of warriors, he may have made for a good student.
Alas, his story would continue on into the youth corp, or the Skirmisher Corp; young adolescence of age drafted as almost like cadets who serve as skirmishers/light infantry, fighting under more experienced veterans as they learned the nuances of combat before being promoted to that rank of a regular warrior hoplite. Alexandros did well in the Skirmisher Corp, learning how to utilize his weapons and other duties such as scouting. Though even as he served, half his mind was back in the amphitheater and among the books, spending an increasingly dwindling amount of free time reading or writing or simply pondering much of the world.
Such a bright young man with much potential...as his body and mind developed to learn at a young age...it seemed the young lad was also strong in his heart, least that was what most assumed.
Indeed….a few times of year, Alexandros would wait at the docks, waiting for his father’s fleet to return home so he’d greet them, before going back home to a waiting Posides. It was always a happy affair when they were all back together, as a big meal would be prepared, with laughs being shared and gifts exchanged. But Herakleides lived a dangerous life, and whilst he had survived great dangers with great heroism, the dice of fate eventually rolled against him.
One day, the Herakleides fleet returned to Thelios...but he was not among their ranks. All with heavy hearts, Herakleides men had approached the waiting Alexandros with hung heads...before presenting the young lad with three things: Herakleides shield, Herakleides Sword, and finally, Herakleides helm.
Herakleides was dead...Alexandros had lost yet another father...
Perseverance of the Young
In those early days, when Herakladies death had first became known of Thelios, Posides fell into depression; often going days without eating or sleeping. The only anchor that he had in those days was his own step-son, Alexandros, who was by his side and took care of him every step of the way. But even as he cared for his father, he wouldn’t neglect his duties...showing up nearly everyday to his training and assignments, looking no different than he had days before the news reached home. Those around him nodded and paid their respects, but no one dared to ask how Alexandros felt...not knowing the repercussions if they did.
As such, no one really knew what went on in Alexandros head during this time, all everyone saw was a dutiful son taking care of his father. No one really questioned what toll it took on him...not that he seemed to rush to share. Posides eventually managed to pull himself up, again with the help of his adoptive son...and soon life entered another cycle of normalcy
Needless to say, Alexandros would grow old enough to ascend from the Youth/Skirmisher Corp, promoted to the rank of Hoplite and automatically became assigned to the Town Watch. In particular, Alexandros requested to be assigned to the coast guard branch of the Town Watch, where he would serve as a hoplite marine. As a marine, his duties ranged from serving on Athallian naval vessels to guarding ports to even conducting raids against syndicate positions along the coast. Because Thelios received much of it’s foreign visitors through ports, there was always something to do, in particular interacting with the various peoples was a way for Alexandros to gain a glimpse of the outside world. Frequent pirate incursions were also a common occurrence, which kept Alexandros abilities sharp, as the young Athallian took part in many battles to keep Thelio’s waters pirate free.
Even with another layer of added responsibility, Alexandros didn’t seem to want to neglect his interest in scholarly purist. If anything, age had pushed him to participate more in the amphitheaters, coming straight from his shift to the lectures and debates without much of a pause. An odd sight, for sure, considering he was often the only one wearing armor among those wearing scholar’s robes.
It was said that Alexandros was such an tentious student that on one occasion, after being injured(lightly) to the head in a skirmish with pirates, instead of resting, the young lad hurried to the amphitheater for an anticipated debate, arriving with blood still fresh on his armor and trying to stem his bleeding with nothing more than a piece of cloth. Upon seeing this, the debaters themselves had asked if Alexandros was okay, to which Alexandros replied that it was their words that fueled his resolve to be here, and requested for the debaters to continue.
Alexandros would sit through the entire debate, covering his bleeding with the small cloth through part of it. Luckily, a physician was present during the debate, and had insisted on treating the young Athallian on the spot. Alexandros's head was wrapped, closing his eyes to listen to the dance of words on stage.
Even with such excitement that would permeate in his daily life, the sense of stagnation would eventually set in for the young Athallian. The lad may have not shown it, but to one person it was clear. Posides knew his son well, and saw threw Alexandros even when the young Athallian insisted he was fine. There was a sense of wanderlust that had permeated the young man’s mind. Between the stories among the foreigners and the information that he had learned from the scholars, Alexandros wanted to see the world. This was only spurred on when Alexandros's friend had came to him with news of a new Athallian mercenary being sponsored, a band made up of nothing but young Athallians who sought more. Posides saw the fire burn bright in his son’s eyes, but he also saw hesitation. Alexandros didn’t want to bring potential harm to Posides, especially after what had happened to Herakleides but just a few years ago. A quiet fear of Posides, it was true...but Posides wanted his son to be happy, and that love was what overpowered the fear.
It was Posides who brought the topic up to Alexandros...and with his blessing that Alexandros ended up a part of this new band…
The Start of a New Beginning
Mercenary bands were nothing new to those of Thelios, as not all shard in the traditionalist values. The young were especially curious about the world, and to saited this curiosity, they were allowed to form into mithos bands and traverse the world in search of glory. The hope was, they would get their fill of exploration in their youth, gaining fighting experience so that they may return to serve the Town Watch better, as well as whatever treasures they acquired abroad.
This particular band catered particular to the young and would be built from the ground up. Hundreds of young men and youths would try out in a selection process in order to select the best young warriors to send abroad. Alexandros was one of many that was among the selected, but moreover, he was among the few singled out with the potential to fulfill the leadership roles of the mercenary band, given his pre-existing knowledge base of the world.
Yet the selection process was far from the end of the only thing the young men needed, as next came the training. These young Athallians were soon put through even more grueling training across Thelios, but this time as a cohesive unit. Those like Alexnadrios were given even more training on top, as well as more lessons in leadership, command/tactics, logistics, and everything else they would need to survive in the greater Arethil. These few would be what kept the misthios band together, whom their comrades would look to first, and the ones whom had to make the hardest decisions. The final trial for new misthios band would be given their first “”contract”; root out a small pirate enclave among one of the smaller islands in Thelios. On their own, the new band would plan and execute themselves with great proficiency, taking what they had learned in the past few months and deploying it against the pirates. The band would complete this “contract'' with minimal to no casualties, a proud moment for all who took part.
When they returned, they were greeted with a feast...and a new declaration; they needed to decide, on their own, a Lochagos(captain) from among their officers, as well as a name for their new band. They were sent home to ponder upon it, Alexandros included. At the time, he had no thoughts about becoming an officer, instead thinking to himself that he was content on being a mere lieutenant of sorts.
Yet when the day when they would gather and decide arrive, Alexandros committed to an act that would almost cement him as the band’s Lochagos. After the previous “contract”, Alexandro’s own helm had been damaged and was sent to the smiths for repair. Alexandros was about to depart helmless, when Posides approached him...approached him with Herakleides helm; the Helm of the Fearless, as it was known. But instead of the red horse tail of his father, the helm now flaunted blue trimmings; a gifted presented by both the scholars and marines that Alexandros had been close to.
Upon seeing him donning his helmet to the meeting, many of the young men were sent whispering to each other about the helm, taking notice of Alexandros in the process and realizing his lineage. When the votes were casted and counted, the results came out; Alexandros was overwhelmingly elected to lead this new band...which many had also voted to be dubbed: “The Sons of the Bronze Eagle”, after the Nameless soldier who sacrificed himself for one of his comrades.
It was one of the highest honors to have been bestowed on the humble Athallian, but Alexandros rose to the challenge and accepted the nominamination. With now a Lochagos and a name, the misthios band was ready to venture out into the world.
The morning before their departure, Alexandros had woken up early in anticipation, opting to take a walk around the town he had grown up in. Passing the amphitheater, he’d sit in on an extremely early lecture by some lesser known scholars, thinking about what they said...and what he’d miss about the place...and what he was excited to see. Finally, Alexandros arrived at the beach, where he spent much of his time playing and training. It was there he sat, contemplating...before Posides arrived, quietly sitting down next to his son...and gazed at him.
After a while, Posides would smile...speaking of how proud he was of how far Alexandros had come...speaking of the regrets and fears of his past life as a mithios himself...fears that Alexandros listened to...but had no words for. Posides would not stop smiling, something that would confuse Alexandros. Posides would go on to explain why; he saw much of Herakleides and himself in Alexandros, and said that he would go on to do great things. Posides might have not been able to protect Alexandros from death...but he knew that Alexandros would bring honor and pride to all those before him...something that Alaxndros brings with him still to this day….
Soon, Alexandros friends in the mithios band would find him, and called to him to join them on their way to their departure. With that, Posides stood, presenting his son with his helmet...his shield...and finally, Posides own sword. It was a surprising gift for Alexandros, who almost refused...but Posides insisted, saying that it belonged with Alexandros more than rusting with him. It would have also been a good compliment for Herakleides weapon; a blade that Alexandros had been using since his father’s death. With that, Alexandros bid his father one last goodbye, before taking to the road with his friends...eventually arriving at the docks, where Alexandros crew prepared to embark.
And so the journey for the Sons of the Bronze Eagle began, as they set sail to face whatever Arethil had waiting for them…
To tell the story of Alexandros is to first tell the story of those before himself. A mercenary band before the Sons of the Bronze Eagle, made of young men filled idealistic notions of adventure outside of their homeland. Among this band were two particular young men central to this story; Herakleides and Posides, one a hot headed fighter while the other more soft spoken, yet no less skilled in the art of the blade. At the beginning of their adventure, these two seemed never got along. One was too loud and rambunctious for the other, while the other was infuriatingly simple for the former. It was almost impossible to put either together in a squad or side-by-side in the line, despite both becoming aptitude warriors of the company. Yet, the fires hardship can forge the ugliest of relationships into unbreakable bonds. There was never one single instance that changed everything, but rather a series of small and big things that drew the two men together towards comradeship...at first. Fight after fight, conflict after conflict, it drew them closer and closer...awakened feelings for each other unthinkable when they first met. Their relationship would be no secret among the men of their company; if anything it was celebrated matter that the two strongest of the company were in union. And for a time, their lives seemed relatively stable...but like many stories told, an event would throw their lives into a whole new direction.

The Battle of the Sacred Cliffs was a battle between an raider warband and the Athallian mercenary group, with the Athallians contracted to defend a coastal town from the raider onslaught. The battle took place in a narrow passageway that favored the outnumbered Athallians and their hoplite formation fighting, despite being numerically outnumbered. During the battle, Herakleides was placed on the left side of the line while Posides was positioned on the right, closer to the ocean cliff. The battle commenced like many before it. The raider horde clashed with the Athallian line, and the melee began. The Athallian line held under the pressure, but the warleader of the raiders rushed forth at the Athallian’s right, smashing into the shield wall and causing the right to buckle further.
Posides on the right would move to engage the warleader in something of a single engagement, pushing the warleader back from the formation(with men filling in behind him) and attempting a killing blow. Yet the warleader was faster than one would give him credit, able to move out of the way of the Athallian before he had time to land his blow. Instead, Posides found himself engaged in something of a duel for his life, as the warleader roared for his underlings to not interfere. It was only by his skill as a warrior did Posides keep alive, as the warleader’s brutal savagery allowed him to shrug off what blows Posides could give in, while keeping the Athallian on the defensive. The fight grew so intense that at its climax, the warleader began repeatedly wailing on Posides shield, having become infuriated by his progress. Posides held his ground, but the onslaught was so savage that it sooned forced the Athallian to his knees, as he struggled to maintain his endurace. At its climax, Posides might have even been finished; his endurance was waning, his muscles screamed out in fatigue...yet even as the warleader raised his weapon for an all in strike, Posides heard his name cry out among the chaos...the voice he would recognize...Herakleides…his beloved...his now everything...
Posides closed his eyes... he could not react, his body wouldn’t allow it...this was his fate, he thought...the only reconcile was he died a warrior...and the chance to hear his beloved one more time...
But alas, it was not to be his last breath, as the gods called forth a champion to his rescue: breaking from the chaos and leaping onto the back of a raider, using the enemy as a springboard to launch himself onto the back of the warleader. The nameless Athallian’s dory had snapped during the combat, but that hadn’t deterred the warrior from using it. As he landed on the warleader’s back, he plunging the broken shaft into one of the warleader’s eye sockets. The warleader roared out in pain for the whole battlefield to hear, but the blow was far from enough to end the beast of a man’s life. Instead, the Athallian clung on for life, as the warleader flailed about, smacking into the Athallian lines before being pushed back into the raider horde, smashing into his own men with reckless abandon. It might have not killed him, but the Athalllian was maintaining a small semblance of control of the warleader’s movement. It may have been a small amount, but it was enough, as at a critical moment, the Athallian warrior heaved his body, pulling the warleader in his direction...straight off the cliff....the Eagle’s claw, the symbol of on his shield, was the last thing Posides saw of the two...as both the Athallian and the warleader disappeared off the cliff.
Suddenly, two hands were upon his shoulder, and before Posides could react, he was dragged quickly back into the line.
At this point in the battle, seeing their leader fall from the cliff quickly demoralized the previously frenzied raiders, as those in the rear broke off from the fight and fled. Seeing an opportunity, Herakleides on the left called for his flank to advance into the enemy. The shield wall pushed, and it was enough for the enemy’s right to collapse, allowing for the Athallian right flank to flank those raiders still engaged in combat. Soon, those who haven't ran found themselves being slowly surrounded by a wall of metal shields, as the Athallians began forcing the raiders off the cliffs...and into the sea below…
The day had been won...and both of the heroes were out of breath from what they had witnessed that day…
During the aftermath of the fight, the Athallian contingent searched up and down the cliff, trying to find the body of the unnamed hero, to no avail, as they assumed the seas had swallowed him during the battle. IIt was baffling, for no one of the contingent could remember...his name...for he had been previously such an unremarkable fellow in his appearance, and spoke very little, that most hadn’t even realized he had even existed. But he did, obviously, but it only took such a heroic action in battle for people to remember; the unnamed warrior had been there from the start, engaged with the life of the mercenary like the rest. It was a shameful moment for all...whomed all vow to tell his sacrifice to remember him, for if his name may not live on, his deeds will.
To this day, he has a place in Thelios on one of the monuments dedicated to the fallen...and while his name does not appear and the memorial, there is a blank spot among the rows of names...left open in commemoration...
When they returned to Thelios, they mourned their unnamed comrade. A man who threw himself against the tide to protect comrades who had no discussion previously, who didn’t even know his name. A tragedy, through and through...made worse when, the night after their return, Posides went for a stroll....
It was a calm evening when he went out, needing some fresh air and space to think after the proceedings that day. On his little excursion, Posides encountered a woman in the late stages of pregnancy returning from the market. The two would go on to have a pleasant exchange, talking about various things. In particular, she had been expecting her husband, also a fellow misthios, who promised to return before the birth of their son. Unfortunately, it was not to be. As they spoke, her water broke right then and there. Posides, despite being such a capable warrior, panicked when the women began to cry out in pain. It was said his screams echoed louder than the womens.
But the calls for help were quickly answered by those around, as people came out of their houses to see what all the commotion was, they’d realize quickly and would soon be carrying the women to her home nearby. A physician was immediately sent for and would arrive, shooing the unnecessary ones, including Posides, out of the room. Thus, he waited...for whatever reason, it was not his child...but Posides was invested in the stakes...and thus waited...allowing his eyes to wander the room...his eyes widened with horror…
When Herakleides would eventually arrive on the scene, as Posides had been gone for a good couple of hours at this point. Upon arrival, he was greeted by his beloved sitting...crying...in his hands was a...fairly plain looking baby. It was all so confusing at first for Herakleides; why was his beloved in tears?...And who’s baby was this? It took a few moments of comforting Posides before the man would point to the sky to wince Herakleides had entered...and Herakleides looked up, he realized what had caused his partner to have been so distraught.
There hung the banner of the Eagle’s claw, the very same that belonged to the nameless comrade.
The plain looking baby that Posides held was the son of that man...now dead…The mother did not fare any better, as the both of them would find out soon...she would die of birth complications...all without knowing what had happened to her husband. This baby had just unwittingly become an orphan. Worst of all, the mother hadn’t even had a chance to give him a name...a parallel not lost on the stricken Posides….
It took another hour to console Posides...something Herakleides had little experience with, and almost lost his own temper...instead, it turned into an attempt to cheer Posides up...which ended in Herakleides, in a fit of passion, declaring that they should adopt the boy. Perhaps he did not think it was as thrown as he would have liked, but he meant those words...and the tears stopped flowing...
In honor of his father, the two men decided to give him an unforgettable name; Alexandros, “Defender of Man”.
From Humble Beginnings
Alexandros grew up a rather content boy, with two fathers that loved him. Alexandros mainly grew up under his father, Posides, who had retired from the misthios and had rejoined the Thelios Town Watch as an officer. Posides spent much of his days training the young warriors of the day, which translated well when it came to training Alexandros, who started his training almost as soon as he could of walked. Herakledies also spent the early days of Alexandros childhood working with the Town Watch as well, but soon he would be offered to lead his own mercenary band and took the offer as a means to further sport his family, thus he became sparse as Alexandros grew older...but the time the two did spent is something that Alexandros still thinks.
Indeed, having two fathers from a strong warrior background placed some expectations upon Alexandros to pursue the profession. As a child, he spent much of his days training and conditioning with either parents, which was at times tough, but Alexandros knew of nothing better. In fact, it brought him pleasure to see either of his fathers proud, proud that he had gotten a new technique or having pushed his limits all the more further.
But training wasn't the only thing that consumed the young lad’s life. Indeed, free time was a liberty that his father had often offered. Much of that time was spent roaming with his friends of various backgrounds, wrestling or playing fighting the warriors of their land. One of the places that Alexandros enjoyed playing with his friends or even simply training was down by the beaches, where he’d occasionally simply watch as the vessels of various origins flowed in and out of the ports. Like many boys and girls on the island, he’d often wondered what was beyond the blue horizons or beyond the mountains of his homelands. His parents often talked about their adventures in their youth, regaled the various battles and adventures. In particular, they often talked about the battle in the scary past, talking about the heroism of Alexandros's biological father. It was never a secret for Alexandros to know he was an adopted son, and it never outwardly seemed to have affected him so...but could wonder what Alexandros thought about his real father....
One of the starker contrasts between Alexandros and the other children(children of warrior background) was his interest in strengthening the mind. Whilst Thelio’s warriors are well regarded, the peninsula is also home to some of the world’s most renowned scholars, who often would come to the amphitheaters across Thelios to lecture or debate on the various topics ranging from philosophy to morality all the way down to the sciences and strategy. Alexandras first stumbled upon this lot playing in the urban cities, but was soon enamored at their words and the bombastic ways they would carry their points. It had been nightfall when they had finished with their session, and by then Alexandros was very late for supper and given the punishment of harder training the next day. But even as he ran his twentieth lap around the district, his mind still pondered on what was said the night before. Thus he would make it a hobby to go down to the local amphitheater to listen to the various topics with great interest. Some of the scholars would even take notice, wondering what a warrior’s child was doing wondering the arena for the minds. When asked, Alexandros would give an answer that was akin to those words crafted by their own students. They must have taken a shine to the boy, as some of them even began teaching the boy how to read and write, allowing him to delve into their world further. It was said that had he not been of a family of warriors, he may have made for a good student.
Alas, his story would continue on into the youth corp, or the Skirmisher Corp; young adolescence of age drafted as almost like cadets who serve as skirmishers/light infantry, fighting under more experienced veterans as they learned the nuances of combat before being promoted to that rank of a regular warrior hoplite. Alexandros did well in the Skirmisher Corp, learning how to utilize his weapons and other duties such as scouting. Though even as he served, half his mind was back in the amphitheater and among the books, spending an increasingly dwindling amount of free time reading or writing or simply pondering much of the world.
Such a bright young man with much potential...as his body and mind developed to learn at a young age...it seemed the young lad was also strong in his heart, least that was what most assumed.
Indeed….a few times of year, Alexandros would wait at the docks, waiting for his father’s fleet to return home so he’d greet them, before going back home to a waiting Posides. It was always a happy affair when they were all back together, as a big meal would be prepared, with laughs being shared and gifts exchanged. But Herakleides lived a dangerous life, and whilst he had survived great dangers with great heroism, the dice of fate eventually rolled against him.
One day, the Herakleides fleet returned to Thelios...but he was not among their ranks. All with heavy hearts, Herakleides men had approached the waiting Alexandros with hung heads...before presenting the young lad with three things: Herakleides shield, Herakleides Sword, and finally, Herakleides helm.
Herakleides was dead...Alexandros had lost yet another father...
Perseverance of the Young
In those early days, when Herakladies death had first became known of Thelios, Posides fell into depression; often going days without eating or sleeping. The only anchor that he had in those days was his own step-son, Alexandros, who was by his side and took care of him every step of the way. But even as he cared for his father, he wouldn’t neglect his duties...showing up nearly everyday to his training and assignments, looking no different than he had days before the news reached home. Those around him nodded and paid their respects, but no one dared to ask how Alexandros felt...not knowing the repercussions if they did.
As such, no one really knew what went on in Alexandros head during this time, all everyone saw was a dutiful son taking care of his father. No one really questioned what toll it took on him...not that he seemed to rush to share. Posides eventually managed to pull himself up, again with the help of his adoptive son...and soon life entered another cycle of normalcy
Needless to say, Alexandros would grow old enough to ascend from the Youth/Skirmisher Corp, promoted to the rank of Hoplite and automatically became assigned to the Town Watch. In particular, Alexandros requested to be assigned to the coast guard branch of the Town Watch, where he would serve as a hoplite marine. As a marine, his duties ranged from serving on Athallian naval vessels to guarding ports to even conducting raids against syndicate positions along the coast. Because Thelios received much of it’s foreign visitors through ports, there was always something to do, in particular interacting with the various peoples was a way for Alexandros to gain a glimpse of the outside world. Frequent pirate incursions were also a common occurrence, which kept Alexandros abilities sharp, as the young Athallian took part in many battles to keep Thelio’s waters pirate free.
Even with another layer of added responsibility, Alexandros didn’t seem to want to neglect his interest in scholarly purist. If anything, age had pushed him to participate more in the amphitheaters, coming straight from his shift to the lectures and debates without much of a pause. An odd sight, for sure, considering he was often the only one wearing armor among those wearing scholar’s robes.
It was said that Alexandros was such an tentious student that on one occasion, after being injured(lightly) to the head in a skirmish with pirates, instead of resting, the young lad hurried to the amphitheater for an anticipated debate, arriving with blood still fresh on his armor and trying to stem his bleeding with nothing more than a piece of cloth. Upon seeing this, the debaters themselves had asked if Alexandros was okay, to which Alexandros replied that it was their words that fueled his resolve to be here, and requested for the debaters to continue.
Alexandros would sit through the entire debate, covering his bleeding with the small cloth through part of it. Luckily, a physician was present during the debate, and had insisted on treating the young Athallian on the spot. Alexandros's head was wrapped, closing his eyes to listen to the dance of words on stage.
Even with such excitement that would permeate in his daily life, the sense of stagnation would eventually set in for the young Athallian. The lad may have not shown it, but to one person it was clear. Posides knew his son well, and saw threw Alexandros even when the young Athallian insisted he was fine. There was a sense of wanderlust that had permeated the young man’s mind. Between the stories among the foreigners and the information that he had learned from the scholars, Alexandros wanted to see the world. This was only spurred on when Alexandros's friend had came to him with news of a new Athallian mercenary being sponsored, a band made up of nothing but young Athallians who sought more. Posides saw the fire burn bright in his son’s eyes, but he also saw hesitation. Alexandros didn’t want to bring potential harm to Posides, especially after what had happened to Herakleides but just a few years ago. A quiet fear of Posides, it was true...but Posides wanted his son to be happy, and that love was what overpowered the fear.
It was Posides who brought the topic up to Alexandros...and with his blessing that Alexandros ended up a part of this new band…
The Start of a New Beginning
Mercenary bands were nothing new to those of Thelios, as not all shard in the traditionalist values. The young were especially curious about the world, and to saited this curiosity, they were allowed to form into mithos bands and traverse the world in search of glory. The hope was, they would get their fill of exploration in their youth, gaining fighting experience so that they may return to serve the Town Watch better, as well as whatever treasures they acquired abroad.
This particular band catered particular to the young and would be built from the ground up. Hundreds of young men and youths would try out in a selection process in order to select the best young warriors to send abroad. Alexandros was one of many that was among the selected, but moreover, he was among the few singled out with the potential to fulfill the leadership roles of the mercenary band, given his pre-existing knowledge base of the world.
Yet the selection process was far from the end of the only thing the young men needed, as next came the training. These young Athallians were soon put through even more grueling training across Thelios, but this time as a cohesive unit. Those like Alexnadrios were given even more training on top, as well as more lessons in leadership, command/tactics, logistics, and everything else they would need to survive in the greater Arethil. These few would be what kept the misthios band together, whom their comrades would look to first, and the ones whom had to make the hardest decisions. The final trial for new misthios band would be given their first “”contract”; root out a small pirate enclave among one of the smaller islands in Thelios. On their own, the new band would plan and execute themselves with great proficiency, taking what they had learned in the past few months and deploying it against the pirates. The band would complete this “contract'' with minimal to no casualties, a proud moment for all who took part.
When they returned, they were greeted with a feast...and a new declaration; they needed to decide, on their own, a Lochagos(captain) from among their officers, as well as a name for their new band. They were sent home to ponder upon it, Alexandros included. At the time, he had no thoughts about becoming an officer, instead thinking to himself that he was content on being a mere lieutenant of sorts.
Yet when the day when they would gather and decide arrive, Alexandros committed to an act that would almost cement him as the band’s Lochagos. After the previous “contract”, Alexandro’s own helm had been damaged and was sent to the smiths for repair. Alexandros was about to depart helmless, when Posides approached him...approached him with Herakleides helm; the Helm of the Fearless, as it was known. But instead of the red horse tail of his father, the helm now flaunted blue trimmings; a gifted presented by both the scholars and marines that Alexandros had been close to.
Upon seeing him donning his helmet to the meeting, many of the young men were sent whispering to each other about the helm, taking notice of Alexandros in the process and realizing his lineage. When the votes were casted and counted, the results came out; Alexandros was overwhelmingly elected to lead this new band...which many had also voted to be dubbed: “The Sons of the Bronze Eagle”, after the Nameless soldier who sacrificed himself for one of his comrades.
It was one of the highest honors to have been bestowed on the humble Athallian, but Alexandros rose to the challenge and accepted the nominamination. With now a Lochagos and a name, the misthios band was ready to venture out into the world.
The morning before their departure, Alexandros had woken up early in anticipation, opting to take a walk around the town he had grown up in. Passing the amphitheater, he’d sit in on an extremely early lecture by some lesser known scholars, thinking about what they said...and what he’d miss about the place...and what he was excited to see. Finally, Alexandros arrived at the beach, where he spent much of his time playing and training. It was there he sat, contemplating...before Posides arrived, quietly sitting down next to his son...and gazed at him.
After a while, Posides would smile...speaking of how proud he was of how far Alexandros had come...speaking of the regrets and fears of his past life as a mithios himself...fears that Alexandros listened to...but had no words for. Posides would not stop smiling, something that would confuse Alexandros. Posides would go on to explain why; he saw much of Herakleides and himself in Alexandros, and said that he would go on to do great things. Posides might have not been able to protect Alexandros from death...but he knew that Alexandros would bring honor and pride to all those before him...something that Alaxndros brings with him still to this day….
Soon, Alexandros friends in the mithios band would find him, and called to him to join them on their way to their departure. With that, Posides stood, presenting his son with his helmet...his shield...and finally, Posides own sword. It was a surprising gift for Alexandros, who almost refused...but Posides insisted, saying that it belonged with Alexandros more than rusting with him. It would have also been a good compliment for Herakleides weapon; a blade that Alexandros had been using since his father’s death. With that, Alexandros bid his father one last goodbye, before taking to the road with his friends...eventually arriving at the docks, where Alexandros crew prepared to embark.
And so the journey for the Sons of the Bronze Eagle began, as they set sail to face whatever Arethil had waiting for them…
Sons of the Bronze Eagle

- Hoplite Contingent- Your standard hoplite warrior, heavily armored and equipped with an athallian dory and aspis, along with a set of javelins. These men are versatile fighters, often utilizing their speed and skills in individual combat. As a unit, they can be classified as heavy infantry, protecting the entire unit in a cocoon of shields, capable of pushing against other such classes of infantry, or locking down a point for hours on end.
- Phalangist Gear- Armed with a sarrissa and pelte shield, these men fight in tightly packed phalanx, fighting as primarily pikemen in their cohesive band. Often times when men fight with phalangist gear, they will have a smaller contingent of hoplites flanking each side of the cohort, forming a flexible protection when the phalanx needs to reposition. These men often switch over from their hoplite gear to fight as a phalangist, but they are not often deployed in smaller engagements. When the need for heavy infantry/pikemen are needed for a larger battle, these men will equip themselves appropriately.

- Skirmisher Corp- Primarily made of the youngest of the Bronze Eagle , these warrior youths act as skirmishing troops that act as scouts and screen the main contingent to counter any ranged attackers. They wear lighter armor and a larger pelte shield, these youths are armed usually with bows but also can be equipped with javelins or slings. When they have eventually expanded their ammunition, they can draw their swords and act as sword infantry, covering the flanks of their heavier armored brothers.

- Trireme Fleet- A comparable small fleet than most, consistent of 3 triremes developed for the present era. Built primarily for speed, these vessels act primarily as transports for the mercenary bands as well as a means to resupply along the shores, relying on their maneuverability to evade danger or get up close with the enemy fleet. In desperate times, these ships can even be dismantled and carried across land to other bodies of water.

- Herakleides- Alexandros father, a Misthofóros Lochagos, who passed away fighting abroad. The main driving force that caused Alexandros to sign up with the new mercenary band known as the “Sons of the Bronze Eagle.”
- Posides- Alexandros other father, who still resides Thelios. Today, he oversees the training of future young warriors of Thelios, whilst also serving as one of the Captain of the Watch.
- The Unnamed- Alaxandros biological father, who was so unremarkable in appearance that his name has been long forgotten...yet his deeds continue to be told even as the years pass on.
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