Journal Coyote's Journal

Private roleplay dedicated to character's personal journal entries.

Coyote Kilduff

Saddle Tramp
Character Biography
15th day of Young Grass, 368.

I've been told keeping a book on yourself is a good pastime, and a good way to record your experiences. I'd say my memory does the job fine, but I got a rattling purse and a wild hair in the town I just passed through, so here I am, telling a book what I think.

I ran into an old... Friend, of mine, a few days back. We didn't choke each other out in the middle of the road to be found later by weary travellers, so I'd say we're good. so I'd call that a step in the right direction. On lame legs. Maybe.

Yorel has been colicky lately. I blame it on the grass around here, too dry and scrubby. A mule's paradise.

Māti, Pāti, Lena, I hope you are well.

"Māti," a word from a dialectal form of Elvish, translates closely into "Mam," "Mum," or "Mom." "Mātan," translates closely into "Mother." "Pāti" is the same, closely translating into "Pap," "Pop," or "Dad." While "Pātar" translates closely into "Father."
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3rd day of High Grass, 368.

Yorel got so damn spooked today, some critter ran across the little hunter trail we were riding up and he almost tossed me, cracked my head on a low hanging branch. Could've been some loose magic experiment, he's always a little sensitive around it. Even me, always said it was how we work so well together.

I managed to get a glimpse through the twisting and turning and shushing. Maybe I hit my head harder than I thought.
Coyote's Jackalope.png
10th day of High Grass, 368.

Ran out of dried beans and rye. Can't say that's noteworthy until I recognized the town I was riding into for supplies. Trying to not dribble bloody snot on the paper. My lip is grinding on my teeth. My hands ache. At least the phis phe physician patched me up.

I got supplies.
27th day of High Grass, 368.

Met an old flame today on her farm. She's really changed since I last dropped in. She's married to some hotshot with a good job, running trade, and adopted this skinny half-orc kid, or he said he was skinny. Damn near broke my arm when I offered a shake.
Her spouse offered me a position on a wagon route, in a protection detail. Wish I could've accepted, but I've got too much on my plate and too many towns that hate me to take it. Maybe next time I come through things will be different.
1st day of Last Fawn, 368.

May not make it home on time for the Summer gathering. I apologize, my Māti, I cannot push Yorel too hard. If I can find a shortcut through this arm of the forest, we might make it by sunset for the first of the celebrations. Looking forward to sweet bread and fresh honey.
6th day of Last Fawn, 368.

The bread and honey was wonderfully sweet yesterevening. Yorel got his fix of oats and love from Māti, Lena, and Pāti, and I was gifted a new shirt and neck cloth, and handed a pack of freshly dried meats from the family drying house.

My family liked the new tunics and things I got for them. My sister looked like she was gonna faint when I handed her the tray of paint she'd been wanting. Pāti seemed to like his new billhook, and Māti adored her new earrings and gloves. I think the thing they liked the most though was seeing me again after months away.

I should visit home more often, if my damned plans will stop getting screwed up.