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How did it all go so wrong?
Suleiman lay with his back bent on the edge of a table that had toppled over onto its side during the scuffle, half standing and half in the halted process of falling over to the ground. He lay there dazed, staring up at the ceiling, but not quite out yet. His friends, Turgut and Dogan, were both reeling on the ground, and two of his enemies, Goldu and Byrrin, lay splayed out nearby. Harad Gildal, the chief instigator of this all, and the young noble student who was something of a rival, if not a nemesis, to Suleiman, leaned on the library counter, barely holding himself up with both his arms upon the counter's surface, panting and recovering but, like Suleiman, not quite out of it yet. Worst of all, poor Melek! Melek Ishikal had gotten mixed up in all this, and she had taken a wayward blow, and she, too, lay on the ground, her hands pressed to her head in a feeble attempt to nurse her injury.
Now they were all a mess. Seven Quaestors, future Praetors, Gild's finest, Regel's chosen even, all caught in this squabble which had started from something so damn petty. But it had come to this regardless.
Harad pushed himself back up onto his feet.
And then a small ray of evening light, coming through the westward window of the library, came to warm Suleiman's face. It was invigorating. And, if nothing else, a sign. That's right.
Suleiman righted himself, stood tall again on his own two feet as well. This had to end one way or another, right? They were all going to be punished for this, no matter what, so best to win this thing and teach Harad a lesson.
"You look like you want to taste the floor with your buddies," said Suleiman to Harad.
And then he closed in and threw a punch.