Private Tales Goats on the go.

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer


Character Biography
Somewhere south of Belgrath in the deep of the mountain paths where one might not see a soul on the road for many weeks the silence was broken by heavy footfalls.

Skull-hammer was what the "small-folk" called him and this was easy to see as he carried with him a hammer with a stone head carved in the visage of a dragon skull.
His ski was green and yellow, his feet flat and round and from his mouth tusks of ivory sprouted though perhaps the strangest thing that could be seen was the turtle sitting on his shoulder. Its back marked with a swirl of blue woad that matched the Ogres own shoulder marking.

Skull-hammer had been walking for a day and a night without rest so he was taking a rest and a meal. Goats.

Two goats was typically good to have, one for now and one for when he woke up.
He had already started the fire and skinned the goats so he was salting them by the side of the road when he heard footsteps coming.

Big footsteps.

The scant landscape of rocky crags left many blind spots so the stranger was upon him before he saw her.
She was the biggest small-folk he had ever seen. Bigger even than him.
He said unsure of how to proceed but deciding to keep preparing the goats anyway by slathering them in honey mixed with peppers, chillis and ginger.

@Sarah the giant Merc
Sarah the giant was walking, particularly nowhere. She had no friends, family, lover or anything else to do. Though she wished she did, perhaps one day she will. She didn't even ate yet, and her big stomach growled for some great food, or at least some ale. She needed something to eat. However, she found someone speaking to her, and the voice belonged to orge, at least he was poilte.

"Hello, what is your name ser?" She said, her tone respectful. On her back was a giant sword enchanted with storm giant magics. Her stomach growled, and she placed her hand over it. She needed to eat soon.

  • Yay
Reactions: Skull-hammer
Skull-hammer looked deep in thought and listened to the stranger and her gut.
It was also hard to not notice the crackling weapon on her back. Power sparked from its form as if it might explode into action all by itself.
He had a deep, slow voice but he wasn't threatening. Curiously the turtle on his shoulder emerged and looked around.
His messy hands worked the goats as he looked up at her.
It wasn't a question. The sound of her rumbling tummy could not be a lie. The body did not know how to lie so he gestured for her to sit at the opposite end of the fire as he stuck the first goat on a thick branch he had prepared and stuck it firm in the ground beside him, over the fire to start cooking.
The air at his humble camp was warm and the smell of ingredients was a savoury tang in the rich smell of woodsmoke.

Sarah looked at the giant but she wasn't alarmed. It has been a while since she could meet someone as tall as her. Though he was an orge, a good-looking one, he was no giant. She flashed him a smile walked up to his camp and sat down. Setting her sword aside, her stomach growled again.

"By the gods yes, what do you have? I hope you have mutton, or shall we eat humans." She let out a hearty laugh, confident that she was funny.

"I jest, but I do have a barrel of wine." Out of her oversized bag was a large barrel of purple cold wine.
  • Wow
Reactions: Skull-hammer
Skull-hammer paused and looked at the wine. He did not drink much but he did like drinking so he smiled as he set the second goat on a stick and onto the fire to cook.

It made sense to him that a skinned animal looked much the same as any other. Not that he knew much about the words Small-folk used. It seemed to him that in any language they had many words for the same things.
Pig and ham or bacon.
It seemed like a lot of bother to him.

He also did not hear anyone talk of him eating people in days. This one, she was happy to eat and share, that was good.

Much as he had spent a year among the Small-folk his mastery of their language was evidently weak. Not many were brave enough to speak to him, not on in the land they called Vel-Anir at any rate.
