allir reach

  1. Nuir

    Open Chronicles Steamy Stew and Stars

    The view of the night sky was often impeded by the dense tree tops on this journey. This night was the same. Nuir had been traveling in no particular hurry down to Alliria. He had made camp and a small fire. After placing a small pot of stew on to cook he sat by the fire staring up through the...
  2. Afanas

    Private Tales Digging up the...Dead?

    Afanas' eyes opened. Three-fourths of his body lay buried in the damp soil. His hat and cloak lay folded into a neat pile a few feet from his resting spot. All around him unfolded a sprawling patch of woodland, devoid of any sapient presence save for a scarce few trolls and goblins that...
  3. Shrike

    Open Chronicles A Cardinal Sin

    Two hundred odd soldiers had accompanied Tydeus Twice-Bitten on his march into the depths of the Reach. None remained. Some deserted. Most perished of disease and malnitrution. The rest fell to that Nagai warband, except for five. Five faithful. They were dead now too. Lost somewhere back...
  4. A

    Open Chronicles Storm Rider

    East of the Allir Reach's southern "horn", there was a stormy sea. And in this stormy sea was a small sloop struggling to sail. She had a gaff mainsail and two jibs. She used a tiller and had no paint job nor did she fly any identifying colors. It was a mystery as to what faction she sailed for...
  5. Casio Cassienda

    Private Tales The Beggar in Rags

    As night stretched over the Bjorn farmstead and an evening fire kindled in the hearth, the hounds began to stir. They growled low, hackles lifted and ears split back against their heads. The farmers exchanged frowns, pausing in the after dinner cleanup. Creases of worry wormed onto their brows...
  6. Jhyrann

    Open Chronicles Digging out the rot

    Jhyrann plodded to a stop as he saw the lights of the small town. The trees gave a slight rustled as the night breeze changed direction. In these gentle lands, there was very little that would attempt to stop him even at night. He took a breath and prepared himself for the change. It always...
  7. Sir Nathaniel

    The Syzygy A Desperate Defense (The Syzgy, Cortosi Coast, Allir Reach)

    It was a dark day when the Abyssal came to Cortosi Coast, Allir Reach. From the depths of the sea, slimy, tentacled horrors emerged from their underwater lairs and began to lay siege to villages and towns across the coast, abducting many and dragging them back into the water for some unknown...
  8. Dante L Damasque

    Private Tales Tit for tat

    Early Winter, 373 In the North Eastern Allir Reach, The town of Viyantil, West of the Grand Lake Brullyrd A silvery curtain of mist swirled about the streets of Viyantil, a cold that clung to a person and sank down into their bones. It was of no help then, that the grey sky seemed near...
  9. Asta

    Private Tales A Swim In A Pond In The Rain

    “I ain’t lyin’, Anna!” “Asta.” The woman corrected. Really, one would think that someone would learn to the name of a person carrying a giant battle axe on their back, but Otto was the sort of old man who couldn’t remember a name much less a face. It made his story about the were-weasels highly...
  10. Vilen Blackhart

    Private Tales Far From the Tree

    A track road in the Allir Reach, sometime in the past... Along the edge of the wagon-rutted road, on the other side of a half-rotted fence, stood a gnarled old apple tree. It was one of the few landmarks of note, in a countryside otherwise dominated by thickets and barley fields. Small, yellow...
  11. Dante L Damasque

    Fable - Ask Unscrupulous Understandings

    The Cat's Whisker Inn, at the eastern edge of the Allir Reach A pound of flesh and bone against old worn wood. A clatter of tin cups, and a splash of drink that sprayed across old dyed robes of purple, "Then we have no deal, Master Ahronov, it is as simple as that," Ahronov sat across from the...
  12. Quintus Vexion

    Quest The Darkness In Our Hearts

    He'd stood before the Allirian Council, his energy radiating like a second sun in the Allir Keep. When the corpses of the little girls from the slums were shown to him, it compelled him to act. Despite his body being weak from previous use, Quintus had stood before his peers in the armor of his...
  13. Sigurd Ulfson

    Fable - Ask Inch By Inch, Mile by Mile

    The table before him had more empty mugs than he cared to count. The sun was blazing in the Allir Reach that day and even his tent did little to keep the sun away. He sat talking to himself as he always did. Smart men with weak arms liked to say that it was a sign that his mind was sharp. That...
  14. Kristen Pirian

    Private Tales The Beast Within

    "Deliver the Whispering Dark to me..." said Khorvayne, the sorceress who had charmed her way into One-Horn's camp and gained a delightful audience with him. Her hand reached up and gently brushed the underside of the minotaur's chin. "...and I shall see you...richly...rewarded." Suggestions of...
  15. Douglas Haley

    Fate - First Reply A Caravan Asunder

    Allir Reach Douglas had lost everything so many times it had become the story of his life - a criminal in Elbion after his reported murder of Eimur Emisol , his failure as a mercenary captain during the siege of Alcazar, along with his monumental destruction of a large portion of the city. All...
  16. Asta

    Fate - First Reply Finding Danger Before it Finds You

    [cred] The twilight sky brought everything beneath it in soft hues of blue and violets. Pneria, thank Kress, still had days before it would turn round and full with it’s ethereal blue light. The plans had given way to more of the rocky and expanses of mountain that were usually tied visually to...
  17. Cato

    Private Tales Baker's Dozen

    "...And I got no fucking reason to care do I?" Cato barked back at the nearest guard. The whole lot of them were bloody amateurs at best. Shouldn't have expected much with this sort of pay. He may have been a Blackshield captain but times were tough; whores weren't as cheap as they used to be...
  18. N'aschi Kona

    Fate - First Reply An Afternoon Snack

  19. Askandr Korotkov Stryzga

    Private Tales A Wild Hunt

    Hunting never was clean. By its very essence, it could never be the gentleman's sport nobles made it out to be. Hunting was instinctual, primal. One could dress it in gold and sash it with regal composure, but it was and still is animalistic at its depths. Askandr knew of this, a fact of life...
  20. Askandr Korotkov Stryzga

    Open Chronicles Blood and Burdens

    The night air loomed beneath the moon with an ominous mist, twisting against the thick trees of a small forest in the Allir Reach. It was late, a time when decent farm folk would never dare to walk the lands. And they knew why. There, in a forest clearing, laid a campsite, a tent that crumpled...