Fable - Ask Shrouded & Foreboding

A roleplay which may be open to join but you must ask the creator first


the Bloodhound
Character Biography
She never had been the type to enjoy tea, no matter the amount of milk or sugar mixed in with it, it still held a bad taste on her tongue. Everything seemed to taste a lot different since Misandra fixed her up after mutilating her to the brink of death, but Letta could feel strength and raw power course through her now. No longer the sweet and gentle soul, a rare flower in Cerak, she now was dressed in a burgundy dress and forced to pretend to enjoy her tea as the other invited ladies milled about the small room found within the fortress.

It had been decorated for the occasion, meant to be a moment of peace despite the worst things the Wardens would put every attendee through given the chance.

Letta knew no one that had been invited, only the Wardens that cared enough to show their faces. She was usually put to work, seen as a lesser Warden, but there was no mistake the high value she brought to the table with her sorceress abilities.

But, there was one face she knew.

Elide .