Fable - Ask Gale's Grasp Archipelago

A roleplay which may be open to join but you must ask the creator first

Jeriah Thackett

Noble Vagrant
Character Biography

Thackett was getting used to the movement of the slave ship. What he wasn't getting used to was the groans of the dying.

In the bowels of the ship almost forty criminals had been chained. They were some who had not been captured easily. Wounds left to fester and all they were brought was water and biscuits.

Thackett knew where they were going. Gale's Grasp archipelago was off the coast of the Allirian Reach. There were at least three ports where one could turn a profit on unwanted criminals. Coin in the city coffers was better than dismembered criminals in the gutters.

Thackett looked at the captives to his left and right.

"Were going to make our move tonight," he whispered.

Thackett always had a plan. It wasn't always a good plan, but he had long ago given up on letting anyone rule his destiny.

Riley Briseis
  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Aerend
Keres was not getting used to the movement of the slave ship. She hadn't had anything in her stomach for fucking days.

She had found herself in many a grim situation, but this.. This was truly fucking tragic.

She shifted uncomfortably in her chains, the cold iron biting into her wrists, the cuffs seething with magic that kept her own abilities locked away. Her body ached from cuts and bruises she’d sustained during the fight to resist capture, the dull throb of hunger gnawing at her insides. The stench of sweat, blood, and rot filled the cramped space, mingling with the groans of those too weak to fight back anymore. With the voices of the ghosts that clung to every single one of them.

Her head pounded.

Dark eyes narrowed as Thackett leaned in, whispering his intentions. She cast a skeptical glance toward him, her lips curling into a grim smile.

“We.." she muttered back, her voice rough from exhaustion but still laced with bitter sarcasm. “A bunch of half-dead miscreants, taking on a ship of armed slavers.." she sighed. "It's starting to feel more unlikely by the day, Thickett."

Her eyes scanned the hold, taking in the state of their fellow captives. Most were wounded, feverish, and malnourished. If they made a move, they would need more than desperation to back them up.

“These people can barely stand, let alone fight.” She shifted her position, feeling the iron cuffs tug at her wrists again, reminding her of the frustrating powerlessness she felt without her magic.

But despite her scathing words, a flicker of defiance burned within her. She hated feeling helpless, hated the idea of being carted off like a caged animal. And even though she knew the odds were stacked against them, part of her wanted to believe in some sliver of hope.

She shrugged, her gaze hardening as she met Thackett’s eyes. “But I’d rather die fighting than rot away in this hellhole or be sold into another one. So, what’s the plan?”
  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Aerend
Lips pinched in disgust, causing the recent split lip to start bleeding again. The humans were talking again. Half-lidded eyes slid to the prisoner whispering about a plan. Ren was certainly a long way from home. And a long way from her brother. The Anirians had captured her and sold her. And she was determined to have her revenge on those round-ears.

Long fingers flexed as she moved her wrists against her bindings.

A ripple of frustration crossed her brow as she hit against that mental barrier from her magic. It was almost painful. Separated from a very part of her bones.

Her shoulder thudded lightly into Jeriah Thackett's shoulder as the ship lurched on the waves. Head whipped to the side as she eyed Keres on the other side of the blonde. The stench to the elf's delicate nose from the vomit, piss, and grime from the other prisoners was almost enough to make her gag.

Amber eyes slid between the two. "Alright humans," it was clear of what she thought of them. "You have my attention. But this," she raised her shackled wrists. "will be a problem." So were the rest of the bottom feeders chained with them. There was an orc down the line. Perhaps another elf. But these humans were so pathetic and weak.
  • Cthulhoo rage
Reactions: Keres
“But I’d rather die fighting than rot away in this hellhole or be sold into another one. So, what’s the plan?”

. "Alright humans," it was clear of what she thought of them. "You have my attention. But this," she raised her shackled wrists. "will be a problem."

"No, they won't be."

Thackett sprung his right hand from his cuffs. He clenched his fist and rolled it around. Wearing the metal shackles hurt.

"Also they've got a skeleton crew of guards to save on costs. They're running a three and two shift pattern so they have minimal guards when they think we're all sleeping."

"The problem, is that I haven't a clue how we sail a ship. So we need to find someone who can or work out how to force enough of the crew to sail us somewhere..."