Private Tales Washed Up

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer

Blaze AKA Jack Gordson

Identity Unknown
Character Biography
The shore of the Allirian Strait. The peaceful waves lap at the sand. Or rather, it was peaceful before the waves deposited a body on the shore.
Commotion as the shipowners try to figure out what to do with the body.
"He's still breathing!" one of them shouts.
He coughs.
He's awake.
"Hmm... where am I?"
He coughs up some seawater and falls back asleep.
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Zara stepped into the shadowed alley, her grey cloak hood obscuring most of her features. The small passageway between the two buildings on the harbor docks provided some shelter from prying eyes while the cloak and her loose hair provided coverage for her gills. Although they were closed, allowing her to breath in air rather than as if she was in water, they were still an obvious feature to show others just what she was.

The siren had been trailing news of strange occurrences happening along this coast. Although far removed from her native island near the Cortosi Coast, any information she could gather on what had been happening might provide evidence for the strange rumors that had been circulating among her people.

Sirens never surfaced. At least, that's what most of the stories said. Most folk knew they were capable of leaving their watery habitats to walk on land, but doing so meant interacting with the land-dwelling species and Sirens at all costs avoided that. However, when word spread of enemy siren clans breaking this code and not only talking to those above water but rather making deals with them, the leaders of her own clan had decided that the truth behind this needed to be found.

That was what had brought Zara here, so far from home, in a dock whose smell of gutted fish made her want to throw up with every breath.

Shouting on the far side of the beach caught her attention. Men, gathering around something that had drifted up onto the sand. I wonder if this is similar to the instance that occurred a few months ago...she thought to herself, pulling her cloak hood up tighter and checking the sword sheath strapped to her waist before venturing out of her dark hide-away and towards the commotion.
"Let's get this little guy to the medic's!" one man shouted.
"Are you sure? What if-" another said, before being cut off.
"I'll handle this." A female voice said.
"G-General!" All the man snapped to attention. "Hmm, yes. He's coming with me," she said.
"May I ask where, General?" one of the fishermen asked.
Her head snapped around, revealing the wrinkled face of an experienced genral.
"No. You may not. But I'll tell you anyway. We're taking him... to the Pit."
Zara stood to the back of the crowd. Not in the heat of the situation playing out before her, but instead just close enough to see and hear everything going on without getting involved. However, when the voice of the General spoke up for the first time, she felt her skin bristle and her attention suddenly heighten.

This was a woman of authority. One who commanded attention without asking for it. The men looked up to her....whether out of fear or respect Zara couldn't tell. The fact that someone like her was taking interest in a mediocre man who had washed up on shore meant that her suspicions about this situation being out of the ordinary was right.

She watched as the man was hoisted up and removed from the crowd that had gathered around him, being taken with the woman down the street. Zara could sense something was up, carefully peeling herself away from the mass of people to silently follow them at a safe distance.
Zara was unused to this strange new city, although if she considered the expression of glee on the woman's face as she answered the man on where he was being taken, as well as the expression of horror the fisherman back on the beach had shown when she had told them where he was going, she could only assume that this 'Pit' was not a place people went to of their own free will.

She continued to follow behind them, ensuring that she always had them in her sights, but not to be close enough that her presence would become conspicuous.
"Hehe... We're here! Hahaha!" the General says.
*Cough, cough*
"Lighten up, little boy. It'll all be fine very soon."
They all go inside of a strange building and the door closes.
The siren attempts to open the door, to no avail. It's locked.
And who knows what will happen to the boy?