
  1. Cuthwyrd

    Fate - First Reply From Whom the Mountains Toll

    Ancient and vast were the peaks and vales of the Spine where silence sat like a mist that dissipates only when the sun was at its peak. Few were the trails and paths that threaded their way through the highest ridges and fewer still those bold enough to trace the paths along where the land and...
  2. Cuthwyrd

    Open Chronicles That Which Lurks in the Lake

    The Spine was ancient, perhaps being the very foundation of the world from which all the rest grew. Cuthwyrd didn't know. He wasn't sure that anyone knew. As long as the history went back, the Spine had been there long before the tale started and continued far beyond its end. They were one of...
  3. Cuthwyrd

    Open Chronicles To Reach the Reach

    Few secrets lingered in the mountains of the Spine, not from the eyes of the Fyiama, at least. Hardy humans with traces of Mountain-Elf blood running in their veins, they lived with their sheep and goat herds, dwelling in small huts cut from the very bones of the mountains. Many lived their...