Private Tales Witch of the Falwood

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer

Stygr Rhogarsson

The Ironside
Character Biography
Falwood Coast


It had been several weeks since hostilities had began renewed along the Cortosi Coast with the Empire. Aniria had called for all manner of navies flying their banner, they even went so far as to hire the fleets of Jarl Rhogar of Vel Ragnarra. Tied up with skirmishes to the east, he had sent his son in his stead. He had sent Stygr Rhogarsson.

Young Stygr scowled as he watched the crippled Imperial ship worm its way back home. While other Anirian vessels had began to pursue, he would not. Unlike many of their allies, his vessel bore elves, dwarves, other races. "Jackdaw, sail along the coast, south. We won't find supplies from these Anirian settlements. We'll need to hunt in the Falwood."

Screenshot_20220802-082248_Discord.jpgJackdaw, his Dwarven quartermaster and perhaps a second father would step closer, his laugh hearty at the retreat at their foes. "Pity we didn't get to board, eh?" Another laugh, followed by a grunt. "You got it, Cap'n." He turned to their crew and whistled sharply. "Back on the oars, ya sea rats! We're heading south! Now, row! Row! Put yer backs into it!"

Surely, the Jagged Tooth, shifted south and began to cruise along the shoreline. Soon, Anirian settlements and beautiful beaches gave way to dense forest and small landings. The elves had magically tampered with their shoreline to thwart amphibious landings. For the Anirians, who loved to build bigger vessels, it worked. But their longboats kissed along the sea, allowing them to draw close.

"Fly our flag, remove the Anirian," Stygr ordered. "Dont want the Elves forgetting we're friends if they see us." They had aided many a lost elf find their way back to the Falwood from Anirian custody, and despite their finally being a year old peace between human and elf, one year couldn't erase centuries of hate. Those of Vel Ragnarra, had had a friendly standing with the Elves of the Falwood for over two decades.

He would reach the railing of the Jagged Tooth, before looking over his shoulder. "Jackdaw, the ship is yours until I return." With that, he leapt across the small gap onto a giant root, and melted into the Falwood.

Ravenna Delacroix
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:: Somewhere at the edge of Falwood Forest ::

"Ravenna Moraina Delacroix, such a beautiful name for one of the most wanted women in Vel'Anir." mocked a melodic deep resounding voice. A darkly handsome male stood in front of an elven woman tied to a thickly slim Falwood tree resting by the banks of a shallow river. His eyes peered into Elven's deadly greenish blue eyes as her lips pressed together in anger at being caught and annoyance at the man's voice. "You know... we could use someone like you on our side. You could become a powerful dreadlord and fight for the good of nature. But... Ms. Delacroix, you have something that we need..." the man chirmed again getting to the real reason why so many imperial ships had tried to enter the Falwoods and why the Elven woman was stuck to a tree now.

At this the woman finally showed emotions in her eyes, she was frightened or so it seem. The preying man began to smile at her fear until Ravenna began to laugh at the advantage she possessed. She finally put her emotions to words, "you think I'm stupid. You tie me to a tree, bargain with me, and think that I will just roll over and give you an answer." the elf spit at the man's feet, "not on my worst day," She finally said with hidden rage in her voice, almost as if that rage could be connected to some sort of vengeance. The man slowly let his head turn to look over his shoulders as he tried to gain his composer before snapping at one of his darkly dressed men, who handed him a chain covered in light magic. He then slowly twisted his head back towards Ravenna who peered at the chain in his hand and pressed her head back into the tree as her eyes shifted from normal to a dead white as little black veins form around her eyes.

"Paladin's light... can press back any darkness... some even say it can even destroy the darkness. I did a little bit of digging and imagine my surprise when I learned that Paladin light, is one of your great weaknesses." The man chuckled as he drew close, holding up the chain before wrapping it along the ropes that tied the elven woman up. A loud raven-like screech escaped along with a small wave of darkness which made her enemies cover their ears before uncovering them once more. Her eyes were a little bit dimmer now but Ravenna remained strong as the metal chain around her heated up from the darkness that was her.

Ravenna snarled now as rage filled her lungs. The elven woman looked towards the sky as a heavy wind began to sway the trees. Swordmen pulled out their swords at the appearance of dark magic and before the man questioning her could grow close, Ravenna released whatever dark mystical energy that she could muster and blew back the large intruding force. The chain and rope that surrounded her snapped and the elven woman slowly but surely rose to her feet. "You underestimate me once again Wayne, and someday... it will be your downfall," Ravenna said weakly as he rose to his feet ready to fight. Wayne was a Paladin of sorts, a warrior of light and he was chosen by the dreadlords to retrieve an item that might strengthen Vel'Anir's power. Before Wayne could regain all of his balance, Ravenna rushed him and they both fell into the river. They quickly stood up, and Wayne trusted his knee into Ravenna's stomach before throwing her with light force against a nearby tree.

Ravenna knew that this little battle would not be resolved within those few moments of fighting as Wayne's soldiers began to stand up regaining their balance, so Ravenna quickly utter a blinding stunning spell of darkness. And as shadows swarmed Wayne and his soldiers, she quickly made her exit. "THIS IS FAR FROM OVER..." Wayne shouted as he saw Ravenna make her exit while the paladins fended off the shadows. She didn't know exactly where she was going but once she made it to a clearing, she fell at the feet of another man but this man she did not recognize.

Stygr Rhogarsson
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A scream. Not the worst sounding scream in the world either, after all, as a raider Stygr considered himself an aficionado of screams. But, it was enough to warrant a look. This was near Fal-Addas, which meant someone had began to raid in-land.

His steady pace would quicken to a jog, the scream would be followed by another, and then a few more. The forest seemed to lead him, the thick branches seemingly opening a path through their labyrinth to allow him passage.

After a few more snaking turns, he found himself nearing a clearing, a woman fleeing and two armored men pursuing. They bore the mark of the Anirian Paladins. His hands lowered to his hand axes and once he broke into the clearing, the woman dropped to her knees, a faint look of alarm as she noticed someone else. Perhaps she thought it was a trap.

He continued past her and let out a bellow as he tackled the lead of the Paladins. As the second continued past, he hacked outwards with the axe, catching him in the back of the knee, slicing the soft flesh and forcing the armored combatant to his knee.

Steel gauntlet would connect with Stygr's jaw, a surprise to be sure, but it would only make the berserker laugh. The Paladin beneath him scowled, and reached for a dagger, driving the tip towards his side. The sound of shattering iron could be heard, and the look of alarm from the Paladin would be short-lived, replaced by a gut wrenching scream, as Stygr bent down and bit at the mans jugular, just above the coif and pulled back, ripping it free.

He would spit the flesh to the side and howl, before turning with both axes, and driving them into the other Paladins neck. With both dead, he tucked the axes away and wiped the blood from his maw. "Are you okay?" He asked the elven woman.

The sound of shouting behind them could be heard and he immediately reached down to haul her back to her feet. "This way, hurry!"

Ravenna Delacroix
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Ravenna knew not the man who stood before her and was instantly stunned by the primitive way that the Berserker fought. There was no time to ask questions and even less time to think, everything was happening so quickly but then again small moments were normal when being hunted. Upon being lifted to her feet, she held onto the man's shoulder supporting herself as she limped with one leg. quickly struggling forward.

Her eyes lit up once more and branches from thin and thick trees connected with one another temporarily blocking the way of the paladins. Such warriors of the light, blinded by pride and fear of being unable to control or rather limit the darkness. Ravenna was some sort of key or path towards the key, and if she fell into the wrong hands, unbalance would be bought about.

Ravenna finally got over her temporary pain and slipped away from her strange helper as a view of the sandy shores could be seen. "Is that your ship? I must get far from here, at least for the time being. Wayne and his men will not stop looking for me but if I escape with the sails then I can disappear for a while longer." Ravenna finally spoke to the man as she made her way out into the clearing of the beach.

She didn't trust him yet but her options were ever limited and she would rather be in the hands of some sort of... raider than the hands of her enemies.

Sounds of clinking metal could be heard from far behind as the paladins were still messing with the branches of the trees. In short, they were almost through. As if needing an answer rather quickly, Ravenna turned to face the man raising an eyebrow for it was his next move.

Would he leave her there or let her escape? Who was he and why did he come? Did he need Ravenna for something as well? all these questions filled her mind which kept it busy from thinking about the terrors of torture she might endure if she was captured.

Stygr Rhogarsson