Recent content by Wren

  1. Wren

    Private Tales A hunter in the streets

    Didn't understand a single meaning behind that blather and she might've turned to give the woman an earful for her trouble - but she was far too annoyed already and just wanted to be on their way with a bounty in hand. That dark cloud may have stopped raining upon putting her feet on solid...
  2. Wren

    Private Tales A hunter in the streets

    It was an odd lead and Wren felt the same subtle curiosity hit her as Rainer, glancing to see if he'd marked a similar thought to she. Why, if this were such an important thing to make a point to tell supposed hunters to seek, was it then not posted to the board? Or had it been? Did one of those...
  3. Wren

    Private Tales A hunter in the streets

    Rainer was waxing introspective again. Wren snorted. Comfort. In a church. And she was the Queen of Falwood. Given the option she supposed she'd have chosen attending Church regularly over being possessed by a demon, but she hardly thinked the matters stood on equal ground. Churches, by and...
  4. Wren

    Private Tales A hunter in the streets

    She felt ... winded. As though the sudden dispersing of the entity's presence had taken her breath with it. A gloved hand found Rainer's arm as he moved to steady her and clamped down on him tightly. Even with barriers between skin, Wren still felt that soul-deep sense of comfort in his presence...
  5. Wren

    Private Tales A hunter in the streets

    Ceiling beams. They seemed to be a running theme for them when it came to hiding things. The hand that snatched the weapon from him was hasty like a territorial dragon reclaiming its nest. The blades and her armor were all that remained of her previous life and Wren kept them close to the chest...
  6. Wren

    Private Tales A hunter in the streets

    Wren might've liked to face the angry mob. At least in that instance she could have cleared her conscience by knowing, in complete absolution, those people had been crazed fanatics. Many of them had not been innocent, and so much as the idea of harming humans grew the bile of her stomach to...
  7. Wren

    Private Tales A hunter in the streets

    Some time later... The slow and steady burn of the wick was something she wasn’t sure she’d ever have enough patience for. Perhaps in her prior life of living, in the arms of a man she’d fallen deeply in love with, that cadence of dance had been common and welcome. But those were memories...
  8. Wren

    Private Tales A hunter in the streets

    Roving hands shifted over muscle, sinew, and scar - a map of things she'd not yet become familiar with. Wren could hardly recall much in the way of detail from the night at the farm house, so saturated by apple wine as she had been then. Aside from a now innately buried desire to puke at any...
  9. Wren

    Private Tales A hunter in the streets

    "No," she answered plainly, flecked eyes looking over his face in the most sober expression she'd worn in a while. Bereft of anger, pain, aggravation, hunger, grief, exhaustion ... everything that seemed to comprise her new life, she was for the moment ephemerally the woman she was before death...
  10. Wren

    Private Tales A hunter in the streets

    Wasn't entirely sure what he meant by we were together, but if he said the dream was nice then she thought she could guess. Either way, their present situation was indeed nicer than a dream because right now she felt the most clear minded she had in several days. Her doubts and worries were gone...
  11. Wren

    Private Tales A hunter in the streets

    She might've been able to drift back off to sleep, but the waves had startled adrenalin into her vampiric veins and a certain sense of tired restlessness settled in. Wren nuzzled in under Rain's chin where she could smother herself in his scent and hooked a leg through his own for good measure...
  12. Wren

    Private Tales A hunter in the streets

    "Waves," Wren replied to his mutterings, still clinging to the mattress, eyes screwed shut against the wobble still slowly drifting out of the sway. "Bigger boat-" shifting slightly, as she felt she had slid about a foot or two sideways from the disturbance, a grunt sounded as Wren pushed...
  13. Wren

    Private Tales A hunter in the streets

    Whether his continued slumber bled through to her own mind or simply the lack of actual restful sleep had truly caught up, Wren found herself drifting off again. Eventually the circles of her fingers grew still and she slipped back into that blissfully dark void of nothing and there she stayed...
  14. Wren

    Private Tales A hunter in the streets

    Too tired to argue, Wren gave in to the not-command and closed her eyes, hopeful for a dreamless sleep that wouldn't find her waking with another victim in her grasp. And perhaps somewhere there was a God watching over them, pitying of their trials and tribulations, merciful in the sleep...
  15. Wren

    Private Tales A hunter in the streets

    Never expected herself to get in the way of her own determinations. Wren took the proffered hand and sluggishly got to her feet. All prior desires had waned, set loose by the flood of tears and confessions. She didn't even bother to wipe the wet from her face as she turned for the bed and...