Private Tales Gimme Two Glasses of Fight

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer


Jaken was on a bar in Alliria, waiting for something interesting to happen, he had been like this for the past days, nothing new to do, nothing exciting, the towns were clean of bounties, which made life for Jaken a living hell, he was always in the need of hunting a monster or a powerfull person. And the bars may serve as a secondary place to find bounties. Who knows, maybe some drunk person that seeks vengeance on that person that stole their pillow back in high school, whatever it was, he always looked something on bars.
Though Jaken was not really into alcohol, he drank some shots of the finest alcohol the bar had. He was always cautious not to get drunk, he could transform into a werewolf and go in a drunk rampage, which could damage his reputation. It took him many bounties to acquire the reputation he ha. His name was not known everywhere, but some civilians knew him because of the things he could do and have done.
That was one of the best parts of being a werewolf.
Sung Chei was sitting in the far corner of the bar and watched the door closely. He was running from a group of headhunters, sent from the new Dynasty in his homeland. He had a light plate of food in front of him and some water to go with it. He was about to get up and leave when a group of five men wearing armour from his homeland and carrying spears walked in.

A big ruckus caught Jaken's attention. Doors slaming inside of the bar, in fact, some of the clients looked at where the noise came from. Five soldiers with heavy armor and big spears had walked in. Jaken was confident that they were not looking for him, he hadn't done anything wrong, as far as he knew. And if he did, taking on the soldiers wouldn't be so hard. It would be, sure, but he knew he could fight them.
One of the drunk clients walked towards the soldiers. "Eyy, lookie here! We got some rats on our cabin, Well ain´t that woooooonnderffuuulllll. Whatchu gonna do with dat spear, huhh? Ohh mann, I miss mah wife. Why did you had to lef me dear. Why would you leave me for that cocksucking knight? Would you help me get mah wife bak.... suuurrr...."
The scene was ridiculous: a fat, drunk man begging some guards help to get his wife back. Ridiculous. The guards did not respond. The front guard simply slaped the man away from his face and continued their way towards man that was enjoying lunch.
Jaken couldn't give two shits about it. He kept drinking.
The front guard, or rather headhunter, didn't slap the man away, he put his arm in a lock, then shattered his elbow before crossing to the face. The man was out cold, and in for a major headache and serious pain in his arm. The foreign warriors went around the bar looking over everyone there, until eventually they came to Sung. The soldier in charge, recognisable by the orange horsehair tassel out the top of his helmet, sat directly adjacent to Sung. They spoke briefly in a language completely foreign to those in the room, not any of the languages known to the continent's natives. Eventually, things got bloody.

The soldier in charge threw the table at Sung very suddenly, only for it to be split down the middle by Sung Chei's fist. Immediately after, he and the sergeant were crossing blades. Both wielding jian, (Chinese straight double edged sword) Sung's blade being wavy like a flamberge, the sergeant's was straight.
And then, out of nowhere, a big, noisy fight interrupted evryone's drinks. Two soldiers were having a sword duel. He could tell that this was serious, and not only just a drunk show off. The two men seemed sober and striking with intensity. This would be interesting, however, he would not let any of those men die. If one of them die, the bar would have a severe downhill. It would most likely be shut down. Not this bar, not his favorite in town. He would always come to this place whenever he passed by it.

The two soldiers were still in their duel, while some other soldiers (maybe in a rank below) observed. The fighting men would use whatever they can to their advantage. Eventually, the soldier attacking Sung Chei lost balance due to a counter attack. The loss of balance made him crash in a clients table. Afterwards, the whole bar got into a fight. Out of nowhere, everyone was throwing glasses at other people, smashing dihes, tables, chairs. Jaken always evaded this kind of events, he would not want to be in the middle of something that might get him kicked out. But right now, he was in control of the situation, he was in the eye of the storm. Jaken fought with some customers in a non-lethal way. He eventually encountered a guard that was travelling alongside the soldier that attacked Sung Chei. This one seemed in a bad mood, going for the kill immediately. Without thinking, Jaken disarmed the guard and slit his throat, with his own jian. He broke his promise, he had killed someone. Maybe the bar was doomed to be shut down.
"YOU STUPID SHIT!!" he roared. He looked up, seeing Sung Chei still in trouble, many were approaching him "If someone will kill you, it'll be me for making me kill." he whispered. He ran at Sung Chei's direction, making a guard back off with a flying side double kick "What the hell do these people have with you?" he asked Sung Chei, guarding his back with the jian he stole feom the guard he killed.
Sung Chei was a whirlwind of blows from his sword, fists and feet. It was a fighting style completely new to Jaken. Sung Chei had already gutted one soldier and decapitated another.

"My head, it's a long story. Perhaps you can hear it if we get out of this mess."
"Listen buddy. I honestly don't give two shits about your story. I just want this dudes out of the bar." a customer nearby attempted to strike Jaken's head with a broken bottle, which he replied with a swift disarm and a counter attack to the customer's stomach with the same bottle, kicking it deeper afterwards "WATCH OUT!!" he said to Sung Chei, tacking out a throwing knife and launching it an attacker on the Sung Chei's back. It attended to hit Chei with a whiskey bottle, instead of that, it received a knife through his hand from Jaken.
"He's with them!" someone yelled "He's an ally with that chinese man!!"

A spear went over Jaken's shoulder, almost hitting Sung Chei. It belonged to another guard. He was almost sure that all the guards inside were dead, maybe there were reinforcements outside.
"More friends of yours!!" he warned "Who are these guy-" he was interrupted by a fireball striking nearby. The counter ignited. Somehow, someone managed to create a molotov bomb. More fired started in different points of the bar. Hell had broken lose. In a matter of seconds. "Want an advice?" he said to Chei "Let's get outta here." the front door was out of their reach due to the people fighting, and the sodier that threw the spear approaching them. Fire didn't stayed behind. Overwhelming the front door "Not that way." he saw a window nearby. Afterwards, he grabbed the nearest chair and threw it towards it, breaking the window and creating an exit "Don't know if you want to remain in this hell hole, but I'm out, this bar is doomed anyway." he ran towards the window, dive rolling out of it.

He breathed fresh air. Finally free from the fire. People were around the bar, looking at the flame spectacle. Jaken looked back it. His favorite bar in flames, destroyed. "Damnit." he whispered.