blackburn fane

  1. Blackburn Fane

    Private Tales A Name From The Past

    ALLIRIA Lorelei Darke Blackburn Fane has lived many lives, but they always end the same. Death. Dream. Then a mouth full of dirt as he wakes up from a shallow grave. He has been a bandit, a warlord, a bodyguard of a skeleton, a wanderer and right now a tavern brawler. The issue with not...
  2. Fífl

    Private Tales Carrion Comfort

    The Northern Coast of the Eretejva Tundra Uratash smiled upon her. Or so some fanatic might have screeched while lopping off various body parts and launching them into the Köldgröf as if they were making the most haphazard, deluded soup (albeit with earnest fervour). Fífl the Fleet was not...