
  1. Erën

    Aeraesar When All is Said and Done

    In the Aftermath... Walking through the wreckage in the streets, he feigned a strength he did not have. He feigned the uprightness in his back as though it always was. He feigned the strength in his countenance. He denied the burning in his body, the weakness in his lungs... He needed to be...
  2. Rinvië

    Fate - First Reply Andromeda

    For her, given her age, it was quite something to say that she was spending time in a place called the Black Talon, in Sharyrdaes. But then again, there was a time when the events of the last one hundred and thirty years would have fit that description as well. Sharyrdaes was quite a bit...
  3. Erën

    Completed On Toward the Burning Dawn

    Ripples between the waves... that was the best they could do. While an Aerai's mind could reach far for one of their own, it wasn't easy. It took time. Little more than inclinations. Nothing truly coherent. Only the most entuned could ever tell - and thankfully, by Astra's grace - they did...
  4. The Shorai

    Open Chronicles Live Together

    In the months since the war began, though they were not without set-back, the Aerai and their allies had managed to not only outmaneuver their adversaries, but for the most part overpower them as well. While across the vast majority of the allied forces their victories were seen purely as such...
  5. Eohan

    Fable - Ask The Nyklinnor

    Believers of Astra and Her Court sing of many tales and prophecies. One sung by those looking for a messiah chanted: When the Scourge's embers reignite the land, When the Tower stands broken and land sundered, Gazing down, Nykios sees, And casts the chosen upon the world, The Voice's will...
  6. Ánië Táralóm

    Private Tales Of Curses and Curiosities

    In the most recent weeks as the dark host of their enemy stirred and moved against them, thoughts of those out abroad had become a diminished consideration. Still, now that the conflicts had moved further from Sharyrdaes, the war was in full swing. Aeraesar had been a dangerous land for far too...
  7. Ánië Táralóm

    Private Tales Instability

    It had been weeks since the battle of Salquenor Minassë, where the Order's allied forces had narrowly arrived in time to secure the bridges there and turn Arkhivom's army away. Though this had been a great victory, it marked the reignition of a war long since gone cold. But this time, unlike in...
  8. Atandil

    Private Tales The Many, Who are One

    There weren't many his age. Only a handful. He was told that it wasn't always this way, that once the Aerai were more numerous. He was also told that, once, the skies above their lands weren't always covered by rolling black clouds, that their forests and valleys weren't always filled with mist...
  9. Lómin

    Open Chronicles A Light in the Looming Shadow

    There had been tales told of a place in the Falwood, where the forest itself closed and the sky grew dark with rolling storms that never ceased. There were stories of a land where creatures wore the shapes of monsters, and preyed upon those who dared to enter into those dark lands. If one knew...
  10. Ánië Táralóm

    Private Tales In the Listless Night

    It had been nearly a hundred and thirty years since the tower fell, since the shadow that ruled over their lands took hold. She remembered when the Eventide fell upon them. She remembered that then, too, the Shoraes had become quiet. But that had been for only but a moment, like the whole of...
  11. Ánië Táralóm

    Fable - Ask When the Faith Fails Us

    Long had been these past months, and very quiet. Throughout everything they had endured these many years they had never suffered in such a way as this. Even in the Temple's corridors with close companions it still felt as though the people around her were leagues away. In some ways they even...
  12. Erën

    Fable - Ask Before the Dark Times | Sharyrdian Order

    The night was cool, and calm. The sky was clear, and the land was washed in the pale light of Arethil's moons, full in their beauty. Beneath them, in the midst of sparse trees and great fields of grass, a lone figure sat silently by a gently burning flame, just near a softly running stream. And...