al mirabet

  1. White Swallow

    Quest The Descend of the Alsanunu

    As Nineban's shadow loomed over the deep gorge, It's bulk obscured by its rosy walls. It's presence imposing on the lone rider beneath. It felt almost like yesterday when he first rode towards this impressive fortress. Mayaddah led him downward, following the donning river Rud until her hooves...
  2. White Swallow

    Open Chronicles Flight of the Alsanunu

    Swallow; A small migratory bird that stays year round in arid climates. It's low flight is a harbringer of bad weather. The day prior As Nineban's shadow loomed over the deep gorge, It's bulk obscured by its rosy walls. It's presence imposing on the lone rider beneath. Muffled were the beats...