
  1. Luthen

    Dreadlords The Cold North Elyrsk - Neus The cold of the north had truly settled over the last few days. An incessant bite and chill that seemed to reach into ones very bones. Luthen loved it. For years he had languished in a cell scorched by the sun. Even at night the...
  2. Mieri

    Dreadlords Far Flung

    Alven - Near Eaglehead "Whoever built those portal stones." Mieri said as she and the others walked down the dock towards their intended ship. "Did not build enough of them." They had been on the road for nearly a week and a half now. Having set out from the Academy to the Falwood Portal...
  3. Vlas

    Fable - Ask Within The Walls

    "Oh yes that will hold me." Vlas commented dryly as iron manacles were fastened about his wrist. The Guardsmen standing in front of him looked at him as though he were a leper. They were all young, younger than him for sure. One of them was a Sergeant, likely just a recruit when Vlas had joined...