
Die Shize

The Laughing Man
I'm taking a trip to England from September 26 to October 6 and won't have posts during my vacation. I doubt I'll have posts leading up to it either. However, I don't think I'm in any group threads so at least nothing will be skipped. I'll have a pint for you guys!
Need to rethink my semantics lol

If I’m in a 1x1 thread you can’t really ‘skip’ me and post to yourself lol but if for any reason you wish to replace me as your partner please just get with me first via site DM but preferably over Discord.

If I’m in a group thread then I can be skipped at your leisure and hop back in later. If you wish to replace me entirely please also get with me.

I’m trying to be flexible in the roughly two weeks from now that I am absent.

Thank you!