Private Tales A Caged Griffin

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer

Amalric Urahil

The Noble
Character Biography
"Let me out of this tower, just tell Vel Anir and they will ransom me."

"We've sent many letters to House Urahil, Amalric. None of have been answered. We are losing patience. What value-"

"Value?" Amalric slammed a fist against the stone wall of his room. "Value?!" He stared in disbelief at the horned freak called Gwyddion. What did he know, swaddled in his dark robes and always skulking about? "I am a noble of Vel Anir. My value is in my blood."

Gwyddion cocked his head and folded his hands together, "An interesting choice of phrase," he said softly, a slight smile on his fiendborn features that made Amalric's skin crawl. Then he turned and left the room, leaving Amalric alone in the bedroom chambers that were both his home and his prison.

The corsairs captured his merchantman some month ago. They'd sold most of the rest of the merchant's crew, but for Amalric and the other two knights who had been aboard. He hadn't seen the other two since the day he'd been captured. He had only been afforded this room on account of his protest that House Urahil would pay his ransom. But clearly none was forthcoming. Another ploy by Felix to get rid of a rival. Doubtless Godfrey's death was similarly contrived.

Amalric peered out the narrow arrowslit that passed for his window, looking out at the sea below and longing for freedom. The knight of the Griffin should not be caged.

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