
  1. Asemir

    Fable - Ask The Futures of Fae [Winter Court]

    Winter Court - Northwestish of the Spine Underhill - The Scarlet Hall Though it had been some two thousand years or longer since he'd stepped foot in the Scarlet Hall, Asemir felt its regal walls filter into his memory as if he had never left. The same cool, crisp air he recalled of nights...
  2. Eske

    Fable - Ask The Futures of Fae [Spring Court]

    Southern Falwood Domain of Nairth San'Seya West had not been the direction Eske thought to travel when preparing to deliver the Futures Tome to the King of the Spring Court. Northeast to the Taagi Baara Steppes is where she'd always planned her path. It was often a long and tiring journey and...