LFG The ancient warriors.

White Swallow

The White Swallow of Narra
Character Biography

It was a night like any other night, a day like any other day. Under the same stars and two moons, a lone war party amid the embrace of the dunes had settled for sleep.
While most have since gone into a deep slumber, a lone sentry on his feet would keep watch. However, his eyes were no match for what was to come.
A single blackened arm would grip a sleeping one by the ankle. A tug later, he was no more.
The following day, to the palace, came reports from a sole survivor. /Men and beast of unimaginable proportions rose from the sands, brownish-black and skeletal in appearance. They were only ten to twenty. They didn't kill, they dragged them underground!/
//Not much to worry about. A single necromancer's doing happens on occasion, likely some hushur-ksamer cultists' doing// said the lord, without as much as a single hint of concern.

But then the next week there were fifty, and soon they were a hundred and rising.
A reporter also saw a curious pair of the ancient dead chopping a tree and dragging it for miles.


Looking for accomplices to uncover a mystery relating to a horde of ancient undead. The thread can go both ways.
Combat or investigation oriented... or both!! Or maybe multiple threads with a separate focus...
For now, the army is pretty localised in the Amol-Kalit north, but they'll be attacking anything living (and drag the remains away...somewhere! Somewhere mysterious...oooOOooohhh spooky) so plenty opportunity to get involved while in a travelling caravan or on an expedition.
Hre is the thread, it's not too late to join still!
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