post dance

  1. Thraah

    Letters Staying in touch.

    Hi Mom, hi Momni, hi Dad. I'm sorry. I burnt the dress. I know you spent a lot of money on it but it wasn't my fault. Some bitch hussled on me and I lost my temper. I'm sorry for swearing. I just got mad and before I knew it I was on fire again. I think I burnt the floor too. There's...
  2. Thraah

    Completed Pyrokenesis

    It had been three whole days since the Dance and Thraah had taken to spending her spare time in the old ruined chapel. There she would burn things and occasionally sweep the floor, try to make it ready. It helped to keep busy and keep away from the Academy proper. She wasn't typically one to...
  3. Livia Quinnick

    Completed One Last Tango

    Dawn was not too far off, and most of the party that were the last guests to leave the dance had gone their separate ways. In a rare mood to socialise with those in her class, it was a successful night to forget all the troubles gnawing at the back of her mind, but when sweet slumber did not...