knights of anatheum

  1. Selene

    Knights of Anathaeum The Twinned Flame

    In the Age of Chronicles Summer, 20th of Smaragd, 373 On the Edge of the Balewood, In the Shadow of the Eldyr Tree This was the last safe place to rest, before entering the corrupted lands of the Balewoods. It was the encampment where the squires of Anathaeum gathered before setting out on...
  2. Eren'thiel Xyrdithas

    Private Tales Friends of Old

    "It has been over a hundred years," the voice of one councilor rose up, not exactly in protest. There in the great halls of the Sharyrdian Temple, The Council had gathered. From the chapel the choir's perpetual song echoed through space and time, reaching both their minds and their ears, and...