Recent content by Zephyrine

  1. Zephyrine

    Private Tales Kill Our Way to Heaven

    When she felt the weight shift, she was sure the beast had lived. Anger and frustration registered in her through the darkness that covered and suffocated her. Then, her chest heaved as her lungs forced her to breathe and the air that filled her stung like a thinly sliced cut. She winced...
  2. Zephyrine

    Fable - Ask Breaking The Chains

    Zephyrine was not going to argue with the Stranger, but she did not let go of her doubt that the woman was in no shape to ride. Then they would leave the cart. The horse was sturdy enough to carry the both of them. "Here." Zephyrine kneeled, prepared to help the Stranger up to the horse. She...
  3. Zephyrine

    Private Tales Kill Our Way to Heaven

    Ivan knew how to captivate and keep the attention on him, and the poor creature was fool enough to follow Ivan's tauntings. It gave Zephyrine time to examine the body, to plan where to strike. By the time Ivan brought the creature back around, Zephyrine found the position she wanted to be in...
  4. Zephyrine

    Private Tales Kill Our Way to Heaven

    There was a strange moment that her heart did something. There was a swell in her chest, watching the boy's handsome face crook a small smile as he looked down at her from atop the raging creature. Oh, Kress... It only made her smile, slightly allured to the vision Ivan was. Of course, the...
  5. Zephyrine

    Fable - Ask Breaking The Chains

    Zephyrine groaned and came up to take some weight of the young woman, hastening her steps but slowing down the Dreadlord considerably. "It's a black horse." She provided. There was a saddle and gear, probably too much weight to add two people to it. She would need to construct something, like...
  6. Zephyrine

    Private Tales Kill Our Way to Heaven

    Zephyrine admired from afar. Her smile was one born from amusement and anticipation, knowing that now Ivan had made his attack, it was now back on her to attract the beastly thing. Lowering her blades, the points resting on the ground, Caddel backed up and dragged the steel. It grated, and the...
  7. Zephyrine

    Private Tales Kill Our Way to Heaven

    Zeph weighed their options, but a nod of agreement came shortly. Then, it was the matter of deciding who would distract and who would strike. She had thought of telling Ivan he had the role of serving as the distraction, but then her eyes fell on the warhammer. It was not built to be a...
  8. Zephyrine

    Fable - Ask Breaking The Chains

    Getting rid of the underling had been easy, but the pain searing through her caused her to grit her teeth. She was a Dreadlord. This pain could not stop her, not when they were taught to overcome such small hurdles. She got up, going to the girl and nodding as they ducked beneath the stone...
  9. Zephyrine

    Private Tales Kill Our Way to Heaven

    The rock did exactly as Ivan had hoped for. His knife disappeared, and a moment later, a squeal pierced their ears. It made Zephyrine flinch, but the movement jolted her awake and moving. Her hand fisted a handful of rocky debris, tossing them down in the direction of Ivan's knife, using his...
  10. Zephyrine

    Open Chronicles The March of War

    Zephyrine saw it all in their eyes, the moments after Arn gave the command. So many were tired, exhausted, and wondering when will this all end after they had endured so much. Her head turned, the door looking flimsy despite holding all this time. "I've got the door!" She called, moving...
  11. Zephyrine

    Open Chronicles Heart & Hearth Day - 2025

    To the Kraken’s Bane, I only know I am capable of seeing more of this world because of you. You were the one laying in that cot in the medic’s office after your battle with the kraken, losing hope on an amazing future of adventure, but the moment I informed you that I learned to heal with your...
  12. Zephyrine

    Private Tales Kill Our Way to Heaven

    The tremors were surprising enough to throw her off balance, but as soon as Ivan went into action, so did she. She followed him, grateful for the fact that he made sure to give her a helping hand up and not abandon her there. If he had, she wouldn't have difficulty to create her own footholds to...
  13. Zephyrine

    Open Chronicles The March of War

    Zephyrine managed a weak smile to the medic, but was unable to think of something to say that would discredit her own help. She couldn't take pain away, but only recreate what was once in reality. An hour. Kress, they might as well be fucked. They had many wounded or tired, any kind of...
  14. Zephyrine

    Private Tales Kill Our Way to Heaven

    Zephyrine stared at him a moment longer, almost convinced of taking matters into her own hands and getting that kiss she had been so eager to do just mere moments ago, but the call to a fight seemed to be more alluring. Fighting was what she knew best, these newfound emotions? She could get to...
  15. Zephyrine

    Fable - Ask Breaking The Chains

    There was no time to assess what she had seen in the peripherals, that the spear of the stranger pierced through and the lack of blood or pained breath from the wound made Zephyrine's heart sink. Dust, caught on the wind and blowing away. A foe that could not be killed. That thought alone did...