Private Tales Never trust the shadows

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
"I really adore unravelling a mystery," Fingal said.

Fingal placed one hand on her waist. The other swept blonde curls back over her shoulder before settling on her waist to pull her tight to him.

Golden eyes studied hers. Everything was a game and adventure, but few mortals had held his interest. She had his. All of it.

His kind could live for a very long time. Many chose a more youthful, exotic appearance. Instead Fingal wore the deep lines around his eyes. His face was a map of the places he had been and the things he had seen. It changed when he smiled. It changed when he stared at Anais with an intensity that could bore into her.

With nothing else to say, he stooped down and brought his lips to hers. The cool air stilled. The whispered of the trees fell to silence.
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Anais
Ana's smile brightened and she gave a breath of a laugh at his answer. "I can relate.." her brow quirked. He was certainly a mystery that she was thoroughly enjoying unpicking. She let her hands slip around his neck as she looked up at him, falling entirely at the mercy of his intense stare, like the golden hour sun soaking warmth into her bones.

That smile of his sent an addictive rush of adrenaline through her, and she trembled slightly as he bent to kiss her. Her eyes closed and she sighed, drawing herself up onto her tiptoes. Her heart hammered in her chest, fully aware of the silence around them, of how alone they were and of how much she wanted so much more.
  • Love
Reactions: Fingal
Even the trees offered them little more than a hushed whisper. They were a barrier between the pair and the rest of the world, not a wall of gossiping onlookers.

A soft, content murmur came from the back of his throat. His touch was deferential and gentle. His hands smoothed over the curve of her spine, keeping her close as his tongue swept between parted lips. It was a contrast to the intensity that she had seen in his eyes. Fire and water.

They wouldn't be interrupted now. Not by her friends. Not by the enemies he had made within the close-knit community already.

He lifted his head just enough to take in a breath. Her name rode back out on the same air.
  • Love
Reactions: Anais
The sound he made and the way he breathed her name spilled a shudder down her back in the wake of his hands, his hands and lips setting every nerve in her body alight. It was pure anticipation of being together in a way that was more than words, in a way that was so completely tangible. The thought of his body, just the whisper of my imagination, and she was incapacitated with need. No thoughts, no focus, only desire and the pain of waiting.

It was a bad idea, and had she any room in her mind for logic and sense she'd likely have made a more sensible decision, but all she knew was that he, that this was what she wanted. "Yes?" she whispered back with a seductive smile on her voice. Right or wrong, he was the most fun thing in her world. Her lips grazed his jaw as her fingers deftly conquered the issue of clothes. He'd seen her, at least from a distance, but she had only pondered at what he looked like in the flesh. Beautiful, she guessed, especially in this light.
A new day
Fingal groaned at the first sunlight streaming through the canvas of the caravan.

He hurt. Damnable iron had cut his skin and even the bathing in the moonlight would not help it heal quickly.

Someone cleared their throat outside the caravan. Fingal sighed and sat upright. He reached for his shift and pulled it over his head.

Regardless of his wound, he suspected that the day was going to unfold in a dramatic fashion.

He had seriously hurt one of the gypsies, even if the boy had started it. Then he had absconded with one of their most beautiful dancers for much of the night.

It was not the kind of community that easily trusted outsiders. He had helped them against the goblin raiders and that, he hoped, would count for something. Only Anais knew how he had helped them in his other form.

Fingal stepped out of the caravan. He threw his boots down onto the ground and sat down to pull them on.

"Good morning," he said pleasantly.

Oliver stood before a small group, waiting for him. The man had looked after Anais and her mother. Fingal assumed the group was essentially the remaining community leaders, come to discuss what to do with him.

He hoped they hadn't made their decision yet.
  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Anais
"Aye. Mornin'." Victor said flatly, and was about to say more when Oliver set a hand to his shoulder, silencing him. Oliver was still ghastly pale, but had regained his strength enough to be on his feet again.

"Radagan." the man greeted kindly enough, though there was an edge of foreboding in his tone. "Seems we're goin about a different route, but you're a half day on foot to the nearest town from here. Polina's packed you some food for the journey, in good faith. You've helped us, and for that we're grateful, but I think it's time we be parting ways."

Polina stepped forward and set the basket of wrapped foods on the ground, her expression sour.

"Best get goin, before the others wake up." Victor added, ignoring a look from Oliver.
  • Yay
Reactions: Fingal
"Well that is a shame," Fingal replied.

It would be more than a shame. It would be quite painful. The bond he had established with Anais was not ready to be stretched and torn by physical distance just yet.

He could think of a few options. Admittedly having Anais 'gifted' a new hound at the next town was going to be a little demeaning.

"You have been most kind. For the most part," he said calmly. He was not from a powerful order of his kind that could have passed a glamour over the entire caravan.

"But I was hoping to stay until you reached the crossing at the River Hitch. What if I spoke to the boy? Tried to put this bad feeling aside?"
Victor snorted. "That's not an option." The man scowled. His son might have been an idiot, but he'd still taken a beating in front of the entire troupe. Zach's zealous pride was a fragile thing as it was..

"This is less about my son and more about Ana. You were seen returning with her in the small hours. She's ours to protect, and you're too familiar. Now take your food and go on your way, we'll be sure to give her your farewells."
  • Cthulhoo rage
Reactions: Fingal
He had known that they would find out, but he had expected a little more tact from their leaders. Instead of throwing him out, he had thought they would talk to Anais about making foolish decisions.

"She might be yours to protect," Fingal acknowledged, "But I think she has her own freedoms."

That was not going to go down well.

"I cannot force you to let me stay, but I would ask if you would consider letting me offer my farewell in person. I will be brief."
"Who the fuck do you th--"

Oliver's hand shot out to grip Victor by the shoulder. "Yes." he irritably interjected. "She does of course have her freedoms." his jaw clenched as he acknowledged Radagan's fair point. He drew in a breath and let it tumble free, his attention shifting to Polina who waited impatiently with the basket of foods.

"Go and fetch Ana. We will allow her her goodbyes.." he agreed, reluctantly, aware that she would not easily let him live it down had he taken that choice from her.

"For fucks sake." Victor snarled, throwing his hands in the air. Polina hesitated for a moment, but did as she was asked, and returned with a sleepy Anais a few minutes later.

It was clear that she hadn't quite managed to regain her strength as she stood, tugging her shawl tightly around her shoulders. Her eyes narrowed against the early morning light as they landed on Fingal, and then shifted to the others, her stomach knotting..

"What's going on?.." she asked.

"Radagan was just leaving." Victor snipped.
  • Yay
Reactions: Fingal
"I think we can all be honest here," Fingal said. His voice was calm and controlled. The fae were fiery and unpredictable, but mortals were quite strange creatures. Such short lives and yet they took offence to such small slieghts. Fingal didn't have the time for it.

"I am leaving because I have been asked to. Anais you need to rest and stay with your people. We won't be running away and so..."

His gaze moved across the group.

"...I'm sure you could all give us just a little room so say goodbye with a tiny bit of privacy. We are not running anywhere. "
  • Cthulhoo rage
Reactions: Anais
Victor's jaw tightened. "No we can not just give y--"

Oliver cut in. "We said we'd allow her to--"

"Excuse me?!" she looked between her elders and Fingal with a look of incredulity.

"Don't I get any say in any of this? I'd appreciate it if you told me what this is all about, and let me make my decisions for myself, all of you." she scowled and folded her arms, looking to Oliver. "Well?"

The older man let out a huff and glanced to Victor before fixing her with a stern look. "We feel Radagan has influenced you, it seems you've taken a liking to him an--"

"And? Influenced me? No. Been warm, and kind, and interesting. Yes." she shrugged. "So what if I've taken a liking to him, I don't see the problem."

"You were seen returning to camp with him in the middle of the n--"

"And?" she scowled at Victor, her cheeks warming. The man postured.

"You don't deny it? He took you from camp and--"

"He didn't take me anywhere. I chose to accompany him, and I am an adult quite able to make my own decisions Victor. I am not a child."

"He's too old for you, Ana.." he answered, and she laughed, because he had no idea how old Fingal really was.

"And who would suit me better? Zachary? I have no interest in your son. Now, if you all wouldn't mind letting me speak with Radagan alone, I'd very much appreciate it." she frowned.
  • Yay
Reactions: Fingal
No interest in your son.

Despite his years, Fingal had a hard time stifling a smile at her direct honesty. She didn't step around the core of the matter; she cut right to it.

The community elders must have been used to spirited members, but this one clearly caught them off guard.

Victor was flapping around whilst Oliver tried to navigate a path. He could, at least, slightly sympathise with Oliver. Their caravan had been through a horrific few weeks and he needed to keep the trust of the group.

It could have been easier with a little magic, but there were rules about such things. Victor's attitude was certainly deserving of punishment, but he didn't hold the power here.

Fingal gestured to the side. He pointed to nothing more than a patch of open ground beyond ear shot.

He took a deep breath as he took a few steps away with Anais. Victor almost immediately started gedticulating and whispering harshly to Oliver.

Fingal decided to start with the truth.

"After the bond was woven between us, being far from you would hurt us a lot. That's not going to happen," he told her.
  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Anais
Anais rolled her eyes dismissively and let the two elders have their argument as she stepped away with Fingal, her anxiety evident as she looked up at him expectantly. What he said caused her brow to furrow and her head to shake.

"I.. Hurt us?" she asked, clearly confused. She had felt many things, the touch of his magic like static electricity in the air and molten heat in her blood, but she had not realised until now that his words had not merely been words. Fae magick had forged a bond between them that she did not understand.

The how was not important right now, all that mattered was that it seemed he was not about to leave her. "So, you're staying?" she arched a brow, her smile hesitant.
  • Yay
Reactions: Fingal
"So, you're staying?"

Fingal cocked his head to one side.

"Of course I'm not leaving you behind," he said, glancing to the elders.

"And not just because I bound you to me last night and don't feel like like going through breaking that bond."

He gave a slight wave of his hand. Their time was short and he could try and explain more of that later.

"What do you think? You can convince them that I need to stay, you can just leave them or you can... find a new dog at the next town you all stop at."
  • Stressed
Reactions: Anais
"I.." she glanced back to the squabbling pair of men nearby and lowered her voice as she looked back up at Fingal. "I don't know what that means, but I don't want you to break it." she said, her hands settling on his chest as she pressed closer to him.

Her eyes glistened with worry, and she thought of Zachary and how jealous he'd be when he knew. One of them were going to end up killing the other, and her people would truly be torn apart. They knew it too, and they would never listen to her.

"Leave them?.." her brows knit. Leaving a travelling family wasn't like leaving any normal home. Visiting was difficult, if not impossible. Leaving was, well, leaving.

"What's the hold up here?"
Victor called over impatiently.

Panicked, Ana nodded. "Find me at the next town. For now." she nodded. At least he would be with her and the others would get off of her case. At least she could leave the camp to be with him whenever she wanted. But it wasn't a long term solution, she knew that. "I just, need time to think."
  • Yay
Reactions: Fingal
"There is plenty of time," he said quietly.

It was easy for him to say that. Even though his master required him to return with lost treasures of the mortal world he could be gone for decades without being summoned.

"I'm not asking you to turn your back on your people. I was just laying out the options. You'll remember what I look like?"

He grinned at that. She didn't understand what he had done to bind them, but would soon feel it's effects if they were torn apart. On top of that she still needed to recover from the arrow wound. And - if he was to keep any pride - from what had transpired in the night.

"You can think of the reason why you turn up with a free dog," he mused.

He didn't glance at the men, didn't want to give them a chance to pick another battle.
  • Frog Eyes
Reactions: Anais
None of this was exactly ideal. She was fuming with anger that she had to be faced with these options at all, that she had no say in allowing him to stay. It was her own choice who she lay with. "He just wants me to take his idiot son off his hands. That's all this is about." she sneered, casting a glare back at Victor with a huff.

"I remember." she told him. How could she forget? She couldn't stop the small twitch of a smile at the thought of having him as a new pet. She sighed, looking tired as she gave him an apologetic smile and curled her arms around his ribs, her head resting on his chest.

"This isn't right. I'm sorry." she whispered against him.

She could hear more voices as others awoke for the day. "Alright, Ana.. We need to be getting on the road now." Oliver said with a little more compassion in his tone than Victor had been able to muster.
  • Yay
Reactions: Fingal
Fingal's eyes narrowed. That small smile was enough for him to know exactly what she was thinking. He would be unable to reply to anything she chose to say.

Eventually they would be able to communicate through the bond. It would strengthen over time. Communicating clearly would mean teaching her to use the power she could now draw from him.

"Revoking their hospitality after I helped to protect them is not right, no," Fingal said. It was certainly worthy of punishment, before considering that the boy had attacked him with an iron weapon.

Even thinking of that wound made it sting. Stupid boy. Fingal was going to allow the continued insults to pass for now, but whether his self-control lasted was quite a different matter.

Over her head, he saw Victor glaring at the.

"Don't be sorry, it will all be alright in the end."

Fingal released her and stepped away.

"Your caravan moves quickly, so I think I might start in the other direction so you don't have to pass me on the road," he said to Oliver.

"Very kind," he added, wearing a tight smile as he took the offered supplies. He would have a good meal before rushing past them through the woods.
  • Cthulhoo rage
Reactions: Anais