Open Chronicles It's Complicated

A roleplay open for anyone to join

Myrcella Bochanan

Eldest daughter of House Bochanan
Character Biography
Myrcella sort of dreaded today. Or rather she dreaded what could be a bad outcome. It had been a week since she was kidnapped by people trying to start a war among the nobles and returned home. Most of her bruises were well on their way to disappearing. Yet still she hadn't strayed outdoors.

There was a wonderful distraction from the trauma that she had endured though. Myrcella had fallen in love for the first time. It could be just infatuation or puppy love, or it could be real, honest to goodness true love. She wasn't certain. Regardless the whole situation was a complicated one.

After her late breakfast, Myrcella got dressed in one of her favourite yellow gowns. She found her way to the sitting room, knowing that it was one of her Mother's favourite places to sit and read. The Lady Gwendolyn Bochanan was always easy to approach, but today Myrcella was a little hesitant.

She smiled anyways when she reached her, wrapping her arms around her in a hug. "Hello Mother. I have some news."
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Gwendolyn had spent the morning do her fairly normal routine. Ensuring the maids, servants, and the like where appropriately doing their jobs. Ensuring breakfast was completed by the cooks, with some kept warm for when her daughter Myrcella decided to wake. The child sometimes worried Gwen, with her different sleeping patterns.

But Gwen was never one to question so long as her baby was healthy and most importantly, happy. Gwendolyn sat down the book she was reading on the end table next to her. Her eyes drifted over the beautiful expanse of their large, successful estate. They had been so lucky.

Dressed in a beautiful gown, Gwendolyn stood as she moved towards the window. Likely her son and other daughter were out and about somewhere. Myrcella Bochanan appeared, though, somewhat in surprise to Gwen. "Oh, darling," she said as she wrapped her arms in return around her daughter. She gave her a tight squeeze. "What news do you bring?" She asked as she kissed her forehead, an inquisitive look upon her face.
Myrcella smiled at the soft kiss, a bit of affection that she had sorely missed during her ordeal. She hoped that after this talk that affection would still be there, but there was no guarantees.

"Mother, I think I'm in love." No doubt Gwendolyn Bochanan would be overjoyed with such news, as she had been complaining lately how she has yet to be made a grandmother. Of course Myrcella hadn't taken the steps to make that possible just yet. First thing's first.

"Now before you get too excited, please hear me out. It's not some nobleman that I've fallen for, which is unfortunate, but we have a plan. If...if Father were to Knight him, then over time he could become a Lord and be granted land and titles, then I could still become a Lady like you and run my own household. It would take time, but it'd be worth it. Do you think that Father would do this for me?" Of course she neglected to say who she was in love with, just in case her Mother was against it all entirely. She didn't want her love to lose his job and be kicked off their land.
Gwendolyn knew there was something on her daughters mind. She always could tell when something was going on with her children. Worry wrinkled her brow as she placed her hands on her daughters arms. A warm, inviting smile for her to tell her the news.
Gwendolyn blinked. She hadn't expected that type of news from her sleep in late daughter. Heck, Gwen wasn't even sure who they would find for the young woman. "In love?" She said softly, struggling to regain a small smile. "Come, sit," she waved for her to come and sit at the couch.

Once both sat, Gwendolyn took her daughters hand in hers as she explained the situation. Before she got too excited? Gwendolyn squinted at her young daughter trying to figure out such an explanation. Would her father grant someone a knight, and then a Lord? Why hadn't she gone to her father first? "Hm, well, honey, it would depend. Would he prove himself to be a Knight? Knighthood is a serious possibility. And... Whom is he? How... Is he a commoner?"

Gwendolyn spent so much time teaching the commoners how to read and write, and simply reading to them, she wasn't quite sure who Myrcella may have fallen for. She hadn't heard any talk of a love affair...
Myrcella studied her mom's expressions while she told her about being in love. At times Gwendolyn Bochanan seemed confused, at other times concerned. Regardless it wasn't exactly as though she was overwhelmed with excitement. That was what she feared the most.

"He works for us very hard, Mother. He's willing to become a squire first and prove himself before being granted Knighthood. And yes, he is a commoner..." Myrcella chewed her bottom lip a bit. She still wanted to hide his identity in case just the asking of this got him fired. "Are you mad? I know that it's something that neither of us expected. It just happened. But not to worry, we haven't shared a bed yet. He hasn't even started to court me yet. We've only just talked about how we felt and started to come up with plans to try to make it work."

It wasn't as though she had gone of to visit any noblemen as of late. Or at all, really. And she wasn't betrothed to anyone as far as she was aware.
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Gwendolyn squinted hard at her daughter. She took a breath as she squeezed her hands. It was right of her to come to her first, on second thought. Her father would have a heart attack, no doubt. Gwendolyn thought about her words carefully as she listened to her daughter... Tell her she was in love with a commoner.

Most interestingly, though, was that the person worked for them. It meant it may be someone in the house or elsewhere. Gwendolyn knew that her daughter was hiding his identity. "First, you must tell me who he is, Myrcella," She stated flatly. "No harm will come to him." At least not from her... "And secondly, you must not tell your father until after he has achieved knighthood. If he can, that is."

She shook her head. Gwendolyn was put into an arranged marriage with Myrcella's father. Gwendolyn knew she should have planned her children's marriages, but she wanted to at least give them some choice in it. But, perhaps, that by itself was part of the problem? Gwendolyn didn't support the slavery that was rampant throughout the Kingdom. Could she enslave her daughter to a man who she may not fall in love with?

She chose her words very carefully, "Myrcella," she said softly. She placed one hand on her cheek. "I love you so dearly, and you are so intelligent. Are you sure this is love?"

Myrcella Bochanan
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Myrcella pursed her lips as Gwendolyn Bochanan asked her to reveal who she had fallen for. Such a direct statement was one that she couldn't disobey. Most especially as it came from her own Mother. "...It's our butler, Titus...And I won't be telling Father." Titus Phane didn't deserve to face his wrath if it could be avoided.

She took in a deep breath and let it out slowly, leaning her head against her Mother's hand when it lay on her cheek. Her brows furrowed as she studied her Mother's facial expressions. Already she felt as though her dream was crumbling all around her. "I believe so. I want to have him with me always. He takes such good care of me and he loves my hobbies. He wants to protect me always so that I'm never kidnapped again. He's so gentle and I feel so good around him. Isn't that love?" Myrcella had never been in love before. She had never really chosen to do so because she was far too comfortable in maintaining the life that she had. But now she wanted some things to change. Hopefully she'd be granted the opportunity.
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Gwendolyn made quite the motherly face towards her daughter, especially as her lips pursed. Indeed, she needed to know whom her daughter loved if she expected her to assist. To become a Knight... Well, it would be hard. But, perhaps she could back him up. Rorric often deferred to her advice, anyway. There was a reason why she was Lady Gwendolyn - she was the real, behind the scenes, ruler of the estate.

"Titus?" She muttered quietly, her face still almost fully neutral. As Myrcella leaned against her hand, perhaps the only thing she could see on her mother's face was the deep thought going on. "It will be hard, and you will be separated for some time. If he wishes to prove he is worthy of you, Myrcella, I will allow it. But," she finally gave the smallest of smiles, "we will speak not of this to your father. Not until he is given Knighthood, and most importantly, can request your hand in marriage. To me, your mother."

She took a breath. Indeed, this made sure no deal could come of a marriage between Myrcella Bochanan and another noble. But something inside her gut told her to allow this. Hopefully, she wouldn't come to regret it.
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"Separated? Why? For how long? You're not going to kick him out, are you? How could he court me if he's to be away from me?" Her dreams of romance were crumbling at her feet. Of course she wasn't going to breathe a word of it to her Father. But wouldn't he notice that their favourite butler was suddenly gone? Wouldn't he ask questions?

At least Gwendolyn Bochanan approved. Somewhat. She wasn't exactly giddy with the news. But who better for Myrcella to fall in love with than with someone that adored her and loved her back? She didn't want to end up marrying a monster. But sometimes daughters had no choice.

"Are you disappointed with me? I do hate to let you down." Right now she wanted to make her mother prpud of her in some way.
Gwendolyn scowled at Myrcella. "Dear, I am not kicking him out. However, you two are to not be alone together henceforth. You are pure and I refuse to lose that until you are married," she confirmed with authority.

The mother took her daughers hands in hers. No, she could never be disappointed in her children. She may disagree, be angry, or something else. But she would never be disappointed. Each of them were growing into beautiful, handsome individuals whom she loved so much.

"Listen to me carefully, Myrcella Bochanan - I will never be disappointed with you. Am I shocked? Of course, dear, but this situation can be resolved with a happy outcome. I'm positive," she said with another smile. Once he was a Knight, then it would be okay.
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"But Mother, we had no intention of--" Myrcella cut herself off. How could she convince Gwendolyn Bochanan of their pure intentions? More than likely her Mother would only fear the worst and it was her right to do so. "I mean, yes Mother."

To see her Mother smile and hear of her optimism was a sight to see and it was more than welcomed. Myrcella squeezed her hands and sat up all the straighter. "I won't let you down. Once he's ready we'll marry and then you'll have those grandchildren that you crave. I'll be the head of my own household and be just like you." Of course Myrcella chose to butter her up. What better way to convince her that this was all a wonderful thing. It was certainly fair better than her being promised to a stranger.
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Gwendolyn's eyes darkened as Myrcella Bochanan almost argued with her edict. Indeed, she thought better of such as she changed her tune. "Thank you," she responded as the light returned.

Gwen smirked, well knowing why Myrcella chose the words she chose. She was a clever girl - she could only pray that the butler, of all people, wouldn't find a way to take that from her. Her daughter had a purpose in life, and Gwendolyn refused to believe it was solely to be a house-wife.

"I will hold that to you, my sunshine," she said with a smile. "Now, give your mother a hug," she'd say as she reached to pull Myrcella into a tight hug.

How fast a child grows.
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Myrcella smiled. Ever pleased that her Mother agreed with the match. She wrapped her arms tightly around her, revelling in the sense of support and security that it gave her. She may be growing up, but she'll always need her Mother.

"Shall we go to the market soon? I could use a new dress. We both could. Or perhaps more jewelry. Wouldn't that be lovely?" Their job was to look beautiful. It was one part of her life that Myrcella had control over.

Perhaps she'd tag along after her Mother during the day, just to learn and see what it takes to run an Estate. It was good practice for the future.
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Gwen smiled as she held her sweet daughter. How fast did they grow up? Why did they have to grow so fast? It felt like only yesterday that she was barely learning to walk, talk, and move about the Estate. Letting her hand gently caress down Myrcella's hair, she sighed softly.

She would have to let her baby go eventually.

But for now, shopping. She smiled as she rubbed Myrcella's shoulders. "I do believe we do require some new dresses," she winked. "Let us gather out things and be off. It has been too long since I have last visited the market."

Myrcella Bochanan
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Myrcella smiled brightly. Oh yes! They were going to market! Shopping for new dresses was always fun.

She got to her feet, all full of eagerness. "We could get you a light blue gown, or a nice green. They'll look gorgeous on you. I'm thinking of something with decorative flowers for myself. Maybe even a lace fan!" Oh yes that would be fantastic! A hat might be nice as well. Or some shoes.

So many options...
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