

Biographical information
Emberfell 90s
Physical description
Elf Female 5'7" Lithe Copper Blue Fair
Political information
Unlicensed Arcanist
Out-of-character information
Eilerias 1/16/2025 EvilInspiration 2D artist


Wavy locks of copper hair and wide, piercing blue eyes that are a little too bright.

Skills and Abilities

Aeowyn has been gifted with an Arcane Sight. She can feel and perceive magical energy in a way most cannot, making her an asset for tracking down ancient relics, enchanted traps, and hidden magic.
She is born a witch of the Wyld, though her magic is untamed and uncontrolled some of the time.


At the core, Wyn is an erratic, impulsive, genius. Brilliant, unpredictable. Her mind races fast, much faster than most people can keep up with. She often acts without thinking, concocting a brilliant plan, only to abandon it all for something much more wild and dangerous just to see what happens. Despite her chaos, Wyn has a strange charm about her. Her energy is infectious, her humor is often dark, but her heart is in the right place (buried deep under layers and layers of her madness). At least she isn't paranoid. Right?

Biography & Lore

Born in Emberfell and tossed into the Ixchel Witch trials, Aeowyn came out successful many moons ago. Though it was, perhaps, not her skills as a Wyld Witch that led to her success, but rather her unpredictability. Though none of that is of any importance to her. She lives her days now, wandering around, performing (some successful) spells, and tracking down ancient magic. She believes she is being followed, but whether she is mad or cursed, her knack for uncovering ancient secrets is undeniable.


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