Fable - Ask Crystalline Skies and Devil's Dreams

A roleplay which may be open to join but you must ask the creator first




Even through the changing seasons, years, and ages, had Falwood persisted in its magificient and illusive beauty. As the Wandering One made his way, it could almost be described as a stroll. He enjoyed it here. It felt more familiar than anywhere else in Arethil.

But alas, it was not his home, and he was not on a journey to find one and settle. No there was another thing that had drawn him in beneath the forests' great canopy. Word had reached his ear, as it likely had many, that there was terrible misfortune among the elves there - even in the midst of their wonderous and persisting city.

There was an offer of payment, but he sought no such thing.

For it was no small happening to stir such fear in the hearts of elves. But it was still something to be matched from what he gathered. Perhaps he was too sure of what he once was to appreciate the limits of what he was now, but he estimated he could be that match. But even still, he was far from a fool.

Perhaps he could not.

Nevertheless he would continue, and even as the sun would soon set the forest seemed to grow brighter. There, just through the trees he could see them. The gates to the great city: Fal'Addas.

As he entered into the city, he was greeted cordially of course. Here, he stayed his usual demeanor of annoyance or otherwise disgruntlement for a comforting ease, despite the lingering tension in the air.

He was well aware the state of affairs and could even notice how some were far more leery than he would have imagined in such a grandiose place; if a city were a house than this would be a palace by his account. So he enjoyed what he could for a few moments as he carried on into the city to begin his task.

There was much he needed to investigate. Much to understand...

...like where the hell to go about this mess?

Daven Aratus Seldomus

(OOC/LFG: Rumour Has It)
(Image: The Forest Path)
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Fal'Addas Gates

The elves watched the person enter, having already been told ahead of time that they were to be expected. All of the elves that watched over the Falwood were guerrilla warriors. Trained to act both independently and as a large group, one peeled their eyes away to watch for other signs of trouble, while the other kept a careful eye on the person. The guards were always wary, trained to keep an eye even on the people they knew.

Paranoid wasn't the proper word, but it was bordering such.

((OOC) Will add more but have to jump off to work.)
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Reactions: Llothr
(I'm just going to plug along here :p )

Llothr was indeed someone familiar. Though the fleshed he was robed in was not, his essence; his spirit, was undeniably perspicuous to those as aware as the elves of Fal'Addas. Still, as cautious a people as they were known to be this was beyond what he had known.

It troubled him, deeply.

He peeked out from beneath his hood at some walking by - most of them clearly militant, very few pedestrians. The city was on a higher state of alert, but he hardly felt the weight of martial law. Precautions, but of course.

He drew deeper into the city, and he came to a hall. It was a tall and wide structure, sung from the growth of an enormous tree, and shaped with the melody of elf-song. Marvelous. It was a structure he had no other name for, but it was hardly what most throughout Arethil would likely call a hall, though its purpose was all the same.

He approached the building, where he was greeted by several regal looking elves. Elders from their garb, but their demeanor hardly carried a prestigious tone. Very unusual indeed.

"Greetings," he announced, "I have come to provide aid in your trouble."

Those before him displayed a tremendous discomfort for a moment, and then it deflated as they addressed him in return, "Of course, my friend, forgive us. These are troubled times."

He was gestured inside and honored with a gentle bow, "please, join us. There are others to arrive, and much to discuss."

Good. I'm on the right track.
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Reactions: Daven
Daven quietly descended from his home, the impromptu throne as much a family seat given his families continued rule in his people's continued peace. They chose their rulers with votes, and he could have very well been replaced by someone much older and wiser than himself. They had decided however to allow the young man the opportunity to rule however, growing alongside him as he them. It had endeared his people to him and likewise the other way. It was with a heavy heart that he had to call upon those outside of his people to resolve an issue like this.

Elova followed behind him silently, eyes constantly checking the area regardless of her king attempting conversation. Nodding or giving simple answers to remove the thought of dedicating any energy to actually entertaining his wild questions-

"No, I don't think camp cooked squirrel soup is better than the worst of Taravel's teas." She snapped at him, making Daven smile finally. He had tried to sneak a comment past her about their guilty pleasure, but as per usual she managed a strong vigil against scorning the wielder of the tea leaves.

"Then I would say that-" Daven began to explain as Elova coughed gruffly and stopped short. His brow rose at her before turning back around for a double take. Mehris stood quietly in their path, the elf king quickly silencing himself as the smile faltered before the woman looked his way. Eyes met, her gaze dropping away first with a broken smile as she greeted him. He returned the gesture in kind, sparing a glance to where she had pulled her gaze from.

Hallowed Hill, where the dead lay in peaceful rest. Part of it could be seen from the path, most of it not as open to the public eye. The dead were laid to rest to be at peace, not displayed for others. Small solar orbs, similar to the ones of another tree, had gathered light from the days sun and now made a display similar to the stars that dotted the night sky.

"My Lor-" The other woman began before Daven raised a hand.


"Daven." Mehris corrected herself, the smile not reaching her eyes as she bowed her head, turning before leaving quietly. Elova refrained from saying anything until the other woman was truly out of earshot, a feat for elves.

"Seeing your former never gets any less awkward you know." She huffed, giving him a quick swat with her boot before walking ahead of him. His glare was the only response in kind to the gesture. "Surprised you two could never make up, your both so damned pretty...or was that part of the problem?"

Daven grit his teeth at the jab, knowing Elova was trying her best to push through the bevy of self loathing he now felt. Even if she always just added to it. Shaking his head, he pushed to keep behind her, not wanting to be last to the meeting this time.

They made decent time to the meeting hall, their guest having arrived as the messenger had informed them. Elova slipped into the shadows, eyes peeled and added to the ones already presently watching the gathering with bows at the ready. Daven gave a gentle bow, motioning to the guest.

"Welcome, to Fal'Addas. I am Lord Daven. I wish you had been able to arrive under better circumstances than a call for aid. Alas, I won't hold back the elders from talking of the issues however." Daven spoke softly, the smile he wore not fake by any means, but plainly worn without actual cheer.

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Reactions: Llothr
Llothr turned and regarded the elf lord with a raised hand and a bowed head. This was the head of Fal'Addas himself, whom he quite honestly had not expected to see soon. The situation must indeed be no small ordeal.

"My lord," he said, and then raised his head to see him, and withdrew his hood for him to see he.

His eyes were as still as stone, and bore an eerily unnatural likeness. Still, they betrayed his benevolence with the ease of his gaze, despite the firm expression that was cast upon his face. Creased brows, and a stiffened lip.

It was as if he were measuring the elf. But it was a fleeting tension, cut when he addressed Daven's courtesy.

"Indeed, I am troubled to hear of what has transpired here good king. I only hope that I can help put an end to whatever it is that is behind this."
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Reactions: Daven
It took a moment for the king to do anything more than blink and gaze upon the person before him. The tension broke between them as he returned the bowing motion. His gaze wandered over the elders, giving them each a soft bow before turning back to the new arrival.

"As we all are troubled. And yes, we do hope that with your help we can figure this out as we have been rather confounded by ourselves." He looked once more to the elders, nodding before speaking. "Go ahead, and I shall add what I know."
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Reactions: Llothr