Recent content by Zuulkan Tir'Xhal

  1. Zuulkan Tir'Xhal

    The Great Ones The Great Ones Beneath

    His words met with naught but silence, Zuulkan simmered. Of course the situation suddenly unfolding wouldnt have allowed him to speak of his divinations even as they began to come true. The world shook and the cavern back to Zar'Ahal collapsed before the commander's eyes. The way back closed for...
  2. Zuulkan Tir'Xhal

    The Great Ones The Great Ones Beneath

    "Or'shanse gultah vlos d'u'ilk Or'shanse gultah vlos d'u'ilk Usstan gultah l'vlos d'nindol or'shanse whol zhaunil" Zuulkan Tir'Xhal whispered in a low voice, a ceremonial dagger held before him, its point aimed down at the bare chest of the young human strapped to the offering table. The room...