
  1. Serçe

    Private Tales Two-Day Shipping

    "Shove off!"came the rude reply. The mage simply shrugged in response after bumping shoulders with the stranger. Alliria was as friendly as always. Too many people focused on making their coin. Manners were a tertiary concern at best. Serce couldn't fault them as he was somewhat in a rush...
  2. Silas

    Private Tales Hoist the Colors

    "You owe me, Evander." The words were strong, no patience, not a single width of wiggle room. Any man who heard those words would have found them impossible to argue with. They were spoken with such conviction, such power, that it might have come from the heavens. It was said in such a way...
  3. Arnor Skuldsson

    Quest Simplified Construction

    THE SPINE KNIGHT'S REST "It... appeared." The men in the tavern all nodded in unison. "Started out with trees poppin' up.." "Then it was them damn roads in the woods!" "Now we got old farms, houses, taverns, where they shouldn't be!" Arnor could hardly believe himself, them. But the Bounty...
  4. Teodron

    Open Chronicles Barring Complications

    For once Teodron didn’t have classes, fieldwork, assignments, extracurriculars, or tutoring sessions. It was odd, having time off. While he knew he should’ve probably spent the time continuing his investigation into his mother’s disappearance, after his encounter with that female orc the...
  5. Voraak Tyrethian

    Private Tales Class Field Trip

    ELBION COLLEGE Voraak had just finished his Elemental Basics class and was rushing down the hallway to attend his Alchemy course. Voraak had been doing rather well at the College and took a liking to studying Elemental Magic and majoring in the art of Frost. Sweat started to form on his brow as...
  6. D

    Open Chronicles Seeking An Understanding

    Elbion - University Archives Djana stalked quietly down the cobbled streets of Elbion, her lips thin and her face a plaster mold of impatience. She did not like this city. Usually she thrived in cities, excelled when she was surrounded by people of all race, age, and education. Here though...
  7. Gerrard

    Private Tales Light After Dark

    It always itched after a long ride. Gerrard scratched at the scars across his chest through his travelling coat. The scars should have faded to a pale watermark by now, but they ran far deeper. It was not his skin that had been pierced that day, but his very soul. They would never fade. They...
  8. S

    Open Chronicles The Dead March

    Allir Reach - West, Near the Spine Saul wrenched his sword free from the corpse, already congealed blood pulling at it's steel surface as if trying to keep it in place. He scowled behind his helmet. "Fucking ghouls." The Templar said as he kicked the body, turning away and inspecting the edge...