Recent content by Xylthe

  1. Xylthe

    Private Tales The Old Ways

    Xylthe wanted to throw up. The only thing stopping her from doing so was that Senvid was being so sweet to her and she didn't want to throw up over him. She kept her eyes firmly on ahead. She had no idea what 'ahead' was really, her eyes didn't focus on a particular stone or curve of the other...
  2. Xylthe

    Private Tales The Old Ways

    At least if he dropped her her death might be quick when she hit the bottom. Or, you'll survive just long enough for him to get you. Broken enough that there will be nothing you can do. Xylthe swallowed that dread and all thoughts of what might happen should this go wrong. They had to get across...
  3. Xylthe

    Private Tales The Old Ways

    "No," Xylthe whispered. Whilst he had been busy tying off the rope so that she shouldn't plummet to her death, the Avendrow had attempted standing on the lisp of it to figure out how exactly she would convince her legs to push her over the edge. There was just the rope that now promised to keep...
  4. Xylthe

    Private Tales The Old Ways

    "O-o-okay," Xylthe nodded and sunk her teeth into her bottom lip to keep it from wobbling. Tears pricked behind her eyes brought on by the oppressive weight of fear and exhaustion that had been built up over the last few weeks. It made sense the dam would begin to break soon. She just wish it...
  5. Xylthe

    Private Tales The Old Ways

    Was she really that afraid of a fall that she would walk back into Velkyn's arms? A shudder ran down her spine yet still Xylthe hesitated to step back and agree. She knew she was wasting precious time by arguing this and it probably looked pathetic to the young Drow who was trying to get her to...
  6. Xylthe

    Private Tales The Old Ways

    Xylthe made no move to peel herself off the wall she clutched. "You go. I'll find another way." Even blindfolded she knew she wouldn't be able to take the step off that edge to be pulled to the other side. It was too much trust in a person and whilst Senvid had gotten her this far, had proved...
  7. Xylthe

    Private Tales The Old Ways

    "You want me to trust a bunch of knots sailors use to hurl... to hurl fish?" Xylthe sounded incredulous. She peaked over the edge of the ravine and as she shuffled closer loose stones tumbled down. And down. And down. She couldn't hear them hit the bottom. How long would it take for her body to...
  8. Xylthe

    Private Tales The Old Ways

    "Pull me over?" Xylthe squeaked and stared at him with open terror. Then down. Then back to him somehow even more terrified. "Can't I just go through the Shadows with you?"
  9. Xylthe

    Private Tales The Old Ways

    Xylthe had to smile every now and then as the young Drow lectured her about a world she had lived in for centuries. She didn't stop him or moan or roll her eyes. His voice was pleasant to listen to and it kept her awake. She even asked a few questions that seemed to make him grow a little taller...
  10. Xylthe

    Private Tales The Old Ways

    Xylthe laughed hoarsely. "Without you, I don't think I will make it to the surface. Look at me," she half glanced to him. Her eyes were bloodshot where the vessels had burst with the sheer effort of continuing beyond when she should have given up. As the minutes ticked by she seemed to look...
  11. Xylthe

    Private Tales The Old Ways

    Xylthe felt like crying. She didn't want to run anymore, she just wanted to sleep forever. Her body felt like someone had tied iron weights to every limb and her muscles shook with the effort of moving then to take the offered food. "Thank you," even forming words took effort. Xy swayed...
  12. Xylthe

    Private Tales The Old Ways

    Xylthe could only nod, unsure and uncaring if he saw from how she was curled up on the floor, before she closed her eyes and slept properly for the first time in weeks. She had forgotten the Dreams. After her immediate capture and enslavement she had sought them out as a way to try and find her...
  13. Xylthe

    Private Tales The Old Ways

    "I can... I can manage," Xylthe said faintly. She hadn't realised she'd slumped so far down the wall and it took a hand from her saviour to get her back to her feet. Xy wouldn't let him carry her though; if they were suddenly ambushed he would need to have his hands free in order to fight. She...
  14. Xylthe

    Private Tales The Old Ways

    Xylthe stopped when he called a halt and she dully took whatever he gave her with her hands flat out towards him. From the slight sheen to her eyes it was clear she was not all mentally there and only standing due to sheer willpower alone. She nodded mutely when he ordered her to stay. Orders...
  15. Xylthe

    Private Tales The Old Ways

    She'd been tortured for days, had been kept in a cell where sleep was forbidden, and had just run god knows how many miles down these tunnels. Exhausted was putting it mildly. She swayed when she took a step away from the rocky wall but determination set her jaw. He was right; if they stayed...