
  1. Seyah

    Private Tales Truths In Blood

    Tyr - The Black Orchid Theron "Edromir, you know how foreigners are." It was not often that members of the Deathwatch made their way to the Temple District of Tyr. Though once a center of the city, the Temple District had long since fallen out of favor with the elite, and in truth...even the...
  2. Seyah

    Fate - First Reply Blood On the Rocks[Pirates]

    The Bay of Ne'varra - Sixty Miles From Tyr "Simone, you should have remembered the rules." Seyah said, crouching gently upon the rocky shores. The warmth of the volcanic sea lapping against her feet as tides began to roll in. A woman sat upon her knees, the black stone of the shore digging...