Fate - First Reply Hitting A Mark

A 1x1 Roleplay where the first writer to respond can join

Xiel Kyrosta

Character Biography
((ooc: looking for a quick fight between my character and someone. The plan is that your character is being hunted by Xiel for a large amount of money. ))


The Nordenfiir had been watching the main road for the past week, waiting for the person to match the picture that he currently rolled in his fingers. It was exceedingly boring. The scattered trees along the sides of the road Xiel could probably draw in his sleep from the amount of time he spent studying his surroundings. He laid in a slight dip behind a fallen tree trunk, one arm behind his head and the other unrolling the picture to study it once again. There wasn't much else he could glean from the piece of paper, and in a huff he pulled himself to sit up and look at the road. His hand now absentmindedly ran along the wooden handle of his war axe, the sharpened blade covered with his black heavy fur cloak to prevent the shine from being spotted by his mark. His face was hardened into annoyance and he scented the air with his sharp nose. The scent of his mark told him that they were here somewhere. His svalen stirred underneath his skin and as much as he wanted to shift, he had to wait. His hand wrapped around the handle of his war axe as his eyes scanned the surroundings for any sign of movement.