New Kid in the Village


Hello writers, roleplayers, forum-lurkers, and all others here gathered! Greetings!

I am a former writer and roleplayer from way back. But I haven't really done either in a while. But this place has me interested to start roleplaying again. A basic glance at the lore and world and everything here is just invigorating. It's like when I was a kid and first discovered fantasy tropes and dnd vibes. It's positively inspiring. So much adventure to be had mixed with all the freedom a writer could want.

Honestly, as I type this, I'm still running character concepts through my head to try and decide who I might play as to get started here.
hello hello!

If you need to bounce ideas off for characters, joining our Discord server is probably a great way to get stuck in! Plenty of people around to help guide you along and quick way to get answers to any questions you may have!
hello hello!

If you need to bounce ideas off for characters, joining our Discord server is probably a great way to get stuck in! Plenty of people around to help guide you along and quick way to get answers to any questions you may have!
I wish discord would let me join. They banned me for no reason when I tried to sign up. :( So if you need discord to rp here, idk if I'll be around for long...
  • Wow
Reactions: doonaday
I wish discord would let me join. They banned me for no reason when I tried to sign up. :( So if you need discord to rp here, idk if I'll be around for long...
Not the case!
You can still operate writing here and not be active/or on discord!

The community will respond to you here and on Discord in equal measure :)
  • Yay
Reactions: Jabez