Akasha Du'vuema


Biographical information
Cerak At'Thul 47 Cerak At'Thul
Physical description
Komodi Female 5'8" pink hazel Fair
Political information
Master Servant
Out-of-character information
Cabanilla October 5th, 2018 Dorako (Artist Deel/Rkeg)


A slim rather scrawny build of a young Komodi known as an Uma'don. Unlike the most common of her kinds she always keeps herself well kept and clean as by her master's standards. Although the sensation of being clean is it's own satisfaction. Many are quick to note on her more human like features and skin tones. From what she could remember her master repeating almost proudly that many traders took generations to breed a beautiful work such as her. As her master's prized slave, she often was kept away from most of the physical labor due to the possibility of losing her more pure features. The symmetry of her olive horns, the light tones of her skin and hair. Keeping a fair air about her whenever presenting herself among those they work with and trade with.

Skills and Abilities

A rather skilled set of shifty hands that often are quite functional and capable for scams and sleight of hand. However this is often used in the service of her master either to ensure the continual presence that they maintain within Cerak At'thul. Among her quite skillful hands with a few blades her sharpest weapon is her tongue. An artist with words, who weaves great symphonies that dance to her tune. While sleight of hand has always been a good practice for her.

Despite her fragile experience she is very much acrobatic to make up for her deficiency within magic. As those of her people aren't actually capable of it. However due to her Master's willful need to test her intellect, she has actively studied the use and practice of magic. Being able to spot and discern the use of magic right in front of her has made her a more adept blade for her Master.


A polite, boistrous, but especially rambunctious fellow that holds herself in such high esteem. Especially proud of her educated and higher upbringing as she would often use big words to flaunt her especially separate identity from her own people. A strong sense of self that she developed within her youth. As her upbringing strayed from the traditional teachings of her people. This in a sense secluded her from her people as a Komodi and cemented her as an Uma'don. However she chooses to be proud of this designation rather than ashamed. Often wearing a bright smile among everyone around her.

However this brings up her own insecurities on weakness, as she is prone to bottle up most of her negative feelings. It would take someone she greatly trusted to open up to... or it might make it even harder to be completely open.

Despite all of this she is far more aware of one's use of words, even being keen to point out mistakes on another persons part. Although this awareness makes her an excellent liar at times.

Biography & Lore


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