Adra Eden
Quiet and often overlooked, Adra Eden keeps to herself and her work.
Though built with a stouter structure, Adra is not without her womanly wiles. Her hourglass figure and heart-shaped face are charming, but not overly remarkable when standing among the other Noble ladies of Vel Anir. Despite her rearing within the Dreadlord Academy well before the revolution, she maintains a softer appearance that does not do her otherwise dangerous abilities and skills any justice.
Skills and Abilities
- A skilled melee combatant, Adra has the power to watch another move and preform, and then replicate it near perfectly herself.
- Her eidetic memory allows her to remember everything she sees, hears, experiences, and learns.
- A passive ability of her magic and perhaps something of a self-defense mechanism formed in her youth to protect her from the more powerful Initiates, Adra has a strongly developed power that allows her to buffer the attention, notice, and mental intrusion powers of others to the point that she can walk through a crowd completely unnoticed.
Introverted, Adra was a quiet Initiate during her years at the Academy that had very few allies and next to no enemies. To this day, most of the Initiates she came up with do not even remember her due to her ability to go almost entirely unnoticed. For those that do remember her, she is said to be pragmatic and conflict avoidant, but keenly observant. Her attention to detail could not be overlooked and her lockbox of a memory allowed her to retain knowledge and information so effortlessly that she was quietly enlisted within a secret intelligence group dedicated to Vel Anir and its many pursuits both internally and externally.
Biography & Lore
A favorite pupil of Proctor Harkenov, Adra was an otherwise unremarkable Initiate who no one had expected to live long enough to see graduation, let alone survive it. She surprised many with her quiet but fierce tenacity, taking down a classmate many believed would go on to become a Level 1 dreadlord. Despite her victory, Adra graduated at only a Level 4 and has remained at that level ever since.
The third daughter and fourth child within the minor noble House Cortez, Adra had nothing to look forward to on the front of inheritance of power and so was convinced to be married off to a rising minor noble family of House Eden. No one expected her to amount to much of anything even then, but somehow Adra was betrothed to Jodeth Eden, the heir to his House, and has enjoyed her station at his side while House Eden continues to rise in power and notoriety among those who serve the greater House Sirl.
Adra has spent her years in marriage working for Lord Eden as a Solicitor of sorts, assisting him in the running of his many holdings with her eye and mind for details, though for those that know her it was never a secret that she was unhappy. Adra and her husband maintain a relationship of tension where her failure to produce any heirs of their own is considered. She has not been able to carry a single pregnancy to term, but not for a lack of trying or intervention on her part. Adra sought outside Medical help shortly after the Revolution, which is where she ended up meeting ex-Archon Gilram and shortly after found herself involved in his machinations.
The third daughter and fourth child within the minor noble House Cortez, Adra had nothing to look forward to on the front of inheritance of power and so was convinced to be married off to a rising minor noble family of House Eden. No one expected her to amount to much of anything even then, but somehow Adra was betrothed to Jodeth Eden, the heir to his House, and has enjoyed her station at his side while House Eden continues to rise in power and notoriety among those who serve the greater House Sirl.
Adra has spent her years in marriage working for Lord Eden as a Solicitor of sorts, assisting him in the running of his many holdings with her eye and mind for details, though for those that know her it was never a secret that she was unhappy. Adra and her husband maintain a relationship of tension where her failure to produce any heirs of their own is considered. She has not been able to carry a single pregnancy to term, but not for a lack of trying or intervention on her part. Adra sought outside Medical help shortly after the Revolution, which is where she ended up meeting ex-Archon Gilram and shortly after found herself involved in his machinations.