Recent content by Zinnia

  1. Zinnia

    Private Tales Now In This New Light

    The gold-eyed girl didn't know much how to respond. Mother Millicent was kind, of course, but Zinnia was not quite so comfortable as to want to remain in this hug for much longer. Thankfully, the matron patted her on the arms and released her after only a few more moments. "The Academy has...
  2. Zinnia

    Private Tales Now In This New Light

    Zinnia followed suit, trailing after Kristen. Within the foyer of the old orphanage a flood of memories, though hazy, surged into the girl's mind. Laughter and tears and shouting, all indistinct, played like an echoing symphony across the inner walls of her skull. It was simultaneously...
  3. Zinnia

    Open Chronicles Heart & Hearth Day - 2025

    To: "Howl" I wouldn't change a thing about you, and I am so happy to have met you as you are. You, more than anyone, have my heart and my trust, whatever shape things may take. I think about that night often. You made me feel like no one else ever has. I'll never forget that, nor regret it. I...
  4. Zinnia

    Private Tales Now In This New Light

    Her gold eyes scanned the place, her memories cross referenced as best they could with what they observed. "The complex has expanded...which...I d-don't really know where they would have gotten the funding. It was a pretty humble place when I was here. I only remember it being one building...
  5. Zinnia

    Private Tales Dealings in Duality

    It wasn't difficult to sense that hesitation. Why was he so cautious? Was he afraid of hurting Zinnia? Or just afraid of her? If how closely Kilien otherwise pulled her to him was anything to go off of, she couldn't imagine that it was that. Not anymore. When he pulled back, there was a brief...
  6. Zinnia

    Open Chronicles Heart & Hearth Day - 2025

    Somewhere among a quiet cemetery towards the interior of Vel Anir, a young woman traipses silently among the graves. Among the many illustrious and ornate tombs and mausoleums of nobles and their families, a more simple headstone sits alone in a quiet corner, new and yet forgotten. The young...
  7. Zinnia

    Private Tales Now In This New Light

    Zinnia breathed. "It's fine. It's just a place," she said, pushing some of the excess hair out of her face. "I don't know...m-maybe this could be good for me...we can kill two birds with one stone here." She started to walk forward, wanting to push past the conversation, but quickly realized...
  8. Zinnia

    Private Tales Now In This New Light

    Her eyes once more sought refuge among the cobblestone beneath her. Maybe if she divorced herself from her own history and thought of the place as nothing more than a landmark she could bear the idea of it better. "Heh...yeah...only way they could have g-gotten away with keeping the 'Saint'...
  9. Zinnia

    Private Tales Budding Friendship and the Worst Sandwich

    Zinnia raised a finger as if to protest, but stopped. "I...hmm..." That finger came to rest under her chin as she thought about Rhidian's angle. "I have a b-bit of a black thumb when it comes to growing things..." Seri cooed curiously above her. "Except hatterpillars!" she corrected herself...
  10. Zinnia

    Private Tales Budding Friendship and the Worst Sandwich

    Golden eyes rolled high, a reluctant look of amusement on Zinnia's mien. "That's not what I m-meant! It's about where the stuff comes from, how it was grown, or raised, or made! Not all meats are equal. And bad veggies or poorly made cheese can ruin the whole th-thing!" She shook her head, a...
  11. Zinnia

    Private Tales Dealings in Duality

    Zinnia's eyes squeezed shut at first. She expected rejection, even from someone who had admitted to being like her. She hated her form so could he not? She flinched slightly as she felt the touch of Kilien's fingers on her wing, her breath held in her chest. Slowly, so slowly, her...
  12. Zinnia

    Private Tales Budding Friendship and the Worst Sandwich

    Zinnia snrrk'd. Rhidian had a way of keeping her from feeling like an idiot that was hard to come by. At this, she took another bite. "Anything that I didn't cook mys-self, yeah," she grinned. "I just wish ingredients weren't so exp-pensive...speaking of, I should ask about the recipe, for how...
  13. Zinnia

    Private Tales Now In This New Light

    More explanation, more intent listening. Zinnia watched with curious eyes as she followed Kristen. She knew loosely of Sable Pembroke (he was always so friendly back at the Academy, but still so intimidating with how large he was), and knew of Zael only through their brief interaction back in...
  14. Zinnia

    Private Tales Now In This New Light

    That Kristen should have such immense patience for Zinnia only proved to her how blessed she was to be able to know her. She was a radiant evening star, and Zinnia could do little except chase after her, reaching and grasping at that which she could never obtain...or perhaps did not deserve. At...
  15. Zinnia

    Private Tales Budding Friendship and the Worst Sandwich

    And so a new sandwich was delivered, to equal parts chagrin and delight of Zinnia. She smiled nervously at the server, and then at Rhidian once she'd left. "I'm as r-ready as I'll ever be," she said with a weak laugh. The girl sunk her teeth into the sandwich, prominent, sharp fangs delving...