Fable - Ask A First Day In The Nation

A roleplay which may be open to join but you must ask the creator first

Axel Sterix

Master Caster
Character Biography
Axel folded his arms against his chest, eyes skyward. His call to Seraphim had gone through their connection a moment ago and now he waited for her return. The Sunvaar had left his side to go about her hunting rituals, which was a daily event due to her size.

A trumpeted roar resounded out nearby.

She was coming. The beautiful shine of sunlight against her smooth scales could be seen soon enough against the horizon. Not long after her voice touched his mind, Little one, must you always interrupt my hunt?

With minds that linked as one before his memories began, in the traditional ritual of his clans, it was like a major part of him was finally returned. He was whole once more.

A smile birthed against his face, Always? My we are dramatic today! To love this beautiful behemoth was easy, like loving ones soulmate or to love themselves. For she was both. She was his soul just as he her heart.

Through their connection he could hear the chuff sound she made in her throat, the dragon equivalent of a laugh, You know I am what you seek most. Blame yourself. He too laughed at this.

Walking forward, toward the cliff face he had climbed for his vantage point, he paused only a second. When she neared enough, he simply continued off the edge. Their conversation cut short a moment as she snarled loudly, angling her body and pressing her wings flat against herself. Moving like an arrow, she soared under the man so he landed gently atop her back, where she angrily twisted her head back to nearly bump his chest with a sharp scale found at her snout.

MUST YOU RISK LIMB AND LIFE EVERYDAY JUST TO IRRITATE ME!? His response was booming laughter as he sat against the crook of her wing as she began to lightly flap to gain altitude.
  • Yay
Reactions: BrattPrincess
Axel moved to the center of Seraphim's neck, where her shoulders met. Here was a perfect space for riders to seat themselves. Patting her neck, he knew it stupid to shout against the wind that whipped past them. So instead he spoke into her mind.

Seraphim, my love, I had a thought. Wouldnt it be better for you if you're wings didn't tired so quickly? He asked, directly into her mind.

Her reaction was intense and instant. She bristled. Her anger was noticed by his own senses, as their emotions boiled damn near as one, Little One, I am not slow. Nor do I tire. I am Sunvaar. I am the peak of perfection.

Axel couldn't stop the laughter. For them both, their time together had allowed them a thousand years of growth and more. But it did not mean they matured.

I mean to help, not insult, dear one. Axel chuckled into her thoughts. She slowly relaxed sensing his jubilance at her reaction. Pricking a finger with the tip of his small dagger, Axel was soon enough drawing a small sigil just above where her wing muscles lay.

It took several minutes, and erasing more than once, to perfect the sigil: strength of ages. That's what the sigil more or less translated to. Smacking the symbol while channeling the Drakonic Magic inside of them, he felt her ease a bit.

It was as if his weight, and her own, was super easy to handle. Which was true. He had successfully just aged her wings.

Because the thing most hadn't realized is... She was stunted. The curse upon her had faded only about twenty years prior. For so long he could never have sat upon her. Now she had the body of what could be interpreted as a teenager..

Well now wing muscles of a healthy adult.