Private Tales Sibling Rivalry (kinda)

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer

Sung Chei

The Mist
Character Biography
Sung Chei was having a good day. It's that simple. Well, not quite as simple as that. He had checked everything off his usual to-do list, wake up, exercise, eat breakfast, start walking to the nearest town and butcher any highwaymen who dared show their hideous and soon-to-be dismembered heads to him.

As he stepped through the city gates he looked around at the booming metropolis. Birds were singing, deals were being made, children were playing blissfully in the streets. What a wonderful time to be alive! That is until you come across the serious stuff like slave trade and organized crime, that stuff ended his happy mood quickly and just as quickly made him a criminal massacring maniac.

But then thing go back to normal, people ask why he's drenched in blood and he makes the 'recent visit to the local butcher' excuse. Of course noone bought this, but considering the fact that he carries a weird looking halberd drenched in blood and a sword discourages further questions.

Of course, he was clean at the time he walked into the nearest Inn. Where he got a room and some food, as well as a surprise contract. Yippee!
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Reactions: Aeyliea
She was content in a saddle, if not as happy about it as many in her tribe would have been. And to be truthful about things, many of her people would not have been happy anyway.

To be riding a horse with a saddle down a road. To be in civilized lands, in a major city. To wear the colors of an organization. To be on horseback but not riding down a foe, steel tipped spear gleaming as it dropped level with the ground.

She carried no spears, either the long ones or shorter stabbing ones favored by her people. A short horse bow hung from her saddle, unstrung, but the weapon of choice lay on her back, three feet of steel, single edged and slightly curved. The sword was an affectation of the more civilized world, but she had loved its simplicity and grace since she had seen it wielded as a child. There were none among the Norei that could handle it with her degree of skill, and few among the hate cityfolk either. The bright blade had claimed as many or more lives as the spears would have, had she remained out in the Savannah, fighting with the other tribes in the endless raids.

Had not Vel Anir come in their steel skins, had they not slaughtered her people just to take their land or take them as slaves. If not for that...

The roan mare was a placid thing, which the Captain was thankful for. It had been too long since the last substantial ride, and her thighs already burned from the effort. She rose the beast bareback, and though she had reins, she controlled the animal through subtle pressure with legs and feet, the occasional click if her tongue.

She wore a leather jerkin, light and supple and figure hugging. It mostly served as padding for the light steel chain she wore over that, and the leather was dyed in the colors of her people: blood red, deep green, and black. She wore leather leggings as well, similar in design.

Eyes the color of distant mountains, cold blue-gray and sharp, regarded the town she was coming up on. Her destination, which in and of itself raised plenty of questions. As she centered into the street, homes becoming more closely packed as she went,she became more an object of interest. Her hair, silvery white in color, was enough of an oddity to draw eyes without adding the intricate braid, polished bones of small animals and birds interwoven with feathers and beads until it nearly looked like a headdress, an affair that took long minutes in the morning to straighten and fix. It made her look like some kind of barbarian chieftain, except there were no female chiefs among the Norei and never would be. Among the city dwellers it was a much more common state of affairs.

Her thoughts went to the job. Dealing with the extensive networks of criminal organizations that seemed to stick their cancerous tendrils into everything had been interesting and not a little dangerous. The notorious Two-Faced Eddie had even had the audacity to come into her headquarters, killed one of her people and nearly one of their children, escaping after wounding her. It was an affront to her honor that they had struck her in such a personal manner. She had struck back, once, in a bloody frenzy that had proven ineffective at dissuading them from further altercations. Eddie still evaded her, but she was sure it was only a matter of time.

It was almost good to be back home. She did not like the city or its facile, shallow people. Sheep, they were - prey animals that the wolves of the city, such as Eddie, fed upon.

Maybe that was why she had accepted the contract so soon after the last. She could have assigned others to the work, too...but her dealings with the syndicates had left her eager to do them damage. It would be utterly impossible for her to put and end to the.

Oddly, the contact for this contract had not agreed to speak to her on the Rei company property. Even more oddly, they had chosen The Mangled Rat as a meeting point. The place was a dive, with swill for booze and a clientele that would have a hard time reading the name on the sign outside. As she recalled, the city sent a wagon every morning to collect the bodies, and the city watch tended to stay away unless things really got out of hand.

It was also a favorite haunt of Tian's.

The mercenary captain tied her horse up outside, confident that most that resided in The Shallows would likely recognize who it belonged to and leave it be. Ignoring the smell of sour beer and unwashed body, she went inside.
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Sung was sitting in the lotus position facing east when the door to his rented room opened. Silent footsteps approached him from behind. Fast as lighting, he turned in place, his feet suddenly on the ground, he swept the newcomer's feet out from under them while at the same time coming into a forward mabu stance, ready for anything.

The man thudded to the floor, his good and cloak failing to conceal his face now that it had fallen back. The man wore expensive clothes, well tailored and made of fine silk. This was clearly someone important.

"Calm down Easterner, I'm not here to hurt you." The man said struggling for breath.

"Then why are you here?" Sung demanded, teaching behind him for his deerhorn knives.

"I have a contract for you."

And that was why he was delving into a city rat nest when it grew dark. He was instructed to dismantle the entire underground
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Reactions: Aeyliea
She watched the denizens of the dive watching her. It was an uneasy truce at best; her reputation preceded her here, even if not a single one of the dock men and other thugs could have agreed on just what that reputation was.

An untouched drink sat in front of her, flies circling, landing on the edge of the mug and then taking off as even they decided it was not worth the risk of taking a drink. She would not touch the swill that was served here, but it would be unwise to just sit there, no drink in evidence. The owner would be upset to lose a seat to a non-customer, for one. For another, it might serve as an invitation for men to...try.

Aeyliea was not opposed to the attempts, or the attention. She just had no desire to sleep with men who smelled worse than a three day old corpse, or who had fewer teeth than the did fingers. Or whose intelligence rivaled that of pond scum, just to name a few of the traits she associated with the locals.

She was not surprised when a well dressed man sat down across from her, hood drawn up to conceal the soft lines of a face that had seen little hardship. A noble, or a wealthy merchant, then. There were no words to begin with, just quiet regard for one another, a careful examination to determine if it was worth their respective while to continue on.

"Captain Aeyliea?" He spoke in a cultured manner though, she noted, not an aristocratic one. Definitely a merchant. "Your reputation precedes you, Captain."

She gave him the faintest of smiles, although her hooded eyes betrayed not a scrap of mirth. "What reputation would that be, stranger? I am afraid you have me at a disadvantage."

The man raised his hands, fingers splayed. "Forgive me, Captain. I mean the reputation that speaks of your prowess in battle." He looked her up and down with open interest. "The name is Daerid," he added.

She snorted, finally a little animation to her features. "That I eat the flesh of my enemies like the rest of the savages would have been my first assumption," she replied, and glanced around. A few of the closer people, who had obviously been listening, looked away pointedly. "Either that, or that I kill men by sleeping with them and crushing them with my thighs. That, a favorite one." She spoke with an odd cadence, a strange accent that was thick and required a moment to process.

Daerid cleared his throat,perhaps a but too loudly. Maybe to clear certain images from his head? "It is your sword that interests me, not any of your other...exploits."

She grinned at him in an insulting fashion. Made a gesture with two fingers,twirling in the air. Get on with it.

Clearing his throat, he placed both hands on the table. "Yes, well. I have great need of swords-for-hire. My good have been being targeted by certain...unsavory individuals, shall we say. They have money and influence. The Guard seems unable to do anything about them...or, perhaps, unwilling?"

Bribery. That was what he was talking about, and it was a common practice among the crime families in the city; buy off the police or the city officials for a certain amount of money and a little threatening here and there. It was how the criminal element maintained their power here, and everywhere they went.

She gestured for him to go on. In response, he pulled a thin stack of papers out. "A contract. To eliminate all of the time families in the city."

She blinked at him. It was, perhaps, as much as someone else yelling. Face deadpan, she cocked her head to one side. "I will take this contract," she said without picking up the papers. "But I will do it for fifty thousand crowns, gold."

Daerid's eyes bulged at the amount. "That...that's preposterous!" His sputtering was almost amusing. "I could hire an army for that sum! Two armies!"

"And what," she began in an even tone, "do you think you are fighting against? Some highwaymen in the city? Just a few dozen untrained idiot's looking for easy money?" The look on her face said everything of what she thought of that. "Criminals, there are probably thousands in this city alone. Small is my company. My people, many will die. Many civilians, they will die. Many guards. Many many."

"You will not be going alone," he protested. "I have hired another as well. He will be down in a moment," he added.

"Two, you hire? Where hundred dare not tread?" She picked up the papers, scanning through them with practiced motions. "Five hundred crowns for this?" She sounded incredulous. "Accept this I will not. Change the scope, else find someone else."

And another mercenary, contracted without even informing her of it? The man was a fool. She started to rise, annoyed at the waste of her time.

"Wait." There was pleading in his voice. '"Do not go! Wait for the Easterner. We can renegotiate..."

She hesitated for a moment, then settled back onto the 'chair' with a disgusted sound. "I will wait until I see this man and take the measure of him," she said, finally.
"Then you haven't long to wait." Came Sung Chei's voice. "Sung Chei, son of Sung Fau. It's a pleasure to meet you Captain Aeyliea."

Sung Chei had approached the duo while her back was turned, and he had done so silently. He carried his ji with the serpent bladed spearhead with him, the foreign weapon looking dangerous enough. Beneath his cloak he also carried a serpent bladed sword and a pair of deerhorn knives as well as a rope dart.

The deerhorn knives weren't made of a deer's horns nor was it shaped like it, at least not by much. It was basically a large steel crescent blade with the handle right in the middle, then with a second, smaller crescent blade facing the other way and acting as a fingerguard.

The rope dart was basically a broad bladed knife on the end of a long, fine chain. The chain was thin so that it wouldn't interfere with the momentum of the blade while it was in flight.

"I am the Easterner he spoke of. If you're up to the task, I'm looking forward to working with you."
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Reactions: Aeyliea
If she was surprised by his appearance, it did not show. The Norei turned to regard the man with critical, cold eyes. She looked him up and down in the most insultingly direct manner possible, and whatever it was she thought of him was hidden behind hooded eyes. Her eyes lingered a moment on the weapons he carried, all of which were foreign to her.

"If up to the task this fool man is hiring for," she said in her thickly accented tongue, "then you are an idiot that I want nothing to do with. Serious you cannot be, fighting the entire underworld of Alliria?" She spit to one side, making a complex gesture with her free hand, a warding off of evil spirits. "Four or five thousand villains there are, to contend with two? No matter how good, the two shall fall, fail."

She rose from her seat. "Five hundred crowns, gold, is a foolish price. You city-dwellers are idiots, thinking I will break my own spears," she said. "Offer me a job that is not chasing the wind," she demanded, looking sideways at the foreigner.
"Four or five thousand split into groups no bigger than twenty each. If you will run then I will take your pay, simple as that. You may think me an idiot, but I don't care. Do the job or don't, if you won't take it then waste no more breath here and leave." Sung Chei said to her with a tone just as cold as her gaze. "There is no place for those lacking a spine in this business. If you number among those who lack drive then we have no use for you."

He didn't care if he made her angry. He didn't care if she'd take the job, he could handle it regardless. Considering his... upbringing, he was tutored in both combat and strategy. So, even if numbers were against him, he could still win without too much difficulty.

He too observed the female captain in front of him. She seemed ready to fight and knew how to. He couldn't see a lot though, her reserved air blocking out all emotion from his view."
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Reactions: Aeyliea
She snorted, turned away from their contractor to face the one that was to be her ally in this. "A green spear, you are," she replied derisively. Despite what should have been heated, she was cold as ice, radiating frosty indignation at this man and his words.

"Reports you have not. Intel, you have not. Details, there are...but details I have." She stood in defiance, tall and proud before this warrior that was proving to be overconfident to a fault. "Some groups of four or five. Some of twenty. Some of more but," she spit to the side, "fools they are not. After the first strikes, wary they will be. Dangerous."

She did not know this man, or his capabilities. All she knew is that she had ridden against Vel Anir when she was but a young woman, many moons before. She had been trained in the art of war but experience, not books. And her sharp intelligence had allowed her to come out ahead of the rest, despite being a woman in what was a man's world. She knew if she had the resources at her disposal she could deal with this threat with minimal casualties and with less force than the city itself would require.

Not two people alone. There were limits to endurance, and their enemy had the resources to hire more fodder faster than they could kill them.

"Aside which, once you have begun, your family is in danger. And your friends. And anyone you know or care about " She spoke with deadly seriousness. "I have been chasing one by the name if Two-Faced Eddie for months now. Killed at least a few dozen of his goons - that were bit untrained street toughs, mind - and still the bastard..." She finally showed some emotion: anger, but not towards this puffed-up young man. No, it was towards the murderer of a friend, and worse.
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Reactions: Sung Chei
"It's a good thing that I have no family for them to kill. But bickering serves no purpose, make your decision and do it quickly, because I won't wait for you. Will you do the job or not?"

Straight and to the point, that was how he operated in conversation, in combat, he was impossible to predict. He stood and waited, but he wouldn't for long, if it took more than five minutes, he would go ahead and get started, with or without her.
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Reactions: Aeyliea
"Very well," she snapped at him. "Go and run off on your fool's errand. A part of this suicide I will not be."

He could be blunt, but so could she. Fixing the man who was offering the contract a dark look, and then spitting on the floor at his feet, she whirled around, braid flying violently out from behind her. She had more pressing things to do, like preparing for a fight with those very same brigands...just not all of them at once.

Long ago, she had learned the value of pacing oneself, and picking her enemies carefully. She was still alive after damned near two decades of this work, so she must have been doing something right. She could only feel remorse that the young fool would not live long enough to learn that lesson herself.
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Reactions: Sung Chei
He smiled in annoyed triumph, he always preferred to do things alone. And, with the issue of the spineless woman out of the way, he got straight to work.

His first target was a small casino building in the middle class district of the city. It was a known haven for mafia middlemen, a good place to start cutting the snake in two. The mobsters gathered in the lower areas to count their profits, that was when they were least vulnerable, so killing them off at that time would do a number on the rest of the mob's morale.

Walking down the steps and into the main cellar he found them, sitting at a round table, counting coins and putting them in bags. They were also surrounded by six total guards. Not too difficult.

He made himself known by walking in, in plain sight. The closest guard immediately tried to take him out, only to end up sqewered on the end of his ji.