Brief Hiatus

Sir Nathaniel

The Paladin
So, given my current circumstances regarding my personal life, especially with my job and my prospects (going to see about moving and possibly even college) I think I'm going to be taking a short hiatus from the site. Rest assured, I will use this time to develop a few plotlines and see about additional character development, so expect me to be well prepared for my inevitable return.

To everyone that have already participated and to those who I have agreed to start working with, I give you my heartfelt gratitude for your input, your patience and for your warm, welcoming and overall, just plain delightful personalities. People like you make the world and the internet a better place.

Once again, rest assured, my friends - big things are coming and are even now in the works.

Stay tuned.

Until we meet again, someday soon, this is Sir Nathaniel signing off.
We never met, but I wanted to wish you luck wherever you decide to go! I know college isn't for everyone, but it can be a great experience for a lot of people. Take care of yourself, and I'm looking forward to seeing what you're working on!
Good luck to ya, Sir Nathaniel. Hope all of the life transitions go smoothly and bring good fortune.
All the best between now and then. Looking forward to writing with you again like old (old) times!