Victoria wasn't used to this. Her body had always felt somewhat separated from her emotions, a vessel of preserved flesh that reacted only to the strongest of stimuli. Only Fallon had been able to make her feel like she lived in her own skin, but when her wife was near it was a wonderful...
Victoria bit back the urge to playfully reply. She wanted Fallon to sleep, and teasing her usually resulted in something else entirely.
She settled in alongside Fallon, burying her nose and lips into the silver hair atop her head. While Fallon traced fiery paths across her back, Victoria swept...
"Flatterer..." Victoria muttered. Fallon's body heat was starting to get intoxicating. The sweet clarity of her voice covered the howling wind outside, and each touch and pull and kiss made Victoria feel totally, blissfully secure. She just wanted to go limp and somehow meld deeper into Fallon...
If Victoria were a better woman she would have felt guilt. She would have sympathized with Fallon’s changing sense of self and her relationship to her pack, and she would lament that she had been a cause for such turmoil.
Victoria was not a better woman. She loved Fallon telling her how many...
Though she smiled, Victoria felt the seriousness of Fallon’s warning. The bonds she had left here were stronger than anything Victoria could imagine. She doubted she would ever fully understand, even if Fallon tried to teach her. This felt like something that only a Garou could know, and the...
Victoria watched Fallon's rippling transformation, transfixed as she always was with how quickly one body mutated into another. Without the thick coat of fur Fallon's body heat was thrown from her in waves, hitting Victoria square in the face and causing her to inhale reflexively. Even the...
Victoria wiped snow from the bridge of her nose and dusted off her hair. The flakes did not melt upon contact with her skin, making her feel very much like the surrounding trees as the powder accumulated on her. Fallon did not share her cold blood, but the massive wolf showed no signs of...
The lower Spine’s first snows had come hard and fast and heavy, swallowing the world in white. The trees shivered in the wind like they were trying to throw the powder from their branches, but for every flake shed two took its place, and bows creaked beneath the growing weight. The forest...
Victoria stayed by the bedside as Fallon made her circuit of the room, blocking out the approaching dawn and quelling the flames in the hearth. The cool darkness was pleasant, though the fire had not made her eyes water the way it usually did.
She wanted to melt into Fallon at her touch and...
Victoria moved to Fallon's bedside abruptly, stopping quick enough that the ends of her hair tickles Fallon's cheeks. Her hands hovered above Fallon's shoulders for an instant before very gently making contact. She was still adjusting to the immense strength that had only just started to wane...
Fear in a feral beast can be indistinguishable from rage. Victoria's mind was fraying beneath the electric current of Fallon's holy blood, and it was hard to focus when she could sense everything around them. She could hear the hearts of the black mares almost as loudly as Fallon's own, and...
"Fallon!" Victoria shouted, as though that would rouse her love from her weariness. In any other circumstance it may have worked, for her cry was loud enough to shake the windows of their carriage and carried a deep timbre it had not borne before. Her vision was both blurred and impossibly...
Fresh blood rushed into Victoria’s mouth, and her starved body surged into action. Her jaw locked around Fallon’s throat, four sharp punctures surrounding a soft and desperate tongue that lapped up wave after wave. Her arms were bound by Fallon’s iron embrace, but her fingers reached out to grab...
Victoria felt strong arms squeeze the air from her lungs. The was such a tenderness to what would otherwise be a violent act, a tenderness amidst unbreakable power that defined Fallon better than words ever could. The vampire obeyed, closing her eyes and trying to think of another place...
Those words loosed an ancient sound from Victoria's throat: a breathy, gutterral hiss that could almost be a growl. Her lips quivered as they received conflicting commands to stay closed versus open wide, and Victoria made a conscious effort to keep her glimmering eyes open. If she could see...
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