Private Tales Cold Winds and Colder Hearts

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
Character Biography
The sea spray stung Tydeus’ face. This time of year the ocean seemed a frigid thing, a denizen of lurking demons and sudden storms. He waited on a remote dock in Alliria’s great harbor, the sole figure there this time of the morning.

But not for long.

A new ship came in, with a hull blacker than deepest midnight - sails tattered and torn.

She did not fly the flag of the red moon and skull, not here, but Tydeus would have known that ship regardless.

Ravenna’s vessel. Why here, why now? He’d received only a scry message from Cerak to wait for the ship. Ravenna herself? No. She wouldn’t leave the island to come so far. Not these days.

Then who?
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