Letters Staying in touch.

Roleplay dedicated to correspondence type roleplays such as letters.


Fire Kitten
Character Biography
Hi Mom, hi Momni, hi Dad.

I'm sorry.

I burnt the dress. I know you spent a lot of money on it but it wasn't my fault. Some bitch hussled on me and I lost my temper.

I'm sorry for swearing.

I just got mad and before I knew it I was on fire again.
I think I burnt the floor too.

There's good news though. They started Anirball here so I've signed up for that and I'm making friends this year. Really this time.

Tell Kraah and Haraah I miss them and give Ruraah, Duraah and Taraah a kiss on the head each for me.

I'll visit when I can.
All my love
Your Eldest
Dearest Thraah

You must return home with all haste. It is your sister's. An unwellness has befallen them.

Winds speed you home my daughter.

Your Father