Albedo Farenzia
Clad in a mixture of patchwork linen clothes and a long deep purple hooded cloak, this woman does her best to hide her features under a guise of mystery and filth. The clothing in patches is a deliberate attempt to keep people from looking to keenly at her. The cloak used to hide her leather gloves, boots, and partial chain mail shirt atop the leather vest. Most of what she wears has been picked off of bodies of the dead.Her physique is a mix of slight curves and healthy muscle, having clear signs of physical labor in her life. Whether or not the short sword at her hip is evidence of just what work was done has yet to be seen. Being fair skinned, she tends to put the hood of her cloak up as much as she can. Her rich red hair tends to stick out of the cloak when she does put it up, causing a cascade of hair around her neck.
One of the noticeable features that she has is her bright, emerald green eyes. Striking in color against the black sclera of her eyes. One of the few things that her associate has tampered with when he took control of her village. At night, her eyes tend to shine in a strange way, like a cats would.
Skills and Abilities
Sword PlayAlbedo knows some basics of sword play, enough to hold her own against a farmer or the random inexperienced bandit. Having watched the guards practice for a few years now as they patrolled through, she has an idea of what she should be doing but that is all.
Having worked for the miller for the better part of her life, Albedo is stronger than most people in her village. Daily lifting of heavy flour sacks and using the Quern Stone almost daily.
[+] Hard Worker -Albedo is always ready to get to work when told what to do. She has worked for most of her life and won't stop now.[-] Pushover - Having never really had to fight for anything in her life up to this point, Albedo has almost no confidence when it comes to her own wishes, she was a simple girl working for a miller and the most conflict anyone ever brought to her was how much something weighed.
[+/-] Curious - Having little contact with anything that was strange or different in her village, Albedo is intensely curious about everything in the world that she has no experience with. Rumors tended to be her guilty pleasure while working.
[+/-] Gossip - While working, customers would come and tell her of things happening around the village, whether it was daily drivel or something extraordinarily removed from the daily routine in the village. Albedo has a weak spot for listening to gossip, or accidentally eavesdropping.
Biography & Lore
Albedo's parents were caring people, and while they did not live an extravagant life, it was a comfortable life that had food on the table and a warm house to sleep in. Throughout her childhood, the word work has always been in everything she and her family has done. From getting food, water, clothing, all of it. Life never gave the Farenzia's anything in their town. This did not make them bitter, but proud. They had what they needed, and never wanted for much. She was sent to work for the miller at an early age, learning to provide for the whole village instead of just herself and her family.From age 8 and up, her daily life revolved around running the mill. From bagging the ground wheat, to sewing holes up in the sacks, to doing math for the amount sold and the price for the weight. Learned to read and write as part of commerce whenever other villages ran short and needed to trade for flour. She had learned a little of the trade language, but only enough to get by. Her body has become accustomed to the daily work of lifting heavy bags and grinding with heavy stones to provide food for everyone in the village, and outside the village if needed.
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