Letters An Educational Exchange

Roleplay dedicated to correspondence type roleplays such as letters.


Terrible Thief, Worse Empath
Character Biography
A poorly written letter in an even, albeit unpracticed, novice hand. Several instances of words scratched out and spelled again properly or misspelled entirely. The final lines seems written hurriedly as an afterthought.

Dear Belduhr,

When we saw you last you told me to rite write to you. It has been a wile while and i need practise so i tho am finaly keeping my word. I have been practiseing my spelling but it is still bad. Dont be to upset? I dont like the extra leters. Raigryn fixes my mistakes a lot but i am geting better. Hopefuly i dont embaras embarrass myself to much?

I hope you are well and that Belgrath has been kwi quiet. Raigryn has mostly stayed out of trouble but we both know how bad he is at that. He curently has his arm in a sling. Otherwise it has been quiet here. I have been lerning the sord sword and sine sign langw from the lokals with Raigryn. He left for a while so he is behind now but i am getting prety pretty good at it. It is nice to be able to talk even if only a few here understand it. I cant sey say much about we where we are but i can se say it is hot and dry. But the people are nice even if theyr their food is spisy spicy. It makes me miss Belgrath fayr fair fare.

How many ways are there to spell the same sounds? The more i learn the more i get rong wrong.

We agree that writeing more oftin often will be good practise so be sure to write back! I dont know how often i will be alowed to send leters but i will when i can. It is nice and boreing here but i will think of something to tell you about. I almost fergot forgot that Dusty and Sox Socks are doing well. And Jose Jocelyn Jason. I hope your sister is well. Has she come to see you again yet?

It was nice writeing to you. I look forward to getting one back.


Do they make sope that dosnt smell like flowers? Raigryn dosnt seem to like the flowery stuff here. How do you get sope? Where does it even come from? I thot you wou thought you would know. Thanks in advanse!

Dear Fife,

I am glad to see that you are well enough to write to me given the amount of time that has passed since last we met. I had worried for some time at great length that perhaps that mentor of yours had somehow gotten the pair of you stuck into some sort of trouble that had taken you away from the world you have just begun to explore and make your own.

As for the extra letters in words, there is a purpose behind them as it distinguishes the difference between the sounds that they are supposed to make. It's a complicated idea, and while I won't go over it with you through the means of letters, since that is a poor learning medium as versus your mentor's presence continuing to vex me with his lack of action towards that end. Is he not teaching you letters, words, and their structures in a sentence? Pah, what use is the learning of the blade if one does not know how to write a formal complaint before then necessity of bloodshed is required?

Bah What has that man gotten himself into to end up with an arm in a sling? Surely he did not threaten your safety as well, or, is this simply a case of him going off and stirring up more than he should have? Not that it particularly matters given that I am writing to you. I do sincerely hope that you have been able to keep yourself out of trouble given how often that man seems to drag you everywhere he goes.

There is hardly anything going on now, a few mumbles of a group of people heading out to re-take an old dwarven outpost to the north. Had a good smear of folk with them. Mercenaries, dwarf warriors, the lot. Said there was gold and treasure to be found but I figure by now, that is a load of bollocks anyhow. Anyone with half a brain, wandering the world looking for trouble would have looted it by now. Should not have wrote that.

I am somehow not surprised these Local's that Raigryn are associating with someone know the sword. But you mentioned something about sign? As in a sign language one would use their hands and fingers with gestures to convey words? As for getting words wrong, it is because you are learning and expanding your vocabulary, thus expanding the number of words that you can get wrong. It's not that you are unable, it is simply that you are learning.

And I agree the Writing would be good for you, as some things are not often spoken about in the general way. And I am sure that Raigryn will Allow you to send letters when things become Boring, if only to keep your grammar and spelling up to snuff. And I am glad to hear that your ponies are doing well, the one seemed especially fond of you, Dusty wasn't it? It is good to hear that the Luna Sloth in your mentors possession is doing well, it is not hard to forget about them since they move so readily when not visible but slow to that of a wind mill grind stone on a calm day.

Rune is doing splendid last I saw her, though she did send me some schematics before coming home for a visit. You still use a crossbow do you not? I have been experimenting with a few designs of one, and the boy who trained you is enthusiastic about it's production in the foreseeable future. For what it is worth, please do continue Writing to me. I enjoy seeing your progress and hearing that you are well. That both of you are well.

Belduhr Brighthand

*attached is a shoe box with a myriad of soaps ranging from earthy smells, to lemon and sandalwood soaps to a few that lack a smell altogether, with two notes attached to the box -

Fife - Soap actually has an interesting history behind it as it was first made using fats, known as tallow, vegetable oils, and ash boiled down to wash textiles such a clothing or other goods as well as used for medicinal purposes. The process is somewhat similar to candle making as both take a steady hand and a practiced hand. And you Thought right, to thank me in Advance. You are most welcome.

Raigryn - What did you get yourself in to? Fife tells me you have yourself hung up in a sling. Hard to get a lot done when you've only a free hand to take care of yourself. Do try to take better care of yourself, if only for Fife's sake.

\\ Fife \\​