Private Tales A night to remember

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
Character Biography
"Make way, make way!"
The able bodied of House Strand ushered Grendel and Nilofer through into the house after the attempt on her.

His Mother was still outside fighting, getting them both to safety was paramount and it was a little late to say the night was a success but they protected themselves. That was the important part.
As the night started so it ended with them sitting alone. Grendel dismissed the guards from the library and went to Nilofer.
"Did he harm... you?"
Dizziness hit him like a lead weight wrapped in a blanket and he fell to one knee before her. His hand, it was turning a sickly colour already.
"Blasted, thought... I was... fast enough!"
In the hurry to get Nilofer away from the kidnappers he batted the sword away with his hand, the contact lasted only a moment but it seemed that was enough.

Whether he was slowing down or the world was he could not tell but his arm was turning to fire in his senses. Trying to stand he all but collapsed into a seat opposite her.
What in the world was in that poison?
As the world muddled his senses he heard the very pounding of his blood in his ears. It was so different from battle fugue, he wondered if he might remember this feeling and describe it later or if he was simply going to die.

Nilofer Saladin
  • Stressed
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