new friends

  1. Aristeia Darke

    Private Tales These Venomed Lies

    Alliria had her hidden havens, some better kept than others, but the faith stayed the same. Undying. Devoted. Loyal. Believers. They all flocked to these holy crevices, they all whispered their prayers and asked for blessings. Some weeped, and some were silent. Alliria also had her unsavoury...
  2. Rhidian

    Private Tales The Bones Glow As They Break

    "Artesto! Vaughn! Off your arses and get the gear secured into the wagon!" Rhidian suppressed the groan he wished to let out, but he was brought up a soldier. As soon as he got to the Academy, heard Silas' name, he stuck to him like glue. They had shared memories of the Guard growing up, their...
  3. Skull-hammer

    Private Tales Two big folk.

    She was getting closer. Skull-hammer watched from his perch on the side of the road as she rode her great beast. He was eating a pumpkin stuffed with spiced beef like one might eat a peach. Ten foot tall and green of hide his bulk was considered great and even as he sat he found himself taller...