Private Tales Kill Our Way to Heaven

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
- "Likewise." - He said. The corners of his mouth twisted slightly upwards, as a faint smirk permeated his features. It was a look of sly challenge.

He really did want to see what this girl had in store for him.

As Zephyrine dashed out of his field of vision, he maneuvered around the ruined structures to get into a better position to charge at the beast. With his war-hammer at the ready, he leaped and climbed past pillars of naked stone, and crumbling walls alike, until he found himself at an advantage point. The beast had moved, and now he stood at its rear.

He inspected it quickly. Those clawed hindlegs would be an issue. Ideally, he would get close and slash them to smithereens, but, alas, the blunt weapon he was armed with wasn't exactly meant for slashing. That not to mention that it was likely the beast was quicker than him at the draw, and would probably be able to slash his guts out faster than he could the creature's tendons.

With that said, the best solution seemed - to him at least - to be to inflict damage until the monster caved.

He took a deep breath, and lunged forward.

His leap was powerful, and it was enough - even if barely - to land him on the creature's back. His weight was enough to make the beast wobble, though the real hit came when his war-hammer smashed onto the back of the monster, the blunt coming crashing down with an audible crack. The first blow delivered, Ivan unsheathed a second knife from his belt, and, with a lightning fast movement, thrust downwards, and slashed, aiming for the beast's rear leg tendons.
As he pulled both his weapons back, he would then make a quick dash back up a ruined wall, as he knew the creature would soon shift its focus to him.
  • Aww
Reactions: Zephyrine
Zephyrine admired from afar. Her smile was one born from amusement and anticipation, knowing that now Ivan had made his attack, it was now back on her to attract the beastly thing.

Lowering her blades, the points resting on the ground, Caddel backed up and dragged the steel. It grated, and the vibrations would tip off the creature. It's ugly face snapped her way, and she paused, raising her blades but using her boot to scrunch at the loose dirt beneath it. The creature squealed again, whipping it's sniffling nose in her direction.

"How's the view up there?" She called out, grinning at the creature but her words directed to Ivan. They were to have fun today, and given that this foul thing was distraction from that, why not bring back their planned day of fun?

Zephyrine stared into the blind eyes of the creature, wondering why it had them in the first place if it did not need it below ground.

It advanced, and Zephyrine ran, circling the wall that Ivan stood upon. She could hear it getting closer, but the sheer grin on her face gave away that she was toying, that she could indeed run faster if she so wished to.
  • Bless
Reactions: Ivan Skender
He watched on in silence as Zephyrine ran circles around the creature. He bore an amused smile, his brow raised, as his face took on a nonchalantly playful expression.

As Zeph continued, he measured their rhythm - hers and the creature’s, as they both went on their merry go-round around the wall.

1, 2, 3,... 1, 2, 3, 4…

When he got their pace, his grip on the hilt of the war-hammer tightened, and at last he replied.

- “Not too bad, you know.” - He replied, his tone loud enough that the head of the creature below immediately snapped up, from where the voice had come. It was what he’d been expecting.

Without so much as a split-second of hesitation, he leapt from his perch, only to land on the creature’s back, his hammer crashing into the beast’s thick skull with a dry thud.

- “But I much prefer it from down here.” - Though he was - quite literally - mounted atop a feral monster from underground, Ivan’s eyes were fixed on the Zeph’s, the corners of his lips curled ever-so-slightly upwards on a faint, sly smile.

This was a game for him.

He then jumped off the beast’s back. Powerful, even though his attack had been, it had not been enough to finish off the creature. Alas, its skull was much too sturdy for his miniature hammer.

Instead, he swaggered a few paces backwards, his boots thudding carelessly on the stone floor, and his war-hammer crashing into the abandoned structures, metal into stone, as he swivelled it to and fro every ruined pillar he walked past.

- “It’s your turn now, shy girl.” - He called out loudly, as he smashed a loose stone with his hammer. - “Show me what you got.”
  • Frog Cute
Reactions: Zephyrine
There was a strange moment that her heart did something. There was a swell in her chest, watching the boy's handsome face crook a small smile as he looked down at her from atop the raging creature.

Oh, Kress...

It only made her smile, slightly allured to the vision Ivan was. Of course, the creature was foul and ugly, but mounted above, the sun hit Ivan's back in a way that painted him to be a holy warrior. Even as he jumped from it's back, effortlessly walked towards her, and still kept the attention of the creature.

By now, it's skull would have had some damage, but not enough to kill it. Dazed, the creature looked unsteady on it's feet. The long nails curled into the dirt and earth, sniffing after Ivan.

Show me what you got.

Zephyrine rose to his challenge.

Tossing aside her dual blades, they shattered upon hitting the ground but her magic was already repurposing the metal and fragments into something else.

Caddel created a spear out of pure steel. It was at least six feet long, and it's point, it spiraled into a point that showed off her mastery in Recreation. Above the point were wings, four of them evenly spaced in a circle, and meant to do damage if drawn out from a body. Zephyrine advanced, catching Ivan's icy grey eyes as she twirled her wrist and fashioned her spear in an elaborate spin and flourish.

"Maybe it's time to go for it's heart." She declared.
  • Devil
Reactions: Ivan Skender
His diversion worked.

Not that he would have time to enjoy his triumph, however. Though dazed, the creature still dashed after him. It was slower, yes, but it still had some vigour left in it still.

The first charge he dodged expertly, sidestepping the monster’s ugly muzzle, and then taking the chance to smash his hammer against the best’s skull once more.

After that though, he bolted, dashing past Zephyrine, with the beast quickly recovering, and in hot pursuit after him. Ivan then cut a corner, and afterwards another, and another. The creature followed him intently, its step nearly in-lock with his, though by this point, with all the damage it had endured, the beast was starting to slow down. This dodge, or that sidestep, it could catch-up with, but a swift dash in between the somewhat labyrinthine ruins proved a step too far for the creature’s agility.

As the two of them ran full circle, almost back to their starting position, the beast tripped on a few, loose boulders left in the passage. It crashed into a ruined wall, sending the rickety stone wobbling, and then keeled over, leaving its belly exposed.

- “Now, Caddel!” - He bellowed. - “Finish it!” -
  • Wonder
Reactions: Zephyrine
Ivan knew how to captivate and keep the attention on him, and the poor creature was fool enough to follow Ivan's tauntings.

It gave Zephyrine time to examine the body, to plan where to strike. By the time Ivan brought the creature back around, Zephyrine found the position she wanted to be in to wedge her spear into it's chest. With Ivan's encouragement, she took off as fast as she could while maintaining the perfect balanced hold of her spear and did not falter as the creature moved, alert that she was approaching.

Even as the creature slowly got to their feet, staggering towards her, Zephyrine planted her feet in place.

The ugly, oversized rodent rose slightly onto their hind legs, and in the two seconds before it could crash down onto her, the red haired girl tilted her spear. The point pierced through ribs and found the heart, using the force of the beastly thing to kill it.

But it meant Zephyrine was still in it's path. It's hulking body fell atop her, and for a few seconds after it's dying squeal, there was silence.

No movement at all.
  • Stressed
Reactions: Ivan Skender
He saw the creature stand on its hind legs, as it prepared to deliver the crushing blow. He then saw Zeph’s spear pierce through its flesh. He saw the beast tumble over, burying the girl as it fell dead on the grounds.

Then he saw nothing else.

He waited and waited, but nothing came of that great mound of flesh. No movement, no sound.

At length, he walked over to it. Tapped it with his foot to make sure it was dead. Sure as hell it seemed like it was.

Then he bent over, and put his hand to the carcass. Black mist started to pour out, fanning out and digging into the beast’s fallen body. As they did, the flesh started to rot, skin paling, while the flesh beneath darkened and broke. Eventually, all of it disappeared, corroded away by the power of the magic.

He stood over where he’d last seen the girl bury her spear into the creature.

In time, his magic should decay away enough flesh for him to get to her.
  • Cry
Reactions: Zephyrine
When she felt the weight shift, she was sure the beast had lived. Anger and frustration registered in her through the darkness that covered and suffocated her. Then, her chest heaved as her lungs forced her to breathe and the air that filled her stung like a thinly sliced cut. She winced, testing her movement beneath the beast and gasped as mobility returned to her.

Through a rotting carcass, Zephyrine pushed herself up to her hands and knees. Groaning, she paused as she assessed whether her pain came from wounds or simply from being crushed and suffocated.

Then, her head lifted, taking another greedy breathe of air and looked to Ivan. Tawny eyes fell onto the beast, seeing the rot that the blond boy commanded. It brought a smile to her face.
"Well, Skender. What a team we make." The red head now moved to stand on her two feet, stepping out and away from the rotting corpse and made a face at any pieces that clung to her.

Great. She was going to need to bathe to get this stink off her.

"Perhaps we should train closer to the Academy next time..." Zephyrine looked around, seeing the damage left to the ruins. "Let's head back. The longer I smell like this, the more I think you're going to think less of me." She laughed.
  • Aww
Reactions: Ivan Skender
He let out a hearty chuckle in response to her comment. He then wrapped his arm around Zephyrine's shoulders as she stood on the carcass, rather oblivious to all the blood and rotten flesh that covered her.

- "Impossible." - He said as he gazed forward, his eyes sweeping the horizon. In between the wooden wall of tall trees and high bushes all around them, the highest towers of the Academy could be seen, well below their little perch.

He turned to Zephyrine. The sun was shining upon her again, its rays catching her hair, and lighting it on a beautiful fiery hue, while her tawny eyes lit up as they reflected the golden rays.

Damn, she was pretty.

He smiled at her.

- "Plus, there's no girl in this world that doesn't look all the prettier with a smidge of gore on her." -

He lifted her chin up with his hand, so that her eyes locked in with his. For a moment he just stood there, the two of them frozen in time as the world seemingly stood still around them.

Then he kissed her.​