Open Chronicles failed to realise

A roleplay open for anyone to join


[ sell sword orc ]
Molthal, early morning, outdoor market

it wasn’t unlike jregh to stay in the taverns of molthal when he returned to the city from each job. whether it be protecting some high-class lady or taking care of lowly thieves, he always came back to those taverns, stayed a night after dinner, and then woke up at sunrise to refill his supplies. he always needed elixirs, his tools sharpened, drinks for his next adventure.. and maybe a new book. oh, how he loved his books and his reading, but he particularly loved spell books, things that taught him skills he would most likely never be able to use, much to his disappointment.

so he had gone to the market, got what he needed, before walking the streets until he finally found an odd looking merchant. he was a hooded man, thin fingers reaching past his dark, velvety cloak to reveal claw-like nails. golden eyes seemed to shine through the shade of his hood, strands of long white hair falling past the fabric,
one of the only things that really confirmed he was human- or once was. he always went to the man for his spell books, and the man always had a new spell book ready, just for jregh.

“good morning, wallace. it’s nice to see you’ve finally rid yourself of that dingy rag you called a cloak.”

it was an innocent joke, one that made the cloaked man- wallace- chuckle in amusement.

“i wouldn’t have gotten it if not for you, dear boy.”

“ah, i’m not a boy any more. i’ve killed beasts twice your size!” jregh argued, not really meaning much by it, considering the smirk that lined his face.

wallace wasted no time in pulling a book from under his stall, shaking his head with another chuckle. “as usual, a book for a usual customer.” the book was.. old. very, very old. the black leather was beginning to peel, the pages a deep, dirty yellow. each page was a different size, and the book was held closed by a metal lock. the lock looked brand new.

“whysit locked?” jregh asked, pulling out his coin bag to give wallace his usual payment, and wallace only shrugged in reply.

“i’m only the seller, boy. i know nothing of the history of my books. you’ll have to find that out yourself.”

jregh stared down at the book in his hand, the book was heavy, even for an orc like him- half orc, really, so maybe that was his human strength getting the best of him.

“well.. thank you wallace. i’m sure i’ll be back in another week for a new book.” he said, shaking hands with the man and walking off towards.

Outside Molthal, midday

hours and hours had passed, and jregh still hadn’t figured out how to unlock his newest piece of literature. the lock must’ve had a spell on it, to make it unbreakable by brute force. jregh may read all about magic, he knew more then even the average mage would, but he was useless when it came to magic. he couldn’t even make sparks between his fingers.

heaving a defeated sigh, he dropped his axe to the ground and took a seat on the boulder next to the book, staring at it dejectedly before heaving a sigh.

“shouldn’t have bought the damn thing.. doesn’t even have a key hole.. magic locks..” he grumbled to himself, shaking his head as he looked away.