Private Tales Watch your step.

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer


"Oi. Oi, oi, oi, oi. Oi! Stop laughing at me and just- stop it- give me the words!" Marlena demanded at the empty air around her. Of which there was a lot of, by the way, because she was hanging ten feet in the air. Upside down.

A thick, rusted chain was entangled around her left ankle. It was part of an old, make-shift hunter's trap, long since forgotten by whoever laid it there. Despite its age, it held its own under her weight and struggles. And those struggles were beginning to lessen, the human girl's face darkening to an uncomfortable shade of red.

"Great," she grumbled, glancing forlornly down at the dinner knife she had long since fumbled and dropped to the ground. "I'm going to die here, and you think it's a game. -- LET ME DOWN RIGHT NOW, YOU DEVILISH LITTLE-," she yelled, switching to near fluent Elven.

She continued to curse and threaten, gaining a new wave of energy and sending her voice booming through the trees.

A tinkling bell-like noise echoed around her. Or perhaps that was just the chains clanking as she struggled to reach for her ankle.
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From among the bushes, one of the blue elves aproached. His eyes would scan the las from head to toe, his expression the very same unimpressed mug that he sported from the very moment that he was seen.

"Well perhaps you should look where you go, hasty girl." Spoke Faelin as he sat down on a nearby rock, taking his hat and waving it in front of his face. The atmosphere was so lovely today. "What an antique trap."
Marlena stiffened, one hand darting to yank her shirt back into the lip of pants. The other hand stretched down towards the dinner knife, but it remained well out of reach. She huffed and strained, then looked to the elf, feeling abruptly foolish. She dropped her efforts, her arms falling to hang past her head. She eyed him warily, her body swaying back and forth as if she was being pushed.

"...Is it yours?" She asked in common, her voice tense as she tried to fuss out the elf before her. She had never met one before. And this one was blue.
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"No, this is not my craft. I'm a pursuer an not a lazy waiter. But looks like it has been abandoned for...many seasons," spoke Faelin as he gazed at the rust on this particular one.

"Well, I'll get you down," he eventually murmured as he slipped off his seat and in a risk pace trod to the site. First observing the trap before unhinging a crucial part in the mechanism that would set Marlena falling to the ground.
A heavy silence fell between them once he confessed the trap was not his and observed it from afar.

... Was he... going to... help her then or just...

She swished back and forth, her momentum not dying out as it should-- she was hanging limply. Her unsurety on how to handle an elf left her... pausing... and her thoughts were beginning to feel so heavy, lending to further confusion... about what was happening... her concern became muffled by her dulling visio- He stood up. She blinked rapidly, barely hearing his declaration to help her.

The world around her swooshed. She thumped to the ground in a neat little heap. Was she dead? ...No, she groaned a moment later, painful relief hitting her limbs as her blood rushed out to the proper places. She was able to sit up a few long moments more, swaying and rubbing at her tingling face.

"We do that to animals?" She questioned, a bit appalled. "That's barbaric."
Faelin crouched before the lass, observing her as she gained consciousness, eventually offering her a skin half-filled with water to recuperate. "It's not your place to judge cruelty when nature is so much more savage. But you can thank the animal providing nourishment for your family."
Marlena blink at him, then hesitantly took the water skin and brought it to her lips, watching him for his reaction as she did so. He wouldn't like... drug her or something, right? No... he helped her...

"I've heard your kind is crueler," she told him softly, finally daring to take a long draft of water. It soothed her head, the fuzzy edges in her vision beginning to receded. "Why help me?" She asked. Not a thank you, but an accusation as she held back out the water skin.
"You liken me to the mountain warlords?" Faelin K'Abveirin rose a brow only slightly.
Well actually there was a moment in history where his underground tribe was unified under a single marshall. He conquered all of the underground and claimed land on the overworld too. Holding it for long until the nation dissolved after his death.
-But that subject belonged to the historians.

"My people live peacefully with nature...Underground. What right do you have to judge me?"
"Underground?" She repeated, dusting off her hands and making a better effort at regathering herself on the forest floor. "How do you live underground? That's impossible." She reached down to tug at the chains around her ankles, her ignorance not a joke as she brushed off his accusation.

She hissed as she touched the chain and her whole leg throbbed, her foot a discolored shade of dark purple. "Oh no," she croaked, looking abruptly like she might be sick. "Oh no, make it stop, it's gonna fall off!" She declared with all the flare of a hysterical human girl.

She was clearly not suited to these lands.
"Well yes. The underground is liveable," he shrugged his head before putting his hat back on. "I assume you're not from here?"
She tugged at the chain, gasping in relief as she got it off her ankle. She closed her eyes and groaned at the pain as the feeling returned. "Of course I am. What would I be doing all the way out here if I wasn't from here? " She peaked through her lashed, rubbing at her ankle. "...Do you think it's going to have to be amputated?"
Faelin tilted his head, observing the lass. "Well then, what folk you belong to?"

"No, it's just...heavy bruising," he shrugged. In truth he had as much medical knowledge as brick wall. But He had a distinct memory of a friend of his falling from a great height. His legs were black as char, but in the end he was okay and whole.
"You'll be fine."
"No one," she grumped, closing up. "Just. Point me south and I'll be fine." Of course, there was only one settlement of humans in that direction, so perhaps her sudden distaste for revealing details would make sense. She gingerly pushed herself up, trying to walk on it and shake it off. She managed nothing more than gasps of pain and a heavy limp.

Yeah. Definitely would have to be amputated.
Faelin closed his eyes, smiling briefly. "Good luck on your travels, south is that way," he waved his hand in the opposite way from where the mountains rose, towards the flatlands from where he came.

He was about to teasingly depart, see if he can get a reaction from her, before stopping right before the brush. "Oh, I did not catch your name."
Marlena deflated, throughly abashed and verging on defeated to find out she's been walking in the wrong direction. She flailed in place, frustrated with herself and genuinely struggling to use that foot. "Oh, what do you care. You're just about to leave. S'not like I'll ever see you again. -- There aren't really monsters out here at night ... right?"
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Reactions: Faelin K'Abveirin
"But you know, if I find you again I'd like to know your name for your grave epitaph," he chuckled humorously.
"Well I know of giant blind spiders, giant blind lizards, night-see-ers, wraiths, ghosts, goblins, kobolds, ogres, dwarves...especially the dwarves. Blood sucking bats...-" Faelin rambled, however he was mostly describing underground creatures. But hey, what does he know if said creatures don't go out on the surface too.
"Well I saw a weird animal with pointy ears, tan fur, four legs, each with claws. It has whiskers and slitted eyes."
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Reactions: Marlena
"Blood sucking-" she began to repeat, dazed. "Hey wait. What kinda person are you to save me from that but then leave me to-- wait, what are kobolds?" She blinked hard then shook her head, keeping herself on track. "You have to help me. "
"Oh you want my help?" He turned around to face her fully. "And you threathned to 'destroy my flower crowns,' just before."
Jade turned bright red, looking abruptly embarrassed. "I wasn't talking to you. I didn't even know you were her!" She paused for a moment, realizing something." ... Exactly how long were you here before you--" she made a vague cutting down gesture.
"You are some odd creature indeed," Faelin grinned warmly at her. "Oh well I've been here for the whole time...My camp is nearby."
She flushed. "Oh. ... So does that mean you're going to help or..." She swallowed hard, looking around them and leaning in to whisper, "-Leave me to the kobolds?"
What a lost cause... Whoever doesen't look where they walk is not going to survive out here in these lands.
Faelin squinted, but his general presence was unchanged.
"I think the kobolds would preffer more meat than bones," he whispered in turn.
Her face pinched in annoyance. Was it so hard to answer a damn question! Fine! She didn't want his help anyways! He would probably be miserable company as it was.

She huffed in frustration and turned from him, starting to limp her way back the way she came and breathe though the pain on her own. She didn't need him. Pepper would help her.

Right.... Pep?

Tinkling laughter sounded from the far right.
"I think you can't go far like that," pointed out captain obvious as he stared at her.
Though his attention perked at the sudden sounds.
"Yup, we already have that established," she gritted, trying not to gasp in her pain. "Thanks, I think. For nothing." She pushed on out past his treeline, waiting a good ten feet past his few to let herself crumble to ground and gasp.

Ow. She pulled her foot up to herself and hesitated. She slipped off her shirt and tried to tear it up with her teeth, trying to be as quiet as possible as she tried to make herself a foot brace. Didn't need him, you wait and see.